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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I expect so. The DT position is a much bigger concern to me. Hopefully we get Ed back Thursday. I can see them going to their 2020 no Star plan though where Ed ends up sacrificing himself and playing 1T on early downs to try and slow the run game because the other options suck so bad. Settle and Ford yes. I think Jordan is okay as a rotational 3T when Ed is playing 70% of the snaps and he only has to play 30 as was the case week 1 and week 4 and until the Raiders and Commanders games were safe. But he is overpaid for that purpose. There was one drive against the Commanders where they moved the ball on us into the high redzone against Settle and Phillips. The first play the Bills put Ed and Jones back in Howell felt pressure and threw a pick. The dropoff has been noticeable all year.
  2. It is Dennison. Not because he was bad at calling the offense with what he had... I don't think he was. But because he insisted on Peterman starting. Criminal.
  3. Sign him. Cut Poona Ford. Cut his ass right ***** now. Cut Settle while you are at it. And that tub of glue Beane seems obsessed with because he had one good season four years ago. Cut all ***** three. They were the biggest bag of useless I have ever seen on a football field on Sunday. And I watched Adolphus Washington try and play defensive tackle. Then ask Brandon Beane how many cap dollars he wasted on the three of them. Should be an interesting answer.
  4. Harty they really only seem to want to use in the gimmick role. He runs the bubble screen, swing pass, and the odd outside hitch but that seems to be all. I am sure they have sent him deep once or twice but I don't recall them offhand and I don't think he has been targeted deep. Sherfield is their next man up outside. And he blocks. so that is probably why his count is higher. Shakir slowly but surely has earnt himself more time after a disappointing summer. I think he stands to be the biggest beneficiary of a move to more 11 personnel.
  5. In fairness to Dodson (who was terrible in London) he actually played pretty well when he came in on Sunday. I get the "rather take my lumps with the higher upside rookie" point. I agree. But the Bills with the injuries they have on that side of the ball clearly feel like they can't afford too many learning on the job guys.
  6. True. He has had moments this year where he has held up in pass blocking but agree the past couple of weeks have been a struggle.
  7. This would be a stupid move. James Cook is one of our best players at the moment.
  8. Yep. Good luck finding any linebacker who can hold up when guards are getting to him untouched consistently. The defensive tackle play Sunday was as bad as you will see anywhere.
  9. Not given it a lot of thought. A total shot im the dark name - KJ Hamler
  10. The way to do it IMO is trade for a guy. If you can't get a top guy find a one trick pony true deep speed guy for a late mid round pick who can blow past cover 2 shell and just try throwing a few over their heads. See if it backs defenses off a bit. Then rotate that guy and Gabe if you need to.
  11. Dodson was good when he came in. Not surprised at that grade personally.
  12. TOTALLY agree. I don't actually agree with some of those who say "he has never been great at this stuff, it is no big deal." In 2020 I think he was way ahead of where he is now in terms of command of the offense. Someone suggested above that he was just good at appearing as though he was in command but I dunno. He looked like a field general out there to me. Ugh. I can't work it out but something isn't quite right. And it doesn't make him the biggest problem with the team. Not in any way shape or form. He clearly isn't. He is still at 75% our best chance to win football games. And he got very little help from others Sunday. But I don't see the field command I did a couple of years back.
  13. Thanks. Well he might wanna start. Because working out once the ball has been snapped ain't working.
  14. Shakir can only really play in the slot. If you are taking Davis off the field in my mind it is either because you are splitting a tight end wide (which with Knox down for a spell looks less likely) or Sherfield is coming in. And it isn't so much about where they line up in relation to the line of scrimmage. You can have Diggs one side wide and then a bunch formation the other if you like but the widest of that bunch is going to face a boundary corner and if I am a boundary corner and I see Shakir widest of the receivers on one side I will just go press him at the line and ask old alligator arms to get off the press. He can do it a snap here and a snap there to add a wrinkle. But if you wanna take 20% of Davis's snaps away for example then I don't know how many of those you are giving to Khalil Shakir.
  15. Was over the summer. Wanna say it was on McAfee but others will remember better than I. I actually kinda dismissed it as offseason chatter at the time. But others have raised since and.... welll it makes you wonder...
  16. No but the reality is Terry sees them as joined at the hip too. Nobody you speak to who has any knowledge of the inner workings of the team can see a way it is one without the other. Of course it is technically possible. But it doesn't really reflect the reality. I'd be stunned personally.
  17. I don't think he just woke up and forgot how to do it. And I do think Daboll going is a factor. But getting to "and McDermott neutered him" is just confirmation bias. The @Coach Tuesday point about study is the most interesting one in my view.
  18. I'm the biggest Ed Oliver guy on these boards.... Ed would have made a difference on Sunday because he'd play the run and because he is just a better disrupter than the other 2 guys.... but I doubt it would have left to lots more sacks or pressures. The ball was just gone too quickly. I have heard the argument from others that the blitz heavy style was an attempt to cover for the loss of key guys but I just don't accept that it was a good idea even in those circumstances. Sending more guys to not got there just meant fewer guys to stop the catch and run.
  19. Yep but I don't buy that sting of mechanisms. How do you suppose those conversations went? It is just reaching to find a narrative that supports and already formed conclusion.
  20. Nobody tells their Quarterback to read the defense less so that the coaches can do more of it. Nobody. That is a nonsense narrative.
  21. I agree. And if they miss the playoffs with Josh Allen even if you don't think it is necessarily McDermott and Beane's "fault" per se if Josh is regressing you have to try a new regime in the hope it reinvigorates him. I agree with that. But you also have to go into that saying "it has 2 years to work, or else we have to look elsewhere at what the problem is."
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