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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Surely Eli won his first before 31?
  2. I don't know what the "football knowledgability scale" is. The Bills screwed the pooch and ultimately it was on coaching. From the decision not to squib to the coverages, to the time out usage. All were mistakes. I would say most football fans know that the best clock strategy there is to make KC use some time on the return. So most could probably have got that right. However, most football fans don't have a clue about coverage schemes. So while most will say they knew that was wrong if actually asked for a coverage that they'd have played in that scenario most would shrug and ask for another beer.
  3. Very possibly so. But he is a star in the making.
  4. I am not sure I agree on Cowher. Big Ben was very limited the year they won that first Superbowl. It wasn't like they suddenly have great QB play.
  5. Brady only had 1 really bad offensive line in New England that I recall. Generally the oline was a strength of those teams through multiple iterations. Though obviously Brady got the ball out so fast which helped too.
  6. I agree it isn't a high bar which is why I think saying McDermott wouldn't have done better than Greggo and Jauron is madness.
  7. The "value" there was is less than the value he adds to the team in 2023, and was likely less than the 3rd round comp pick they will get if he does an Edmunds, has his best season and then signs a big FA deal elsewhere.
  8. If Bates is such a good guard why was he so average last year? Okay he played better (though not as well as the hype) on the left side the last 6 weeks of 2021 but eventually you are what your tape says you are.
  9. It is the combo of Blaydon Races followed by Local Hero. To of the tree for me. I do like Goodison though and will be sad when it is gone and again there is something about Everton running out to Z-Cars at 3pm on a Saturday that just feels right in the world. That feels like football. And I do worry that all stupid kick offs on all days of the week have lost that a bit. But then I am an old fuddy duddy traditionalist I suppose. I'd rather watch Middlesbrough v Coventry than Man City v Real Madrid.
  10. The AVP and SVP thing is very American. It has crept in to British business a little bit in certain sectors but we still just tend to use Director and then have lots of them "Directing" increasingly ambiguous concepts.
  11. 13 seconds was coaching. I have never implied differently. The Bengals game was on the players much more than on the coaches. They just laid an egg and played their worst game of the entire season. You could have had Bill Belichick and Bill Walsh calljng plays it wouldn't have mattered. The players were awful. They have to own that. The much discussed short yardage call was a cover 0 no safety help with the corners off. It didn't work, it was probably the wrong playcall. But people have obsessed over it. What about every other down in that game? The Bills played with zero energy. Josh looked like a zombie. They sucked. I have never defended, dismissed, or overlooked 13 seconds. It was a complete choke... fron the decision not to squib on... and whatever the reasons for that they all come back to the Head Coach. Where we differ is you take 13 second and extrapolate McDermott's entire reign from that moment. I look at the body of work. Thinking Greggo is a better coach than him or that he is in the Jauron camp is, I am afraid, insanity.
  12. Nobody is saying McDermott is a great coach. He has to get it done to be a great coach. He is a very good football coach though. If the Bills let him go he would have offers that same hiring season to go straight back in if that is what he wanted to do. Maybe McDermott is Marty Schottenheimer mark II. But Marty was a very good football coach too. And the Bills haven't stalled at the wild card round while Josh has been an elite level QB. They last lost in the wildcard in 2019 and Josh was NOT at the elite level at that stage. And guess what... Mahomes and Burrow are elite too. Diggs - 9 Davis - 6 Harty - 5 So where are we going with this?
  13. We have lost playoff games to teams with more top end talent than us. Now eventually you gotta beat one of those teams when it counts, I get it. And in 2021 I do think they underachieved on their regular season schedule which meant we were in KC not in Buffalo. But they haven't been losing to clearly less talented teams in the playoffs. If they had that would be a different story.
  14. Araiza wasn't eligible for the list apparently. Loophole for rookies with zero accrued seasons.
  15. McDermott is absolutely the boss. I don't think he takes every decision, I think he trusts Brandon Beane implicitly and Beane makes most of the personnel calls. But McDermott has the power to veto any decision and he has the power to get the GM replaced. I don't think Beane has any leverage to get McDermott replaced (not that I think he would, I think he is totally loyal to him).
  16. Great news for AJ. Top dude and a talented young scout. He can make it to the very top.
  17. Legend. While pro football exists nobody will forget Jim Brown.
  18. Err... okay... well I am not sure what the metric is but I'll play along Dion - 7 Morse - 6 McGovern - 5 Brown - 4 Torrence - N/A
  19. Except when Josh was struggling as a rookie in 2018 and the Bills O sucked, the Bills still had the #2 overall defense. This comes down to your view being "screw the data, I don't like McDermott, I blame him for 13 seconds (which is fair that was ultimately on him) and I can't get over it." No your point makes no sense. It CAN be both. Josh Allen would have made all those drought teams better. But even without Josh, McDermott would have made them all better too. Now QBs matter more than Head Coaches. No dispute about that, so the win differential would have been greater had you just swapped out QBs than if you had just swapped out HCs. But whichever you had swapped out they'd have been better.
  20. I think that is the most likely 5, I'd swap sides for McGovern and Torrence personally but yea that is the 5. I think Dawkins is a top 10 / top 12 left tackle. Not elite (thought at his best he isn't far off) but solid. Morse is an above average centre - a very good pass protector, a below average run blocker. Spencer Brown is a below average right tackle. McGovern pre-2022 was a replacement level player. He was an above average guard in 2022.... hard to know is he ascending or was that a career year. Torrence - rookie. TBC.
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