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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. There has definitely been a drop off of sorts since the middle of last year.... and there are a lot of factors but Josh's performance is one of them. There were excuses last year with the piss poor OL and the injury. This year he has to be consistent. To an extent the excuses are removed.
  2. He has ZERO clue who anyone on the other 31 franchises is unless they are a former Bill. I remember him calling a Brady touchdown vs us in that game at Tampa as being complete to Edwards for a touchdown. I think he meant Mike Evans.
  3. In fairness he didn't say he would be better than McDermott. I do think Johnson has a chance to be a good Head Coach. The reason is when I look at that Detroit offense apart from St Brown and the offensive line they are not super talented. He gets the best out of his talent. Knows what they are and what they are not. Their passing game is simple beyond belief. It is almost Greg Roman like. All his creativity is in the run game..... using what he has. I thought Dorsey did a really good job weeks 1 and 2. Less so this past week.
  4. I don't think Daboll is getting fired after this season. The over achievement last year will buy him and Joe some patience. My concern for them is their draft selections so far do not look great. But if they suck this year they will get their shot at a QB next year. In the event Dabes were fired I'd bring him back in some role if he was up for that.
  5. Which was the big difference between the aborted Hamlin game and the playoff game. The one Bills drive in the Hamlin game we drove right down the field on them mainly with the run game. Okay we didn't punch it in, but we ran the ball with relative ease. In the playoff game our run game was AWOL. I do, however, think they are a bit weaker against the pass this year with both safeties gone.
  6. I don't think anyone has turned on Josh. And speaking only for myself but I certainly don't want McDermott or Dorsey to reign him in. I just want Josh to make consistently better decisions. He lost us the game at the Jets with his decision making. He was exceptional in that regard against the Raiders. He was somewhere in between against the Commanders. Didn't mind the interception - that was a calculated risk (and I thought while it wasn't catchable for Gabe he could have played defense on it) but there was an earlier throw down the middle of the field into double coverage on 3rd down where he had an easy completion for a first down to Kincaid that he should have taken.
  7. 6.7% bottom of the NFL apparently. But I fudging hated the 3rd down blitz on Sunday.
  8. I think they got the touchback wrong. Tre did try to get up which maybe they thought meant he was seeking to advance the ball. I thought he was down by contact in any event. The receiver's foot flicked against him as he came down with the ball.
  9. It has been really spotty. This has been a theme the last couple of years IMO. Maybe it has always been so but I feel like the last couple of years it has been really noticeable.
  10. No but there is a difference between getting a projection wrong and ignoring evidence right in your face and creating baffling narratives to support a clearly ridiculous position. And then hammering away at them daily. I haven't disagreed with you in this thread btw... but the reason peopel go back to your Tyrod takes over and over is because the way you went about those understandably leave people thinking you are someone who grabs a narrative and then sticks to it no matter what.
  11. There is very little difference schematically. I told you all that all offseason. This idea that Frazier was running his own defense completely divorced from what McDermott believes in was foolish in the extreme. What I would say is I think Sean is a more aggressive playcaller. They have been running some more man on the outside (still primarily zone but they have mixed some more in) and they have been a bit more creative up front. I think a fair criticism of Leslie was that their pressure packages were a bit vanilla at times. We have already seen McDermott run 4 man rushes where Milano, Bernard or Taron are the 4th rusher and Greg or Floyd drops out and covers the flat. That kind of thing Leslie went to very sparingly but it was always there in their playbook Sean is just willing to call it more. The biggest schematic difference is linebacker usage. And in 2020 when the D started slow and McDermott spent the bye week working with Frazier to change some things up we saw what we have seen so far this season too - Sean wants his linebackers to trigger downhill much faster. Leslie generally asked for a bit more read and react from his guys. It isn't a huge thing but I would expect the average depth of tackle from our linebackers this season to be less than it has been the last few years. He just wants them closer to the line and attacking the ball more quickly.
  12. They said the day they announced it "we'll see" on would he be back. They have never said he'd be back here. They have said he isn't done coaching.
  13. Blitzing isn't the only way to judge aggression on defense. I hate that narrative. Who in the media actually said Frazier would return to the Bills? I don't recall anyone saying that. The Bills never did and the media never did.
  14. @transplantbillsfan you weren't just wrong on Tyrod. You were belligerntly telling us blue was actually green for 2 years solid. Even to the point where you tried to spin Beane cutting his pay and voiding all but one year of his contract as proof that they were committed to him.
  15. We still blitz too much. I might have mentioned a few times how much I hated that third down blitz on Howell in the 3rd quarter that extended a drive. Leave that ***** for Madden.
  16. I think he was better than average against the run. Both week 2 and week 3 he would have graded out positively in that regard (and indeed has per PFF if you go in for that kind of thing). Are there bigger tests to come? Yep. Will last Sunday likely be the best game he ever plays? Probably... 2 sacks, 2 TFL, 1 INT, 1 pass defensed, 2 pressures and a fumble recovery is gonna be a hard stat line to ever top. But so far when some of us (myself included) were fearing a liablity he has actually been a playmaking positive at MLB. He'd be borderline top 10 at the position based on performance through 3 weeks. I don't buy your "he should only improve not get worse" take. Football isn't that linear. Especially with young players. And especially with players that teams start to get film on. People will try and use his aggression against the run against him. They will run play action and try and throw over the top of him etc. They will run misdirection..... offensive playcallers will have gone into this season not knowing much about Bernard and as they get more tape they will adjust and he will have to respond.
  17. All22 won't be out until Wednesday if weeks 1 and 2 is a guide. I only see two plays there where I think Bernard grades negatively. The 2nd play far from getting ploughed he gets to the gap despite the stretch play and makes first contact on Robinson that slows him for the 2nd tackler. That would be a positively graded play. Your job as the MLB there is to get to the gap and make contact. If he brings him down that would be an additional positve but using say the PFF model which is -2 to +2 on every play that is a +0.5 to me. The 6th play isn't his gap it is Taron Johnson's. He is on the backside of the play the fact a blocker bumps him at the end of it is neither here or there that is a neutral play for Bernard. The 7th play - the long Robinson run I would grade him negatively. The OL gets to the second level and wins that rep. Neutralises Bernard. Not a huge negative because a OL getting clean to the second level and establishing full contact with a LB like that probably takes the majority of linebackers out of the play. Give Washington credit, well blocked up. The guy who gets the biggest negative on this play is Shaq who for once (rareity for him) overplays the inside chasing the running back. If he just stays in his lane he can make a tackle that at least slows Robinson down. His worst play is actually the final run (10th play) where I don't think an OL neutralises him I think he shoots the wrong gap ends up basically bumping into Daquan Jones's rear end and then the OL coming through is able to get hands on him off balance. That would be a -2.0. It is about the only time all day he shot the wrong gap though which speaks a lot to the kid's instincts. While I think you are right to say run defending isn't his "forte" he has been really solid in that regard the past two weeks and if he can maintain that form throughout the season he'd be an upgrade as a run defender on his predecessor who had more than a penchant for shooting the wrong gap.
  18. Was the first game I didn't see any alignment errors as well which is a really positive sign he is getting the defensive calls down as well. Was always going to take some time on that side with him missing the entire pre-season. Week 1 was literally the first time he has ever done it. It is also likely why at the point he Bernard went down Dodson was ahead of him in the camp battle. He has been here longer, he has called the defense before when stepping in to start and in fairness we didn't see errors in that regard from him in pre-season. Bernard was behind in that element but hopefully he has got it now. Taron is one of our best defenders. They are not taking him off the field a bunch without very good reason.
  19. I ride with Mac. I'd have a grab at Sauce's private parts too
  20. I actually didn't mind not running QB sneak on 4th and 1. I felt confident by that stage the game was won and I want to put something else on tape for teams to think about defending in future. Again I didn't love the exact call.... but there we are.
  21. Take away the first 15. I haven't seen the numbers post yesterday but before yesterday the pattern was first 15 - good.... after that as bad as last year.
  22. I'd have thrown a flag. He definitely got beat and then grabbed at the guy's ankle.
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