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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Personally, I think that's the best combination. It wouldn't stun me if they went the other way.
  2. Nobody had more playoff coaching faux pas through his career than Andy Reid. Game management and timeout usage were a constant playoff issue with Philly and KC. I get it people will say the difference is Mahomes turned up and he won. But Allen, 2021 apart, hasn't played at that elite level in the playoffs. If people want to say McDermott blew it in 2021, no disagreement there from me.
  3. Hmm. I don't think he had quite been at his best, but he was still playing very well. I'd have had him in or around the top 10.
  4. Yep. I have been to a party in one of the plush duplexes in there and it is stunning. The reason it was retained was because it had to be. The East and West stand facades were both Grade II listed. I don't know if there are similar concepts in the US but in the UK buildings of particular historical or architectural significance can be given "listed status" which means they are protected from development. So they retained the stand facades and developed around it. The pitch is a communal gardens. The Emirates is a comfortable place to watch football. The most leg room of any stadium in the country, padded seats, it is plush, it is modern, it is comfy. It doesn't have the stunning modernity of the Tottenham Stadium, but it's a great venue. But it can never replace Highbury in my opinion. When I remember my first game there and coming up the steps from the concourse to the stand and the green of the pitch emerging into view it still gives me goosebumps and I am generally an emotional vacuum! Special place. It was like no other ground. You couldn't be in any other ground when you were there. The modern stadiums are all a bit too ubiquitous for my liking. The other thing Highbury had is it is in a residential street. You could have been a street away and had no idea. Then you just turned a corner and there it was.
  5. I think actually it still is, because you still have to decide whether a 3rd QB is worth a 53 man roster spot. As I said earlier I suspect during the regular season the answer will be "no" for most teams. In the playoffs it might be "yes." I mind it less now I have seen that element of how it will operate. It was the same when in the old days of 21 man squads for World Cups FIFA used to specify a minimum of two keepers. Some teams took 3, some took 2 on the basis your 3rd keeper is never going to play unless you are incredibly unfortunate. Then for France '98 they changed the rule and required a minimum of 3 keepers in your (by then) 22 man squad. North Korea tried to get around the rule in 2010 by nominating an additional striker as their "3rd goalkeeper" and FIFA ruled that he would not be allowed to enter the field to play in any other position. I oppose that rule too. Let teams decide their own risk appetite.
  6. But it is up to teams to balance those decisions.
  7. Between £275 pp and £875 pp by the looks of it.
  8. In any other year I'd be doing this. Sadly it comes in the year when I just spent £90k on renovating my house 😫
  9. Yea it was about competitive disadvantage for a team with lots of short term injuries. I'm not sure with only two elevations from the PS per week you can go straight to 53... but I'd support going to dress 50 each week.
  10. Yes, I just wouldn't give them a "free" spot to do so. Having heard it explained in more detail since I think this rule will change nothing in the regular season, because your 3rd QB must be on the active roster. And it just isn't worth the roster spot. What I CAN see it changing is every team that makes the playoffs them adding a 3rd QB who has been on the PS all year to the active roster to benefit from this rule when the season is on the line.
  11. If you allow 50 game day actives and teams choose to only keep up 2 QBs and theirs both get hurt that's on them. But realistically how often does that happen? It is a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Expand the active list and let teams decide.
  12. In the days of 2 free elevations per week the simpler solution was just increase the number active on gameday.
  13. Yea it can happen. There were times last year when Josh dropped his eyes, for sure. Understandable when you are being hit that much. I'm hopeful that the line this year will be much improved. Fingers crossed.
  14. Sal is a complete homer. He will change his opinion on something the moment the Bills position shifts.
  15. No it doesn't make the baseless claims around it right. That is why I have stopped engaging. But he would be right on that narrow point.
  16. Both are true to an extent though though. Josh Allen was pretty bad at times as a rookie. But there were flashes where you saw the talent level. Now that still wasn't a guarantee of anything but I said on here at the end of his rookie year (as someone who didn't like the pick) "he is ahead of where I expected him to be." It was a steady growth from Allen through his first two seasons. And when 2020 began he arrived as a bona fide elite level QB. I'd ay 2018 was mainly bad but with some moments of great. 2019 was mainly pretty good but with still some head scatching bad. 2020 is the best year of his career so far. It was his most consistent season and the one where he played the Quarterback position the best. I don't think it is coincidental that the 2020 oline was the best he has had in Buffalo. Whether it was empty stadiums helping with timing and communication or something else the line played above average in 2020. If they can get back to above average Josh can win the MVP and the Bills can win the Superbowl.
  17. I think the Seattle game is the best Josh Allen performance if you remove all context. But I understand why when you add context in it isn't #1 on your list.
  18. Actually we did us him in some press against Tyreek Hill and he did it really well. Elam had a better season than the playing time he got. I still think there is something we don't know behind the scenes in relation to the healthy scratch in New England. IMO they have to come out of camp with Elam as the starter unless Dane Jackson just totally and obviously outplays him. There is of course the other scenario none of us really want to countenance where we come out of camp with both of them as starters and Tre still not looking like his old self.
  19. I disagree on accountability. He HAS taken accountability for it. Multiple times. What he hasn't done is explained in finite detail what the mistakes were or the process behind them. He is entitled to keep that in house. I'm done in this conversation. It is "I hate McDermott and I am gonna keep saying things that aren't true to try and support my position." You think Gregg Williams was a better coach. Again, entitled to your view. But we are one million miles apart. You might be right that McDermott isn't the guy to win us a Superbowl. That is very possible. But some of the crap you have said around it is just that. It isn't worth continuing.
  20. I am not hedging. There is nothing hedging about my reply at all. The Bills coaches screwed up on 13 seconds. I have said that repeatedly. As for wanting a Championship, so do I! Where we disagree is the extent to which the critical factor preventing one is the Head Coach.
  21. No I agree with you on Oline talent around the league. I am just not sure Bates is more than a placeholder starter.
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