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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I've been through the entire first two defensive drives and the only linebackers on the field were Milano and Dodson. Third drive Milano comes out Williams comes in. Even the play I thought I had seen all 3 out there together it wasn't I'd seen Boogie rush from a standing position on the far side and thought it was Williams. As far as I can tell Milano and Williams were never on the field together on Saturday. Milano played 2 drives, then Williams subbed in.
  2. I think this team IS going to do that long term. The reason the Dolphins did it so much in 2021 was the exact reason the Bills will end up there by, at latest, the middle of next year. And the Eagles the same in 2019. They had Mike Gesicki and Zach Ertz respectively who were among their top 3 pass catchers but who are tight ends in name only. The Bills are going to in that bracket with Kincaid and he has the talent to be way better than Gesicki and I personally believe a little better than Ertz too. The Ravens in 2019 used either 12 or 21 (and in Roman's system there is a considerable cross over between the two) 60%+ as well. It happens rarely because situations where a team has a Dawson Knox and a Dalton Kincaid are rare. There are not many teams in football that could honestly say "two of our top four receivers are tight ends." I would be shocked if, health permitting, the Bills are not at 60%+ 12 personnel by the middle of 2024 at the latest. They could even get there this year if Saturday was an indicator of anything (that remains to be seen). EDIT: I tried to find the Pats personnel groupings in 2011 when they had Gronk and Hernandez but it appears to be before the majority of the analytics sites were tracking it. However, just looking at usage and targets and some of the media coverage that talks about the Pats being "predominantly" a 2TE offense I suspect it was way up there. Again to me the reality is it is just rare that a team genuinely has two tight ends who are better receivers than their third wide receiver. But if Kincaid is anything like what we think he can be the Bills will definitely be one of those teams.
  3. Did they have 3 plays of Milano and Williams together with no Dodson? Haven't managed to watch back yet due to the joys of DAZN will try to this eve. If you have those plays you can point me to wouls really appreciate it. I know they had one where Milano and Williams were on the field either side of Dodson but if they played them together in a 4-2-5 be interesting to see. But yea interchangeable is the wrong word. They are not interchangeable. Is there a way to modify the defense to allow Milano and Williams to be your two linebackers in nickel? Yea. But someone is still playing the MLB responsibilities in that setup.
  4. The two positions are not "interchangeable". They have different responsibilities. Someone has to have the responsibilities of the MLB. I do think, and have said since draft day, there is a route getting Williams and Milano on the field together in their nickel base but that route involves Milano playing the MLB responsibility IMO. And letting Williams play the WILL.
  5. He won't be on the fiels instead of Knox. He will be on the field instead of a slot receiver. Hell they ran mainly 12 personnel with the first two units on Saturday. I think by the middle of next season the Bills will be a fully fledged base 12 personnel team rather than the base 11 team they have been the past 3 seasons.
  6. Being able to run in the redzone definitely helps. Teams don't respect the Bills run game down there aside from the Josh keep and there were times (especially 2 years ago under Daboll) where they were seeing light boxes in the redzone, Josh was checking into runs and Singletary was getting dropped for a loss of 2 against a light box. Again it isn't about running more. It is about running better. If 1st and Goal from the 8 defenses feel they have to commit a 7th man to the box it stands to reason there is one fewer player in coverage if Allen drops back.
  7. I think Kincaid will be a starter. It might be in a jobshare with a more traditional slot receiver as a rookie but by year 2 he is going to start. I take the point on Williams and I am not sold that he will ever be a true option at MLB and so you have drafted a guy who plays the same position as one of your best starters in Milano. I do wonder if the answer is eventually that Milano plays the MIKE but that is a projection and remains to be seen. I don't think it worse than Bernard though. Williams can play. He can be a good NFL player. Bernard was a reach and he isn't up to it IMO.
  8. I don't want a balanced attack. They run the right amount. They need to run better not more.
  9. I don't think they'd cut Tre in that situation. I suppose it is a 3rd scenario but not a likely one.
  10. Meh. It still feels like you just want an offensive coach in here asap and if this season is the sacrifice so be it.
  11. I don't see any of those posts as being wishing Tre to fail posts. The first from @BADOLBILZ is making the contract point I alluded to earlier when replying to another poster. If he doesn't come back to his level trade isn't really an option because of where we are in that contract and how it is constructed. I don't see him saying he hopes Tre fails or saying anything negative about Tre. Indeed, I know he has been a bit of a Tre White homer ever since the pick. The second from @ScottLaw calls your post strange. He certainly doesn't wish for White to fail or say anything negative about him. The third from @SCBills is negative about Tre White. I think he is right to say something odd went on with the recovery and either the Bills and Tre were not on the same page hence the communications got out of whack OR the Bills just did a bad job of communicating. But I don't think he hopes Tre fails. I read it more as him hoping the Bills fail cos he doesn't like the coach.
  12. Agree on Freelund. I said to someone here pre-draft that I thought on his film he was a late day 2 early day 3 guy. Watching him at the Senior Bowl I thought he was borderline undraftable and anything before round 5 was way too rich for my blood.
  13. See my last post. Got it. Thank you so much. Their help service basically told me they didn't have a service they have. ***** DAZN.
  14. Whoa hang on I have just found it..... you were right @No_Matter_What - they are there. when the 5 minute highlight video starts click the white word "highlights" in the top right corner of the play screen and it drops down the other two options. Seems you know the product better than DAZN tech support 😆. Oh well. It's just downloads I lose then. And while that sucks, I can live with it.
  15. Yep. If you have found a way to access the rest I haven't. And when I asked them DAZN said they were not coming? But feel free to respond when you have your tablet on how you navigated through.
  16. I am sure that was the rationale. As Josh's deal goes up in value the $$s on a backup goes down.... from Trubisky at $6m to Keenum at $3.5m to Kyle Allen at $1.2m. But he just isn't it. They save $750k by cutting him, about the same as Barkley. So even if they are not willing to do anything else at the spot those two are an either / or.
  17. I will write a complaint letter to DAZN this evening. He gave me their complaints address. Will share outcome on here. Does anyone have a complaints address for the NFL? I might have an old one from a few years back I can dig out and try.
  18. I actually think it is unlawful. They have rolled over a subscription from one service to reduced service without communicating any of that reduction of service in advance. I can't speak about other jurisdictions but in the UK that is at the very least a breach of contract and at worst could potentially be fraud by misrepresentation because in UK law the misrepresentation doesn't have to be explicit it can be implied. The email that the NFL sent to me on 23rd June says "We're also giving you everything from your Season Pro at last season's prices." That, simply, is a misrepresentation.
  19. You are not. They have confirmed it to me today. I am demanding my money back.
  20. I have just used DAZN's help function asked if full game replay, 40 min condensed versions, ability to download and watch offline are going to be addressed. They have confirmed that they are not. That's "all we have for the moment" is the answer.
  21. What do you mean when you say apple tv app and samsung tv app? It is all just the same DAZN app now for me on every device. I have a Samsung phone, an Apple Ipad and an LG TV and the DAZN app works the exact same crappy way on all 3. No watch from start. No full game on demand. No game in 40 option. Just 5-6 mins of highlights per game. It really isn't worth the money.
  22. Haha, it definitely isn't but more and more people are doing it. TV subscriptions is another example of where the capitalist lie that more competition is good for consumers is laid bare. Now if you are a sports fan in the UK following soccer, cricket, NFL, rugby union you need SKY, TNT, your NFL GamePass / DAZN, Prime.... and there will still be events not covered by those. Madness.
  23. I don't think anyone is doing that. Just being realistic. There are two options... Tre is back to or close to his best - in which case he is still here in 2024. Or he isn't - in which case there is no way the Bills are paying him $16.5m next year when a post June cut opens up $10m in cap room.
  24. I am very much considering cancelling and asking for my money back. But then I am taking the chance on finding stable streams each week for the games online.
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