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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Oh look 2nd team DL... Washington march down the field.... 1st team DL back in.... Bills hold.
  2. That is a bit unfair on Benford and Dane. They are more athletic than Levi. But they are zone corners. Not guys you can play press man with.
  3. Because they are not really press corners and they weren't really drafted for their ability to do that.
  4. Nice throw. He has some moxie Howell. That is what always stood out to me when he was coming out.
  5. Confidence is so undervalued at times. Kid had a decent 2nd half week 1. Better last week. Better again today. Looks like he believes he belongs.
  6. I'd just call an I formation run on first down. Then take a shot 2nd down.
  7. It was. Remember Bernard was behind Dodson in camp at the point he got hurt. It wasn't a crazy take. But the kid is ballin'
  8. Yea he had Kincaid. You have to know "delayed blitz, guys open underneath"
  9. That was a bad decision. Where were the shorter routes there? It was a delayed blitz so there must have been short area guys? Surely?
  10. Was catchable. Don't think Dawson could see the ball until it dropped over the DBs head.
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