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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. He is two different Quarterbacks. When his first read is there his timing and his accuracy make him elite level. When his first read isn't he is below average.
  2. Bernard knew the play. He adjusted the defense just before the snap. That kid is impressive.
  3. Did he get it? Looked like the ball was out before it crossed. Huge 4th down coming up.
  4. I feel like one more stop defensively should do it.
  5. There it is!! 1st down, hard play action, Dolphins bite. Touchdown.
  6. Harty's best play of the year! Well done young man.
  7. Right.... you gotta score 7 here. Put this game away.
  8. It was coming. We have taken away his first reads soooo well.
  9. Right let's take our chances defensively on this drive.
  10. You knew it was gonna be exciting though didn't you? Haha.
  11. There are gonna be opportunities here for hard play actions on first down. Gotta take them.
  12. Dane made up for a bit on the 2 point try.
  13. Then Ed was held on 2nd down. Ed was fouled. That is why he was hurt. Shoulda been a flag.
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