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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Leslie is not coming back. He chose to walk away from the final year of his Bills contract, take a year off and then he will take what presumably will be his last NFL job. I suspect that will be as a DC on a team with a new first time offensive minded head coach. And you know what? He will have a good defense. Because Leslie Frazier is a good football coach.
  2. I can't comment on Kelly - he was before my time watching and I have only seen highlights and the Raiders AFCCG in full. But Josh isn't yet the best at his position in his era either. Mahomes remains the best Quarterback in football. Josh is close and at his best I think he is better, but he still has too many fluctuations in comparison to Mahomes. I take the arguments about coaching and supporting talent, but I can't put Josh #1 until he matches Pat's consistency.
  3. He doesn't seek counsel from anyone. Terry makes decisions. He hired Rex against advice. He fired him (and indeed almost fired him after 1 season). He hired McDermott when Whaley wanted to continue searching. The only decision where it appears he took advice was hiring Beane on McDermott's say so.
  4. No. Many is the opposite of few.
  5. That is fine. Most is the opposite of both least and fewest. When dealing with the positive we don't differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns. In the negative we do. One of the many irregularities of the English language.
  6. It's 5th FEWEST not 5th LEAST.... FFS! 😡
  7. It is a few years old now but the last time I read an analysis of this if fluctuated wildly between the first 10 weeks of the season and thereafter. Basically through 10 weeks extra rest did increase win %. Interestingly from there on in the numbers suggested extra rest actually reduced winning percentage. That was of course an era of 2 seeds on each side getting playoff byes and was in that period when we had a run of wildcard teams who make deep playoff runs. The numbers I am sure have fluctuated somewhat and I can't find the article I read despite having googled for it. I think it was sports illustrated back when Peter King was there.
  8. He was WR17 for me in 2022. He'd have been WR12 for me in 2023.
  9. Yep. Been trending that way for a while. When the Bills sucked we used to get screwed on it every year. Has evened out a bit now we are good. I think it was one of the Marrone years we played 4 teams coming off the bye and then the week we came off our bye the opponent had been TNF and so had a mini bye themselves. We are middle of the pack now but it still sucks that the NFL doesn't do better on this.
  10. I do like Isaiah, but I also just know from my own experience in sport that you need funny, energy dudes around. He is what he is as a player, but you still need guys like him around the locker room. I am not lamenting the decision to move on. Far from it. But I don't think keeping Isaiah last year was a mistake so much as only having Crowder (who let's not forget he had actually beat out even before he predictably got hurt) and a 5th round rookie as legit alternatives in the slot was the mistake.
  11. Shakir was not ready the play.
  12. Meh. It wasn't Isaiah who made himself a starter. Beane was the guy who decided to rely on what they had in the slot last year.
  13. Think the videos suggest the guys overwhelmingly found him funny. He won't be everyone's cup of tea though.
  14. Shakir was not ready. There are some slow playing rookies I will criticise the staff for. Shakir visibly struggled on tape the first half of last year. He improved down the stretch and I take the point he might have improved more quickly if he was getting more than a 3rd of the offensive snaps, but he was still clearly the inferior player at that point and for a team in a SB window I think they were right to make him earn extra time.
  15. I always like Isaiah. Long seasons are hard. You need guys in the locker room to lighten the mood and he obviously did that. He is what he is as a receiver, a guy who isn't really a full time player. But as a 5th round draft pick about to go into year 7 in the NFL he has already defied expectations. Good luck in Indy.
  16. Yea their only option really is dummy years. They have to at least make a Superbowl I think while he is there to consider this a true success.
  17. And he will be 41... so not like you want to extend and lower the hit.
  18. I still feel that way about Rex Ryan FWIW.
  19. The only one I put squarely on coaching is the 2021 Divisional game. Coaching gets overblamed for all the othet playoff losses which have been player losses first and foremost.
  20. Indeed, slot receiver is a position, but "big slot" is a variation of a position. The same as "big nickel". You wouldn't get a TE who is not good at blocking to play the Y. Exactly the point I was making. Kincaid isn't here to take snaps off Knox as the Y. He is here to be more productive than our #3 receiver and in the longer term our #2 as well. The bolded wasn't in response to your point.
  21. On the bold - a really nice extension for a 32 year old nose tackle would be an unspeakably bad decision. On the italicised - It is Harty rather than Hardy but you are right.... he is an easy cut after this season so I add him to the make or break. If he wants to see year 2 of his deal he has to play well.
  22. I'm not sure a full on re-build, but certainly a significant re-load. It would require 2023 to go particularly badly, like miss the playoffs bad. Which if Josh is healthy I think is unlikely. But if it does I expect regime change and then a re-load. I have a high bar for calling something a rebuild. It is rare that teams with franchise QBs rebuild. The Saints with Brees had to do it, mid career, but they are the only example I can think of.
  23. Yea when it isn't Kincaid it will be Sherfield, Shakir or Harty IMO.
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