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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Does him going to the Giants suggest he was a Joe Schoen pick?
  2. Wow. Just seen it. Any news on compensation?
  3. Thanks. Finally some clarity on the rule. Much appreciated. So essentially it doesn't matter now if the Texans cut him, he qualifies. So if we want Keenum as a backup the best outcome to protect our draft pick is they cut him and we sign him?
  4. And he has eyes on the right side. If the rest of your line holds up I trust Josh to deal with breakdowns from Spencer. The problem ladt year was there were breakdowns everywhere.
  5. We disagree on how much the evidence does really suggest that when you dig deeper into it but that's not to be rehashed here. I don't think anyone said McDermott can't be questioned. The point was much more specific than that. Unless you believe the playoff losses are because he "didn't play the right guys" in which case I'd be interested to know which guys you think he should have plaued but didn't.
  6. He hasn't as far as I am aware but I remember he worked there for teams at the Senior Bowl practices the year he came out and there were a lot who saw him as a nickel. I think I recall the Bills worked him there in camp some as a rookie too. If my memory is serving me well that was the year Josh Norman as here with Levi and Tre as the top 3 outside guys and they worked Dane both inside and out. So while he has never done it in a game that I am aware of it is something people have always felt him capable of. I think you are right it would be Neal in first and then and Ingram / Lewis PS call up. But I think if Taron were to miss serious time they might ask themselves "why are we not putting our best 3 guys out there?" And if Benford has locked down the outside job it's an option.
  7. So I think it is fair to acknowledge that coaches don't have to be right on every decision they make. Nor do GMs. The game isn't that much of a science. Really experienced and talented people can and do screw up in almost all walks of life. But I can't help but agree that when a poster takes it from the specific to the abstract (i.e. not "he is screwing up not playing player X" to "I don't trust him to play the right guys") then you have to look at McDermott's overall record in this league as a DC and a HC and say the evidence would suggest he overwhelmingly does play the right guys.
  8. Yea he isn't a perfect fit by any means. But man I like his floor better than the floor of the guys we have in here.
  9. Neal is the backup nickel. Could I see a situation where they use Dane there some if Benford has sealed the CB2 job? Sure. But I think Neal would get first run.
  10. I agree and I said before news broke that the Bills were in on Lance that I didn't think he made sense for them. We don't know whether they wanted him as a 2 or a 3. We just know that they were interested at some level. We can speculate on the rest. And I agree on the type the teams needs. That type isn't Kyle Allen.
  11. He is younger than I thought (only 30). Texans are making an active attempt to get younger. I mean he is a better veteran bet than AJ Klein I reckon.
  12. Depends how much you think Kyle Allen sucks. I think he sucks a lot. Case Keenum isn't as good as in his prime but he is a completely different tier to Kyle.
  13. Well you need to have been outside the US to have heard them. There are actually two people on that thread who claim to have heard them. I didn't myself personally, but if they are as alleged then I think it is just a further corroboration of them really not being happy with what they have.
  14. I think they are not happy with the backup competition. There might be lots of circumstantial evidence rather than a smoking gun but when you put together: - McDermott's comments after the first pre-season game; - the fact they flipped Kyle and Matt in the 2nd game; - Beane showing an interest (however serious) in Lance; - the alleged "hot mic" comments from Jim Miller. It is very difficult I think to come to the conclusion they are happy with what they have. People have tried to liken it to Case not having a great pre-season debut last year. Well in that scenario the Bills never waivered for a moment. The way they have responded to Kyle this time is not the same. I have to imagine Brandon is working the phones.
  15. The reporter that reported that is pretty reliable.
  16. I am arguing for Keenum. But I am arguing for trying anything better than Kyle Allen. And there is lots of that. I don't think PJ Walker is good, just like you don't think Kyle is good. I think one might have a better chance than the other of moving the ball on this team.
  17. 'Cos when he played he was terrible and he was beaten out by Kyle Allen. Who is terrible.
  18. I won't. Don't you hide if Kyle is utter trash either.
  19. I've given the reasoned evaluation multiple other places. He has zero pocket awareness, skittish feet and has already demonstrated an ability to blow the timing of a play and walk into pressure. When he sets and throws he isn't terrible. But those plays are less than a third of what he has put on tape pre-season.
  20. There have been multiple reports that Benford has just got better and better as camp has gone on and then they went with Benford on Saturday. To me it at the very least suggests the three man race is down to two and Benford and Dane were nip and tuck. But if I had to have a bet right now, I'd put it on Benford playing the most snaps other than Tre week 1... the "start" matters less to me and I suspect Benford and Dane will both play some (similar to the way Dane and Kaiir both played in the two playoff games). But I think Benford is favourite to win the snap count. He was a 5th rounder.
  21. I disagree. He is a better runner than Kyle. And that might be how a backup QB has to win for us. Kyle is trash. There is nothing between him and Barkley. They are both bad. Barkley knows how to play the position but has zero arm. Kyle can actually throw a nice ball but has zero awareness of how to play the position.
  22. I don't think PJ Walker is a great passer but his legs might give us a route to move the chains. I am worried we won't be able to move the chains at all with Kyle Allen. I should say it isn't Kyle Allen's throws that I worry about so much. They are of typical backup Quarterback standard. It is a guy behind our line with no pocket presence, no pocket awareness, and very little escapability.
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