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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Less well against zone. That is where most of his struggles were. He had a tendency to run away from the soft spots when he should have been sitting.
  2. When Ed was healthy last year he was dominant - particularly that stretch un the middle of the season. He got hurt at the start of the year and again at the end of the year and it limited his impact. But when he is healthy and firing he is one of the Bills best defensive players even if he doesn't have the gaudy numbers to prove it to the boxscore scouts. What you are getting is a big discount from the top of the market guys for a guy who talent wise is in that conversation. I get it he doesn't have the pure production numbers to back that up, but he also leads the league the last two years in sacks called back by penalty... I still think the production isn't a fair reflection of the player when he is on. And the last two seasons he has been consistent when healthy. He got hurt twice in 2022 but hopefully that is now behind him.
  3. Ha. I have been at a comedy gig. But I have been telling people since January and certainly since they didn't trade him before FA that the most likely outcome was an extension.
  4. Agree. Doing that with Tom Brady who is desperate to win is one thing. Doing it with Aaron who is a much more temperamental personality is another.
  5. Oh don't worry I remember the loss. I stayed a bit longer to shout abuse at fat Rex.
  6. Getting out of Tottenham is actually more efficient than getting out of Wembley IMO. The trudge back up Wembley way to Wembley Park station is one of the most depressing walks known to man and not just because the last time I did it was after we lost the Euros Final to Italy. I have seen Arsenal win 3 cup finals there and that walk is still depressing.
  7. Just wasn't up to the job. I don't think the Bills ever quite got it right with Isaiah. I think they underused him at times under Dabes and then overused him last season. He is a gadget / gimmick guy who can be a valuable piece when you play heavy man coverage teams. No surprise his two biggest Bills performances came against the Dolphins under Flores and the Patriots. Both teams that played more man than most NFL teams.
  8. Slight correction they account for the full 11 and change in 2024. The money is paid already.
  9. I never thought he was that. Overrated his entire career IMO.
  10. Preston Williams is a talented kid. But he has both injury and personality questions.
  11. Lovie has already been fired. And sure, a younger guy cab bring stability to a chaotic franchise. I wasn't arguing that ONLY Frazier can do that. I was arguing that those two situations were the ones where I saw the value for Frazier's skillset.
  12. He did make the playoffs with a mess in Minnesota. That style has a limit, but if your franchise is in chaos it also has some value.
  13. I doubt it. He is the backup center. Though if he ends up on the outside of the lineup looking in and someone offers you a 4th or something then sure.
  14. The money they have paid McGovern suggests he is a lock. But if Edwards is the best guard in camp I think it is possible he starts. But that would not the Bills' preference I don't think.
  15. Yea it's strange. I'm not the biggest Risner guy, never have been, and wouldn't have taken him ahead of either of the guys we signed but he is a serviceable starting guard who has missed 4 games in 4 seasons. Why he remains unsigned is a mystery unless it is purely he is not willing to sell himself low. I'm guessing between mini-camps and camp he does a 1 year deal somewhere and tries again at free agency next year.
  16. His behaviour at the end of last season, storming out after the game without changing etc was unacceptable and it was a self-indulgent pout. And I say that as the biggest Diggs fan going. He always holds those around him to high standards but on that occasion he failed to uphold them himself and I would hope he has in some form apologised to the team and the coaches. Not turning up for OTAs however is par for the course. He only came to one last year too. I don't think that is a show of anything other than Stef keeps himself in top shape and doesn't feel he needs the OTAs.
  17. Nor me. He has had 5 interviews I think while he has been the Bills DC. His best chances were Indy after McDaniels bailed when they chose Frank Reich and Houston when they were in chaos and they chose Culley. Because his skillset is perfectly suited to dealing with turmoil. Where actually a team need someone to calm things down rather than fire them up.
  18. Leslie won't get a Head Coaching job. 64 year old, low key personality, defensive minded, retread is not a profile an owner can sell to a fanbase. That's it. If he doesn't want to be a DC anymore then he is retired. If he misses it and is willing to be a DC in 2024 expect every hotshot offensive coordinator who is a potential HC candidate to want to add Leslie's name to his ticket for DC.
  19. @BADOLBILZ does a good job above. But there was also something off field we were never told. He was made inactive @New England and that wasn't about gameplan. He had done something to rub the coaches up the wrong way.
  20. That is your view. It isn't mine. The Bills sucked that day. I don't know the reason. They just had a stinker. It can happen. It does happen. No excuses. But it's life. You ever fluffed a job interview? Ever blown a first date? Humans screw up sometimes even in big moments. That game is not a referendum on the state of the Bills. This wasn't "finding a way to lose a playoff game" it was not turning up to one.
  21. KC traded up bigger. Again, that is not evidence of the Bills over investing draft wise compared to their rivals. If you want to say that they have invested more in vet contracts than most teams go ahead, I've not disputed that. I can't remember too many teams that have paid both safeties like the Bills have, the Vikings did with Harris and Smith did and the Ravens did one year but it is rare.
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