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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Remember when people actually thought it might be sensible to play career backup Ryan Bates over him because he "wasn't terrible last season?" Fun times.
  2. I'd be up for trading for Moore. But he isn't worth a 1st to me. He is a good receiver but not a true #1. Would Chicago sell for a 2nd having given up what they gave up?? I think he is already pretty close to done with it there though. So maybe he could force the issue. Haven't looked at the cap considerations.
  3. But that is kinda common league wide in terms of run game. The hardest time in a game to run is early against fresh defenses. Defending the run is partly technique and partly "want to" and both of those can slide with tiredness. The difference this year to the last two is the reduced number of negative runs. Only two yesterday. That is a bit the improved line and a bit Cook's speed. I thought the balance was good yesterday. Gotta try and run it against Miami some too. Can't get into a drop Josh back 60 times game.
  4. I wasn't saying it is enough. But it allows your linebackers and Taron at the second level to play free and fast flow if they don't need eyes in the backfield. That gives you men to flood zones and take Tua's first read away forcing him to hold the ball.
  5. Stop the run game. That is the key. Once you have done that you can ignore the motion and the eye candy and play fast in zone coverage.
  6. Lost his hunger (and gained a more literal hunger). Believed his own hype. In Seattle he convinced himself he was the answer and everyone else was the problem. I honeslty don't think he can press the switch to go back to the overlooked 3rd rounder with a point to prove.
  7. Hasn't been a tire fire in any of the 3 games. It played well vs the Jets too. As for today, the third down in the redzone on the first drive Dion got beat. There were two plays where Spencer Brown for beat clean (one Josh managed to extend the play the other resulted in an incompletion). And there were a couple of run plays early where Morse seemed to be zone blocking while everyone else was gap blocking that I'd like to look at again. But overall this was an excellent performance by the OL. They have played well all 3 games. They are competing their asses off.
  8. We ran sneaks last week. I have no issue in a game that was not close with putting something else on tape for future opponents to gameplan for and think about. Just not sure THAT is the play I'd have put on tape. Mahomes got hurt on a sneak. 2020 maybe?
  9. He is better than Basham. Basham is rubbish. AJE is a bad edge setter but he has some pass rush ability.
  10. And Harty.... who continues to look pretty pointless. Oh and Kincaid who struggled today blocking and I think just had 2 catches for about 2 yards.
  11. McDermott is one of the best defensive minds in the league. So that isn't a surprise. But Leslie Frazier's defense held down teams like Vegas and Washington too. The way people talk about Leslie you'd think we had been an awful defense the past 6 years.
  12. And Bernard and Cook for sure. But if the trenches improvement we have seen through 3 weeks is for real.... then watch out.
  13. Yep. It is pretty much always the way. Teams never have 4 or 5 every week all year. They tend to have 3 or 4 big games and then some down weeks.
  14. I am flying at 6am tomorrow. It is 8.52pm here. I gotta get to my other half's with my case... they need to hurry up.
  15. I have always defended James Cook FWIW. I was a fan of his throughout. Bernard I hadn't seen a lot from. He has been a pleasant surprise.
  16. Okay the 2022 draft might have been better than we thought.... Cook and Bernard ballin'
  17. Big Ed with his 2nd of the day. The 1st team front 4 has been phenomenal.
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