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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. It looks when he stands up like the lines go away from behind him horizontally near side to far side. And you can see in the corner of the shot the corner of the endzone which based on the field lines can only be the near side endzone corner. And he doesn't even look close to being in. I don't think you need to know the exact location of the feet.
  2. I think he is out of bounds. I think he was out by the time he got his hands on it. Looking at the lines as he stands up after I think he is out on the near edge of the endzone.
  3. It looks to me like he was outside the field of play when he tries to catch it the first time, let alone the double clutch.
  4. *regular season. Bengald beat us by 17 in the playoffs. But it is why I throw that game out. The Bills for whatever reason never showed up that day. They looked flat. Josh looked like a zombie and I think they were done the moment the game started.
  5. Goff is the most disrespected QB in football over the past decade IMO.
  6. We will see. Don't remember it with Kumerow but Sherfield had a couple of standout days in camp last year. Didn't mean much once the season started.
  7. Is it the percentage of throws downfield that are inaccurate? Or is it the percentage of throws downfield that are incomplete due to inaccuracy? I think the latter but it isn't totally clear.
  8. Yep. Looking good isn't necessarily a good omen. Looking bad is always a bad omen. That's my view on offense at training camp generally.
  9. It is encouraging how consistently the O seems to have been performing through week 1 of camp. Obviously it is what it is, camp is camp, but it is encouraging. I do have some optimism around Joe Brady.
  10. I think people recognised LT as a premium position abd RT less so before the Blind Side came out.
  11. The way the NFL is set up with the draft and the salary cap means shooting for great when you have good is really difficult. Once you try and maximise the abilities of what you have which Miami has done the chance to upgrade at Quarterback becomes pretty remote. Miami doesn't have any other choice.
  12. I never watched Jack Kemp play, obviously, but I think rather than trying to work out his skillset translates (different game, different world) isn't a better question: "where was he ranked relative to his peers when he played?" i.e. was he a top 5 QB of his era? Top 10? Top half of the sport (appreciate a lot of his career was pre-merger)? Then look at how the modern equivalent for that level of QB gets treated by the market today.
  13. Exactly. The market sucks and we all know Tua isn't worth that deal, but you can't shout "stop the world I want to get off." You either pay it or some other team will and you are scrabbling around for a Quarterback with the teams considering starting Garnder Minshew and Sam Darnold.
  14. Agree that stat does seem to be more a combination of receiver and Quarterback on any given play than a pure receiver stat.
  15. https://espnanalytics.com/rtm I don't fully understand what the ratings are based on. But for "Open" he is 136th.
  16. It commented on it so will be findable somewhere in my posts, I'm out and about all day today so won't have time to try and dig out.
  17. Yea there seems to be a high degree of disagreement among the various metrics sites.
  18. It was on the ESPN thing the other day that had Samuel as only the 136th best separator in the league last year.
  19. Not sure they have had a great defense, but I take your point. And indeed SFs defense may feel better to us because it plays all those crap NFC offenses 12/17 games.
  20. Agree. I can imagine a world where in two years time people are talking about Love as in the elite bracket. His 2nd half of last season was pretty close to elite level Quarterbacking. Not sure we have ever seen that from Tua.
  21. I don't think that is a fair comparison but equally I take the point about the lack of value for Tua at that price.
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