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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. You don't have to be a leader (although I dispute that he isn't one or doesn't have those skill). But this is just about being a good teammate for literally 5-10 minutes. And I am the biggest Stefon Diggs fan going. Loved him before he was a Bill, love him as a Bill. No question he is a net win for the team. He was an essential part of our ascension from team on the rise to contender and I would be gutted if the Bills traded him, that would (in my mind) be a huge mistake. But that still doesn't mean he didn't let himself and his team down in those moments. He has a responsibility to be a professional. Every player on the roster does. And in that situation he was unprofessional.
  2. Doesn't matter. Going and sitting there for 5 minutes with your teammates while the coaches address you is the only acceptable way to respond in that situation. If Stef then wanted to go get away from it and not talk to anyone from the team for 3 or 4 months that is his right. But in those initial moments after a loss he has a professional responsobility and he let himself and his team down.
  3. Only in his final year. 2015 he had Watkins, Woods and Harvin.
  4. I have never disagreed with that (well he isn't "just along for the ride") but your general point. Where we have disagreed is I think give McDermott any of those rosters that Jauron, Gaily, Rex etc had and is 1 or 2 wins better year on year. 'Cos he is a better coach. Look at Atlanta and KC in 2017. He beat teams he had no business beating. The others never did that. But QB is always more important than coach I have never, ever, disputed that.
  5. Unless Josh misses significant time there is zero chance the Bills miss the playoffs.
  6. This. The ONE part that I legit criticise Stef for is the storming out at the end of the Bengals game before the coaches had delivered their end of game speech. That is unprofessional and as emotional as he was he HAS to behave better than that. But whatever business Stef had with the team or individuals has been handled in house. He hasn't tweeted anything explicit or done critical interviews.
  7. Yea he threw a ton. Different era mind you and the Colts team he was drafted to was bad. But those early years a Peyton Manning back breaking INT at a critical moment never felt far away.
  8. I love the Kenny. Will be sad when it has gone to be replaced by yet another generic matchbox bowl.
  9. He doesn't "owe" you anything. He is a professional doing a job. You have to take the emotion from it. Coaches and players don't owe fans. They are employees of a company, the same as any other employee.
  10. They made the playoffs through good coaching and some breaks. It was Tyrod's worst season of the 3. It was the wins on the road against the Falcons (in a Superbowl months before) and the Chiefs that ultimately mattered and McDermott outcoached Quinn and Reid in those games.
  11. The Maulers Head Coach is Ray Horton who was a finalist for the Bills HC job in 2013. The campaign that resulted in Marrone.
  12. Different stokes for different folks. But likeable isn't an adjective that comes to my mind for Mel.
  13. You think Mel is likeable? Crikey. I respect Mel and I get why he is popular because he is the original draft talking head. But I don't find him likeable in the least really.
  14. You will get the best Indian/Kashmiri food in the world (with the exception of those regions themselves) in London. If that is what you are after Brick Lane is the place to head.
  15. Only one that surprises me there is Todd. He will get snapped up.
  16. He wasn't ineffective against Miami but it was a bit of a Josh Allen experience game. There were some mistakes that bogged the team down and put them in bad field position and then some elite level plays that got us our points
  17. He is pretty average anyway
  18. I consider it worse than winning one. Better than not getting to any. Isn't that obvious?
  19. Fitz never had a good defense here. He was better than Tyrod. Tyrod was meh. I never had an issue with him particularly. I had an issue with the Bills committing to him. Once he was on the reduced bridge contract the final year it felt much more palatable.
  20. Yea everyone obsesses over 13 seconds (understandably) but the Bills blew that game twice inside 2 minutes IMO. It is the one year where I 100% agree coaching and the defense killed them.
  21. They were two different post seasons. They played well UNTIL the last 2 minutes. At the two minute warning the Chiefs had 23 points. The Bills screwed the last 2 minutes of that game. No doubt about that. And it was on defense and coaching.
  22. But it kinda does. The Bills peaked in many ways in that post season. They blew a game they should have won at least twice. It sucks but that's life.
  23. The defense played well in that gane until the last 2 minutes too. They just blew that game at the end.
  24. Sadly, yes. They badly mismanaged the last 2 mins in Kansas City and it cost them.
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