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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I am fine with it 3rd and 12 if you are 5 yards further in and I take the point that based on the alignment it has a chance to work. But when you are 3rd and long on the edge of FG range it is a bad idea to call something that risks losing yards IMO. Bass bailed them out. That call could have been one that took points off the board. Yes, but it is the wrong situation to call a play that risks losing yardage.
  2. That is design. Wide receiver screen all the way. Commanders read it. Bad playcall in that situation IMO. 3rd and long, fringe FG range, can't call a play that risks losing yards. Bass bailed Dorsey out nailing a 54 yarder that would have been good from 60
  3. Which was the 2nd rep Dion lost? I am on vacation so haven't been through this week's a22. The 3rd down in the endzone and when was the other? Want to try and find it cos I definitely missed it live.
  4. To "perfect" the offense they need to do all 3. In terms of the most important and achievable it is red zone playcalling. (Clarification: I mean as in during the season).
  5. That is why he is a sell. It doesn't mean he won't be good. Means he is probably coming off his best ever performance. So his price if he was a stock would be way up.
  6. Ah any run is a wasted down. Got it. There is no evidence. There is a throw away line in parenthesis from a journo that you are interpreting.
  7. For sure it went both ways. I have said that repeatedly. The excuse makers are as bad as the "he sucks" guys. The truth was always in the middle.
  8. But there is zero evidence for that assertion. If he means his Head Coach has told him he has to stop turning the ball over I am sure that is true. Beyond that he has nothing.
  9. I missed that line. Fair enough. But I would ask Dunne what his evidence for that assertion is.
  10. What so because they opened the game with two runs it means they are reigning Josh in? Oh come off it you are talking utter crap. EDIT: and "close to 14-0" means intercepted at his own 30 yard line. A mere 70 yards away from the Bills endzone. Though what that even has to do with reigning in Josh I have no idea.
  11. He doesn't say McDermott is holding him back. McDermott has said exactly what Dunne is saying there. The Bills need Josh to be himself. They do not need "sedated Josh" as he puts it. I think anyone arguing that ia what they need is wrong.
  12. I think there is an element of design too. Not that Spencer is allowing himself to be beat but that he knows if he is going to get beat his job is at least to direct inside.
  13. I might now have a spare. I will know Monday. Appreciate late for people to arrange to come over but if any parties are travelling 1 game ticket short give me a shout before Monday. I just got 2 together for me and my mate on Stubhub so my original one might be going free (as long as downloadable link for the stubhub ones turn up Monday as promised). If someone here wants it I'd do it at face value. Otherwise I will try the secondary market.
  14. I have always been of the view that if the other 4 are solid Josh can work around a below par RT. I'd still spend my assets on another receiver before a right tackle.
  15. I think he had seasons where his play dipped just below average. Seasons where it wad above. I wouldn't fight tooth and nail against someone saying he was average. To me overall I'd grade him out just a tick above. In a lot of ways that is disappointing and I was against paying him. But some of the hyperbole is over the top.
  16. Yea. The improvement is that he now stands out as such. Last year we had three guys out there who had no business as NFL starters (and bear in mind Brown wasn't even good in the run game in 2022, he was as a rookie and has been decent run blocking so far this year... in 2022 he was bad at everything).
  17. Which 100s of threads? The gut feeling from McDermott saying after Sunday "we want Josh to be himself" and then Monday "we don't want to be a conservative football team." McDermott has never said anything that leads one to believe he reigns Josh in - EXCEPT for in his running. He is the guy who has frequently told Josh that he has to let it rip. It is just an unsubstantiated gut feeling.
  18. Dishoom is excellent but you can't book. So for bigger parties not ideal. Ugh. Really? Fair to say not my favourite pub. Stinks of cheap fried fish and chips. Service is slow. Poorly laid out. In its favour... decent choice of beers.
  19. Ah Poona. Yes. Benford has been decent. Poona has sucked.
  20. That doesn't address the point. What evidence do you have that suggests he "holds Josh back?" In game decisions is different. There is some merit to that. What is your evidence for him holding Josh Allen back?
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