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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I 100% disagree on 2019. That team and that version of Josh Allen was NOT championship calibre. As for how many I don't have a number. I can't live in this predicting future failure world. Ask me what I think after this season and I will tell you. Ask me again after next season (cos regardless what we think he is here next season) and I will tell you. I don't judge on what I predict the future to be. I judge in the present.
  2. Exactly. And there was NOTHING inconsistent in where I started. Try concentrating. He hasn't had 4. He has had 3. 2020 2021 2022 The 2019 team was not a Superbowl calibre team.
  3. That sucks. Tim Settle, Jordan Phillips, Poona Ford and Kendal Vickers. Yikes. Good job the Patriots suck.
  4. Well it was the point until you waded in with a completely irrelevant point to the conversation that we were having. You asked me how I "reconcile" my account of how the Bills personnel process works with the fact that Dalton Kincaid has been underused or underwhelming so far. "reconcile verb to make one account consistent with another" There is nothing to reconcile between me saying that Brandon Beane runs personnel, including the draft (he does) and Kincaid's usage because one is not inconsistent with the other. Indeed if I'd said "McDermott runs the draft he has total control" (he doesn't) that would be inconsistent with the fact that two years in a row now there seems to have been some issues with getting the first round pick to fit quickly into what they are running. That is the way round you would have something to reconcile if I was saying the coach picks the players and then the evidence suggested he didn't use the ones he picked. What you came in with was a completely off topic point which is "why are we not seeing more from Dalton Kincaid?" I'll give you my view, but I start by saying there is actually a 3rd option which is what I'd call the Sal C option "the Bills don't expect a lot year one from their draft picks they draft guys for the long term and are all about development" which is a line he trots out a lot and there is some truth to (Cook and Bernard have certainly showed significant development year 1 to year 2). I don't actually go for that argument by the way, I think it is a) fitting a narrative to find a way to defend the team and b) while there might be times when it is true to an extent.... you can argue Cook and Bernard were moves ahead of time knowing Singletary and Edmunds would be gone - it isn't consistent with where the Bills were last spring and what they told us about the drafting of Kincaid. So I don't buy that as an option but I have heard it offered by Sal and others and I think it is worth just making that point. Personally I think it is mainly coaching. In the pre-season game (I think it was the Bears one) we saw Kincaid running vertically down the field and throwing those intermediate passes to him. That is how he should be being used. Not every snap, but at least 2-3 times per game. Okay pre-season is pre-season but there was nothing in what we saw that suggested he couldn't be used similarly in the regular season. Instead they have used him almost exclusively as a safety valve almost the way you would use a more traditional scrappy slot receiver like a Cole Beasley. I don't understand it. They need to design plays for Kincaid down the field in the intermediate zones against linebackers and safeties and he has to be the primary read on those plays. Because he will have an edge athletically on a lot of the guys you match him up against. If they start using him on those routes and Josh isn't throwing him the ball we can have a different conversation. But at the moment I haven't seen them doing it enough.
  5. Of course that is also true. But I think people misunderstand how the relationship works. They have ultimate trust in each other. It why they don't interfere in one another's jobs and why the prospect of one surviving beyond the other is extremely slim to none.
  6. I don't need to reconcile anything. There is nothing inconsistent between saying Brandon Beane runs the draft and Kincaid hasn't yet seen significant usage by the coaches. There is no contradiction. Am I sure it has never happened? No I am not, I can't be. But I have spoken to people who have seen those conversations and that is not the way it operates. If it has happened then that happening is exceptional. Whereas because they have picked defensive players you are convinced McDermott is running the draft. He isn't. The process is as I set out per people who have been in those draft meetings.
  7. Young was considered a bust. Now okay, he then served as a backup for 4 years before he became a starter and a top end starter at that. But he meets your criteria. Nope.
  8. McDermott weilds the most power in the organisation. Do I believe he can ultimately put his foot down and veto a selection by Brandon Beane? Yes. But talking to people who have been in that room and have seen those conversations it doesn't happen that way. Brandon Beane runs the draft process. He takes views from the entire scouting department in the first instance. Then they get input from the coaching staff. Then when they are narrowing down to final decisions Beane takes advice from his two senior lieutenants - originally Schoen and Gaine; then Schoen and Morgan; now Gaine and Gray - and from McDermott. Then Brandon sets the board and Brandon runs the draft. This isn't opinion, this is verified information. Two sources. One still with the team, one formerly with the team. Both describe it almost identically. You seem to think that because McDermott has the most power it must mean he is using it constantly and running the draft. He isn't. The picks (since 2018) are Brandon Beane's for good or ill.
  9. By now, possibly. But I think they could have made the playoffs a couple of times with Darnold or Mayfield who, depending on who you believe, were the "other" guy they were willing to take (everyone seems to agree they liked one other guy as well as Allen but it is split on which of those 2 it was). Especially given the AFCE hasn't been great in recent years. 2017 and 2019 they made the playoffs without an elite Quarterback, because Josh's play in 2019 was not yet elite level (20 passing touchdowns, sub 60% completion, mid 80s passer rating). I don't at all think it is beyond the realm of possibility to think they'd have found a way to do that once more from 2020-2022. Whether they'd still be here now... 5 years later with a total record of 6 years; 3 playoff appearances; 0 wins.... maybe not. Possibly but who knows.
  10. Sean McDermott is a million times better a HC than Tyrod Taylor is a QB. Slight hyperbole but it isn't close.
  11. I agree. It isn't. But the Cardinals contract extensions then firings wasn't my comparison.
  12. I mean he absolutely does. I don't care what cover 1 did or didn't say. I didn't watch their analysis. But the tight end sticks his leg out and makes clear contact with Williams.
  13. I mean it is right there. I don't think it is intentional. But the tight end's leg clearly drags into Williams.
  14. We know, because you drone on about it endlessly in every thread you start and then, if this thread is anything to go by, ask a question that is totally unrelated to your droning.
  15. The tight end that is right in front of him in that picture half blocks him and trips him. I am rubbish at embedding images but the link is here: https://yourimageshare.com/ib/0Gea4hBLS2
  16. The guy who comes across and gets the partial block also makes contact with his leg to the legs of Williams. He could still have made the tackle, sure. But he didn't make a bad read. He just didn't execute the tackle.
  17. I don't know if I understand the relationship between the preamble and the question in the OP. "Here are some words about why I don't like Sean McDermott." "Has any QB ever busted with one team then been good with another?"
  18. I have always thought he was an underrated back. Always falls forwards, can run tough yards, great pass protector and doesn't turn it over. I was lukewarm about the bills signing a 33 year old though. Wasn't sure he had much left in the tank. But he has been more than serviceable so far.
  19. I agree with everything here except for your last line. I don't think Gabe is "more than adequate" as a #2. I think he is a bottom end #2. He is a low volume high output guy, not someone you can really pivot to is a team is doing a good job taking your #1 away. But he is going to get paid as a #2. I expect $13m or thereabouts. Not from the Bills though.
  20. If you end up with the number 1 pick you sit down with him at the Combine and you speak to him in depth. You go to his pro day. You take him out for dinner. You have him in your building for a visit. You do all the things you usually do before taking a QB at 1st overall. But you have to be really sure that this isn't going to be a true demand (does the CBA even allow it?) and that the kid is in it for the right reasons. If you are not you are in a difficult spot. Because if you pass on him and then he hits big you are done.
  21. Watched the All22 yesterday. There were some ups and downs, sure. But overall he played fine. Nothing like the reaction in the first half of this thread and much better than he played v JAX.
  22. By played his assignment I mean got to the right lane. I think he had a chance at the tackle but the partial block on him did enough and he ultimately didn't make it. I think the play starts to go wrong with Tim Settle on roller skates. He is ***** useless. Not saying Williams couldn't have executed better too but I think he got to his spot.
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