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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Agree with all that.... but on the open thing... he is... but I am not sure he is where he should be at all times. Especially his route depths as I have mentioned.
  2. That is true. But there was more to it with Swift. It was a culture fit thing akin to the Bills trading Watkins. I did say middle of last season he was done in Detroit.
  3. It is very common for RBs to average more yards late in games. Derrick Henry no less averages less than 4 yards per carry in the 1st Qrtr.
  4. Johnson does know how to use his personnel very well. What is interersting is his passing scheme isn't particularly complex or creative. He knows what his guys can do and what they can't and he leans into it. The one concern I have re. Kincaid so far is he is struggling with his route depths.
  5. I couldn't remember the exact terms. Thanks.
  6. I think the caveat with DVOA is normally you gotta wait 6 weeks or so until schedules begin evening out before putting too much stock in it. Not that the Bills being #1 is bad.
  7. Different Bobby Babich. Babich Snr gets the credit for Milano's development. Babich Jnr is riding on Bernard and Williams
  8. I think the point is it is kinda the way of the league. As a rule the run game is more effective late. You wear teams down.
  9. While of course PFF grades every run, Bernards stops before or at the line of scrimmage the last two games are ALL up the middle or off tackle. So while I don't have access to PFF's breakdown play by play it is fair to assume he earned a chunk of that grade on inside runs. I still think based on your comments about draft profile you are basically saying his size is what it comes down to (because that was the basis on which most draft protaginists considered he would struggle playing in the middle and I am not ridiculing that.... I hadn't watched him pre-draft bur it was my first impression when I did saw him on tape and in pre-season last year). And you don't think a guy at his size can hold up against teams who commit to running up the middle. I mean it could be right. He could be enjoying a bit of beginners luck as it were... but I dunno. He has played a LOT better against the run... even the runs up the middle... through two games than I ever expected him to. I am not crowning his ass as Denny Green would say. But I don't think his strong start is an accident either.
  10. Was still a bad use of an early first. If they'd taken him in the 2nd even I could rationalise it more
  11. I am definitely not overreacting week to week. But equally on the other side I am not saying "I said this player will suck so regardless of what happens I am sticking with that." So you are, I think, saying teams who can commit to the inside run will wear him down and his performance will inevitably dip?
  12. The fins game will be won up front. The team that can run and stop the run will win.
  13. I am trying to understand you reasoning. I was as down on Bernard as anyone going into the season. But you have to watch the games and allow your opinion to develop based on the evidence in front of your eyes. I have left room for the fact this will not be linear especially now teams have film on how to attack him. I am not declaring him the answer after 3 games. But the fact is he HAS played the runs up the middle well the last two weeks. And his problems against the Jets were alignment not technique. He hasn't been perfect but he has been better than average, without question. I have given you my breakdown. Other film analysts have given theirs. PFF has scored him strongly against the run 2 weeks in a row. So I am trying to understand your rationale. Is it that you think in games where teams commit to inside runs his size will mean he won't be able to maintain his level of performance from the last two weeks and teams will wear him down? Which I mean, fair to an extent. How many teams will be able to stick with a run game against Buffalo is the question there. Or are you just saying "screw the evidence my gut says he can't play the run?" Or is your position "he has been bad against inside runs even the last two weeks".... and if it is that one we can ignore it because it is just wrong. I just want to make sure I understand your position.
  14. Ha it wasn't my analogy I am not here pounding the table for it.
  15. Nah there is no standard holiday in the UK. It is generally quiet mid July to end of August because the schools close so that is when most families take their holiday during that period. But I don't have kids... so my holidays are normally a week in March for the Cheltenhan horse racing festival, Ibiza for 10 days at the end of June / start of July and then this week when I go somewhere in Europe that I have never been before. And then lots of random days through the year for Bills games ha.
  16. 3 week August break? What is this?
  17. Yea I hate the lack of Sunday 1pm (6pm UK time) games. Basically every prime time game is a day's annual leave I burn to watch the Bills.
  18. I should be about on the Friday evening if anyone wants to meet for a beer. The Saturday I am already juggling some social stuff daytime but potentially could be around in the evening.
  19. Except I was always pro-signing Ed and anti-signing Tremaine. Sure, some people will adjust their opinion based on what the team does. But don't lump everyone in together.
  20. You can get the 74 bus from Earls Court to Hyde Park Corner. That will get you most of the way. About a 15 minute walk from there. Or a cab.
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