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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I don't think the Bills will pay him to be clear.
  2. My view on them as players is Overshown is more the profile they have had at MLB, but it less refined, raw, and maybe not as ready to play as Williams who is smaller and faster but can be on an NFL field tomorrow but might need time to adjust to the role.
  3. I know he was a small school guy, would have to go and read up on his college production. Might be a shout. He was certainly a player who fits that bigger receiver type that was drafted late and became a legit NFL #1.
  4. I am in favour of playing the Jets early. I am hoping for fewer prime time games. They cost me nearly a third of my annual leave days last year. Think this was the opener I expected though... MNF at Jets.
  5. I quite liked Perry around that spot. I haf a late 4th on him but I hadn't really looked at Shorter so not fair to take a strong view and STs definitely plays in when you get to rounds 5-7 so his gunner ability shouldn't be discounted.
  6. Correct. But we are not talking about him coming back to be a starter either.
  7. He wasn't as good a player as Bergkamp, or as Zola, or as Vieira, or as Keane, or as Sol Campbell or as Shearer and Scholes who you mention. With respect Robbie Fowler does not belong in that conversation. He was a brilliant finisher but as an all round footballer? Average. He wouldn't make it in the Premier League today. Game is way too technical. As for performing in big games, Cantona scored in some big Premier League games but he was poor for United in Europe. Cantona was a good player, but he wasn't an elite player. He was the most important player of the Premier League's first decade, and he was the catalyst for the United dynasty. But he wasn't the best player of his era. There were at least half a dozen who were better.
  8. Yea that was an interesting snippet. Maybe poorly edited but definitely looked like that was a possibility.
  9. Worth saying there will still be some #1 receivers on rookie deals. Chase obviously, but Olave and Wilson possibly too so it isn't quite as easy as 29th best paid so that means he is a #1. I have said before the best comp for Gabe Davis is Michael Gallup, in that he is a lower end #2 receiver who doesn't run a full route tree, is not a big separator and is mainly used on lower percentage down the field type routes. They have both had issues at time with drops. Gallup got $11.5m AAV. I think if Gabe has a year like last year - 800 plus yards and 7 touchdowns - that is where he will end up.
  10. Was one of the more boring videos of a Bills draft room over the past few years IMO. There was less Beane in discussion with his key lieutenants, which I think is always the interesting stuff. Clearly they were thinking from quite early on Kincaid might be a guy that dropped to them. That of course doesn't mean there weren't similar conversations on the receivers, only for the receivers to be gone. I actually liked the "is there anything you like?" question from Terry to Beane while they were waiting for their 2nd round pick. "I'd take the guard" that was a cool moment. I think when you see the interaction between Terry, Beane and Sean you can't help but think this regime is probably on slightly thicker ice than a lot of fans might want to believe.
  11. It is a long shot, I agree. When I was writing my day 3 debrief for the draft I was trying to come up with a comparison for Shorter as a bigger receiver who was talented but only produced modestly in college yet then broke out when he reached the NFL. I confess I was struggling. I can think of slot guys and smaller route runner guys who were modest producers in college and then turned into elite level guys in the NFL - hell Stef Diggs is one of those - but a "big" receiver who fits that profile is hard to come up with. I think it is because those bigger guys get given EVERY chance in college to do it because people look at the size and the tools. If they don't do it there the light is not likely to come on in the NFL. I think he is a ST gunner and a back end of the roster receiver. Definitely as a rookie, but that is likely his ceiling for his career. If he develops into more than that it is found money.
  12. I'll tell you where I see improvement..... it's in the depth outside. Harty and Sherfield DO have inside/outside flex. Last year outside it was Diggs, Davis and then Kumerow. The other three guys were slot only. Davis turned an ankle and was hobbled for at least a third of the season and had to play through it and Kumerow got hurt and was lost for the year too. I think both Harty and Sherfield give you more than Kumerow and so our outside depth is considerably better. I actually think Justin Shorter will end up playing the WR6 and starting gunner role, Sherfield might play some teams but he is going to play on offense some too. Outside depth is more valuable than slot depth, therefore being stronger outside but a little weaker inside is a win overall for me.
  13. That isn't quite right. Gaines and Davis were brought in as FAs in 2018 before Wallace was signed as an UDFA after that year's draft. Davis retired in game 2 and Gaines got first shot at replacing him, sucked, and that is when Levi first got his shot. Levi replaced them. Not the other way around. Kevin Johnson came the next year. He was a 1 year $3m deal and was definitely brought into compete. Maybe they thought he'd flat beat Levi out, but he didn't though at times in the season they job shared. Then in 2020 came Josh Norman. It was really only those two guys who might have been efforts to replace Levi. He beat them both out and then held off the challenge from Dane Jackson in 2021.
  14. That isn't that bad and it is better than Tre White was last year. I wouldn't bring Levi back to start, but if they want to bring him back as depth to fight for a spot I wouldn't hate it.
  15. We have been screwed with that scheduling. We get a home game against a visitor who has been in town for 10 days by that point and completely acclimatised. If Jax was going to do back to back games they should have been at home second.
  16. It has gone a bit 180. Last year at this time he was getting too much hype. This off season he has got too much hate. The reality has always been somewhere in the middle.
  17. Fair. I see that perspective. Still find it odd personally, but I get it not everyone is wired the same.
  18. Also like who the hell cares? Are people seriously going around saying "sorry before I think about a relationship with you, how many people have you slept with?" If they are they need to get a ***** life. Or maybe they are just insecure about their own sexual performance and hope their partner has nothing to compare to?
  19. She got hold of your Woody and gave you a Buzz?
  20. If the Premier League finds against them, I doubt they strip them of titles. The PR look for the league would be too damaging. But I do think a heavy points deduction to start next season is a possibility. And if that happens Pep has guaranteed he will walk. I mean you don't have to take him at his word because he said he'd walk if UEFA found them guilty, they did, and while City succeeded in their appeal it was on a technicality not on substance. I am also not advocating for Arsenal to win the league on a points deduction. My view on Manchester City pre-dates Arsenal even being near back in title contention. The Der Speigel piece was the moment I lost faith in anything they said. There is too much evidence there in black and white. I feel for them in a sense. Because FFP is designed by the elite to protect the status quo. And City were insurgents. But now they are in the establishment they want to pull up the drawbridge too as demonstrated by their support for the Super League. So their "restriction of the little man dream" argument got tougher to buy.
  21. I don't believe you.
  22. I mean way to make a sweeping generalisation. Equally my anecdote is that having been on of the later of my friendship group to "settle down" (to the extent I have) I can tell you the boring bobbies who found a nice steady girl in their mid-20s are 15 years on either divorced or asking me to go for a pint so they can tell me about their affair.
  23. That is true. They don't. Chelsea and United have higher wage bills but are badly run clubs. City on the football side are very well run. But they are not compliant with FFP. It is like the Bills breaching the salary cap for 5 years, winning, getting caught and then finding a technicality to get off. Now you can have views about whether FFP is a good system or not (personally I am not persuaded as it builds in historic advantages) but it is, in fact, the current system. And City are not compliant.
  24. On the Cantona theme (I know, I'm off topic) people forget that in 1992 Premier League football was still kinda unpopular. Attendences were mediocre. Games were not selling out. TV revenues were only just coming on stream and the game still had the stench of hooliganism. I went to grounds as a 7, 8, 9 year old in the early 90s. It was a horrible experience for the most part. They needed stars to really catapult the game forward and Eric Cantona was one. He was not the best player in the Premier League's first decade, but he was arguably the most important.
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