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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I have no issue with City being invested in by oil money as such..... but they do need to declare it properly in accordance with the regulations. Remember UEFA found them guilty of FFP breaches and financial doping. They got off on a technicality that UEFA was out of time to bring the charge. If they were playing by the book with arab money that would be one thing. They are not.
  2. I have done it a myriad of ways over the years. My old man played with Steve Bould years ago and he used to get us most of our away tickets. Now I have a fair few mates who are part of the away scheme for silver members and sometimes I go to games they can't make. But I am sad to say I have only seen us in the flesh twice this season. Pathetic really when I live 4 miles away but life has a habit of getting in the way. And King Eric changed English football. There is no question about that. When he arrived the perception wae still that foreign players were "too soft" for our league. No Cantona? No Zola. No Bergkamp. No Henry.
  3. He has been awesome. I loved him at Brighton too. Every time I watched you he was your most impressive player.
  4. Yep. I have seen Arsenal there three times. A 0-0 in Fergie's first title year where Merson hit the bar from 40 yards out. A 1-0 defeat in Wenger's first season, Winterburn OG. And the FA Cup Quarter Final win where Welbeck scored in 2015. Have seen a few other games there in my time including the Champions League game where the original Ronaldo ruined them for Madrid and England games during the Wembley redevelopment. That is a bad comparison. Arsenal are not glitzy the way the Cowboys are. If I was going to compare them to an NFL franchise it would be the Rams (not just because of the same owner). They had a spectacular team in the early part of the century that should have won more than it did and then a slump to basically irrelevance that it took a young head coach with a new dynamism to shake.
  5. I mean that is a slight exaggeration. But Manchester is a city divided. City to the East, United to the west. United have a lot of out of towners in the way City don't (or didn't until recently) but they have a good following in Manchester too.
  6. I am sure he does. But the reality is a civil trial is NOT a substitute for a criminal prosecution. To believe it is would be to misunderstand the law. He wasn't. Grand Jury chooses not to indict 11 March Traded 18 March Civil cases settled August Why?
  7. City in fairness had a hard core. I watched Crewe win at Maine Road in the third tier in the late 90s and there were 25,000 fans st a third tier game. The issue is that was basically their entire proper fanbase.
  8. Err... the Browns traded for Watson BEFORE the civil cases settled. The trigger was the grand jury refusing to indict. Now he is a franchise QB. Araiza is a punter. So the same doesn't necessarily hold. But Watson was traded for within a week of the grandy jury decision.
  9. It is the life of every sports fan. You lose more than you win. That is life.
  10. I love being accused of bringing down western society. I live for it.
  11. A civil case should not be legitimate grounds to end a guy's career. The burden is lower for a very good reason. You are not found guilty in a civil case. You are found liable.
  12. Don't love the second half of your post, but this is absolutely spot on.
  13. They stumbled, sure. But they can still equal the invincibles. They are facing a financially doped cheat. It is like coming second in the Tour de France to Lance Armstrong.
  14. Trust me, he is a wife.
  15. I dunno..... I think my partner had a body count in the dozens by 25.
  16. You think Arsenal UNDER performed this year? I mean it is our best season since 2008.... but sure.
  17. What about men with a body count in the dozens before they hit 25?
  18. Plastic club. Arab money. Hala Madrid.
  19. They took the right choice. It was right he didn't play while the investigation was ongoing. And to keep him the Bills would have had to use up a roster spot on a guy who wasn't going to play all year. But Matt can allegedly prove he wasn't where she claims the assualt took place. If that is true - and it is widely reported - the medical examination is not relevant to her claim against him.
  20. Me and you both teef.
  21. Because the percentage chance of a 6th rounder hitting is so low. If you get one of the few that does you deserve credit. It is the inverse of round 1. Ed Oliver is a good football player. He'd start on like 28 of the 32 NFL teams. But he was a top 10 pick so you don't get credit for that, because in round 1 you are expected to draft starters. You get heavily criticised in round 1 if you draft a bust. You only get credit if you draft a stud. In round 6 if you draft a bust nobody cares, that is the expectation. If you draft a starter that is the exception so you get credit.
  22. I agree re: Taylor and he is definitely overpaid. But until proven otherwise he is better than Spencer Brown. Think that is fair. If Spencer ever puts it together that might be a different story, but as of now here today going into year 3 Spencer is still a talented project, not a proven commodity.
  23. That is not correct. A player who has never played in the league is not eligible for the commissioner's exempt list.
  24. I agree that is part of the reason, but we have over-corrected. Certainly in the UK I can (but won't here) point to some specific interventions that are an example of that over-correction.
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