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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I think White is a good player but not sure he fits the defense. He is a downhill, aggressive, blitzing specialist. Tampa use him on run blitzes and pass rush blitzes a lot. That is his strongest suit. That isn't this defense (I know some fans have played Madden and want us to blitz every play and so would love it). He has struggled in coverage. Unless the Bills are massively re-casting their D he is not the answer.
  2. To be fair we speeded up again yesterday. It was Sunday and Monday that was a bit painful. EDIT: and also trades tend to slow down in the 3rd because people don't like to accept compensation that they can't spend in this process. I have tried trading up in the 3rd in previous version and people don't want your 4th or 5th rounders because they don't get to use them.
  3. If you think a guy is slot only you do not take him in round 1. I don't think Addison is myself. I think he can play outside and inside. He is at his best IMO in a creative system where he is going to be moved around the formation. Sort of like the 49ers use Aiyuk. I know Aiyuk is a bit thicker but for me Addison has a better release package than Aiyuk did coming out. I like that pick. I have a late 2nd on him. The value at the moment the way this draft has gone is corners and edge rushers.
  4. I see White a little bit more as a 5 tech rather than a pure off the edge rusher. That's why I say maybe he isn't what the Bills need in their scheme, but then that was my view on Boogie Basham as well (I also liked Boogie less as a player, but positionally I felt the same) and the Bills drafted him so maybe the Bills would be interested. Yea, maybe presented with this list I'd just go my highest grade is White and pick him. I think 40 might be kind.... I only have 31 with mid second or higher grades.
  5. Well it looks like I am waaaaay off the consensus here. I don't even have a 3rd on Benton. I have a high 4 on him. He is the slowest guy off the ball every snap. I think he is a decent run stuffer but we are talking about the 59th overall pick. This is a guy who is barely in the top 100 for me (I need to count up but he is right around the point on my board this year where the 100th rated player is). He can be an NFL starting 1 tech but he has almost no use on passing downs. He would be a good replacement for Daquan Jones. Who was drafted in the 4th round too btw. He would be horrible value for me at #59. I get it he might have a higher grade in other places, I'm just one guy, what do I know? But there is no way based on my evaluation of his tape I'd consider him at this spot. The top 3 guys left by my board are not on the poll. Two of them are corners (which might be why), the other is a pass rusher who I'd take in an instant here. The best player left on my board who is on the poll is Keion White, but I'm not sure he is a perfect scheme fit for the Bills. Likewise the second highest graded player I have off the list Daiyan Henley. Not sure he fits what the Bills want to do. So my vote is for Byron Young, Defensive End, Tennessee. He DOES fit the Bills scheme, very well indeed. And they have had him in for a visit. Not only would I make him the pick, presented with this board I think he is who Brandon Beane would pick.
  6. I really thought he was a slam dunk coming out. He might be as wrong as I have ever been about a player I was absolutely certain would hit. I had a huge grade on him. If he was in this class my grade on him would have him clear as the best player in the class. Think it all but locks in corner for the Lions at #6.
  7. If there is a DJ Reader they should absolutely be in on him. I think they are alright at 1 tech this year with DaQuan Jones, but I wasn't a big fan of what we got from Tim Settle last year and if there is a young 1 tech they can groom to take the starting job next year they should be in on that. But I don't want just a big fat bloke. I want someone who has some penetration skills as well as being able to anchor in the run game.
  8. Think fracturing is maybe a bit strong. Straining is more the term I have heard used. But I take the point re. finding another legit receiver. The issue is not surr there is that guy in this class.
  9. Not looked at Mapu at all. Will add him to the small list of guys I might still try to get to.
  10. I sometimes exchange DMs with a couple of the prominent bloggy / fan site folks and while I'm not saying they know everything they often do have bits of intel and they independently of one another have both said that people they speak to say that relationship was strained by the end of the year. One described it as "the bromance stage of the relationship is over." That doesn't mean (and never meant) Diggs was going to be traded or that they hate each other's guts or that they can't work through whatever issues they had. It just means it wasn't as it had been previously between the two down the stretch last year. And as you rightly say, you could safely surmise that just from observing the side-line footage. I think it is Colin Cowherd who says "nothing is everything, but everything is something." That is kinda how I feel on the Allen-Diggs thing. There was clearly a bit of disharmony, frustration, whatever... it doesn't mean the sky is falling but nor was it just fan fluff.
  11. I am quite sure they do too. I think the distinction I was trying to make (and I did seek to clarify in my follow up post) was the difference between the conversations internally between team leaders and coaching / FO vs what we "know" as fans are the sources of their frustration based on public statements. I have no doubt that Josh talked to Sean and Brandon in his exit interview about the mess they put in front of him this past year and on the frustrations he had with drops. I suspect he will also have said "and I played like ***** too often." Because it is the great thing about Josh. He starts with the man in the mirror.
  12. Except Ralph's list which was "Marv Levy, Buddy Nix, the 75 year old drunk man who sits in the park shouting at the birds, LIST ENDS."
  13. He looks maybe a little too thick for playing QB if anything...
  14. So he is my next Tight End (my TE6 overall). But I have him late 3rd. I don't see the upside there with him to make him a second round pick. Groot was a "top 30" meeting. They happened differently that year because it was covid. They were all zooms but they 100% had one with Groot. And Elam was a top 30 visit last year. Was only reported in the final 48 hours before the draft. So the fact we haven't heard about someone being in doesn't mean they haven't been in. But I would strongly hedge towards whoever they select in round 1 having been a top 30 visit. They have never taken a first rounder who wasn't.
  15. I just get the sense (and it is only my gut) that they are not going OL early. I have said before that I think Beane tells you more than he means to when he speaks. There are countless examples of that and Spencer Brown was the latest. I think they are more convinced on him than the fanbase is and I believe they are pretty wedded to him being their Right Tackle this season. I have been sceptical on Torrence both in that they have never taken a guard high and have tended to bargain bucket shop in FA and because I don't see the player as a very good fit at all for what Kromer runs. But they are having him for a top 30 visit so maybe I am off on that. I'd still be pretty shocked if he were the pick. My sense based on listening to every word Beane has said since the season ended is the three positions that are in play for the Bills in the first two rounds are "offensive weapon" (probably receiver but could be a pass catching tight end), linebacker and defensive line. Now if a Paris Johnson or a Broderick Jones fell I am sure they'd pick them. I, like you, would be interested in Harrison if he is there at #27, just not getting that sense from the Bills.
  16. Interesting. I only have Kincaid and Mayer as 2nd round grades at Tight End. They are both gone and my next 3 who I have upper half of round 3 - LaPorta, Washington, Musgrave - are gone (and I suspect will be in the real draft too). I have one more round 3 tight end but he is a late 3rd and would be too rich for my tastes here. If I were to add my top tier of 3rd round grades (of those remaining at least) to my list I'd add: 1 RB 1 OG 1 EDGE 1 CB 2 S
  17. Equally play it the other way... we take a LBer at #27.... you get here now it is thin at receiver in terms of 2nd round talent (though there probably is more depth at that spot into rounds 3 and 4 than there is at LB). It is why my ideal is trade back 5 or 6 spots from #27 and then up 9 or 10 spots from #59. If they ended up with say #33 and #48.... then they are in striking distance to address receiver and linebacker. I'd like them to pick OL early too but my gut instinct is they will not go OL in the first two rounds unless someone massively falls to them.
  18. 100% true. I expected him to be fine when it came to testing but his performance surprised me. It has been said elsewhere how much football means to him. He is a smart kid from a good family, my guess is he did some serious combine training (which fair play to him if he did, it's a job interview, you should take it seriously) but I think that probably slightly overstates what kind of athlete you will get on the field on Sundays. I don't have a huge gap between him and Sanders, it is close on my board, but I have Sanders graded just a tad higher. And Simpson higher than both of them. I think Jack Campbell will have a solid career, but I think on this board at least he has an almost God like status which I am not sure he totally warrants.
  19. The Bills are now 6 picks away and I am down to: 1 WR - @Alphadawg7 took Downs who was my last true 2nd round receiver. Have a 2nd/3rd borderline guy still in play. 1 IOL - who will miss his entire rookie year with an ACL 0 DT - @NeverOutNick took Bresse. 2 EDGE 1 LB 3 CB - I took Forbes If we are starting from the premise that corner is off the list for the Bills given they have White, Elam, Jackson, Taron Johnson and Benford then it starts to look thin as a list of options.
  20. I have had my house renovated the first quarter of this year, but I have had to decorate myself as the budget was kinda blown. I feel like all I have done the last 3 or 4 weekends is paint. It is ***** harder than it looks as well. One day doing ceilings and my hamstrings were screaming at me the next 3 days from all the stretching. I basically couldn't walk!
  21. Stupid is as stupid does. Have they learnt nothing from Teven Jenkins?
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