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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I didn't say that is all he does. You took your own interpretation from my comment and then took offense to it.
  2. Suh has been sitting in a tv studio in London.
  3. Joseph was a high level player in his prime. No idea how much he has left at 35 but worth a punt because he has played at a level Phillips, Ford and Settle couldn't dream of reaching.
  4. Yea that is why I put in inverted commas.... to the extent anyone was doing it, Poyer was. But to my eyes it was more traditional LBer too (though I haven'thad chance to do the A22 yet of last week).
  5. And against Tampa he was playing safety. If anyone was "big nickeling" it was Poyer.
  6. I think Brandon is generally pretty good at the end of the season at reflecting, owning where he has failed and adjusting. The one spot where I see less of that is his approach at DT where he keeps on every year going after these mid level vets to pad out the roster. I'd like to see them do something different next spring. If the likes of Eli Ankou, Justin Zimmer and whatever dumpster dive vet we get now in week 9 can come in and offer little to no drop off it tells you that continually cycling through these $3-6m contracts on veteran backups isn't a good allocation of resources.
  7. I have said in this thread with this personnel not sure we can slow down Cincy.
  8. DJ Reader is really good. One of the best 1Ts in the game
  9. Yea their D isn't great. The Bills should mobe the ball on them. And did in the Hamlin game too.
  10. I don't think their D is great. It has vulnerabilities. But they don't have two huge holes at WLB and 1T. My worry at the moment is mainly those two spots. But the Bills 100% should be moving the ball against their D even without a #2 and #2 receiver at the level of theirs.
  11. All 3 are overpaid IMO. Would not have brought Phillips back, would have cut Settle, and Poona has been a disappointment. How many vet DTs has he missed on since being our GM? Needs to own his errors.
  12. He has Ed Oliver and then three vet defensive tackles he gave FA deals to on the roster. If he needs more there that is his own fault.
  13. They have benched Jimmy. They are now tanking. That is the right decision given where they are.
  14. We weren't healthy in either game last year unfortunately either. I'd actually like to see us play Cincy with something that even approaches our first string defense. Not saying we'd hold them but we'd at least have a fighting chance.
  15. You are totally wrong. Carr >>> Jimmy G. Nobody is thinking Carr is a world beater but they replaced him with a less talented Quarterback. They voluntarily got worse at Quarterback without it being an attempt to groom a young guy or to lose. I agree McDaniels sucks. But they should now pull Jimmy G and try to lose. Because they are going absolutely nowhere with him. He is a bottom of the barrel NFL starter at this stage. Yep. That is who they should have hired. Josh McDaniels was a baffling hire. Dysfunctional franchise.
  16. If we can't score points on the Bengals we have an issue. Because their defense does have vulnerabilities. Their offense is humming right now and I don't give our undermanned D a great shot at stopping them.
  17. The decision to voluntarily get worse at Quarterback is only ever a good one if everyone in the building is on board with a tank or if it is to go to a young guy you have drafted and think you can develop. Otherwise it is always a ridiculous decision. McDaniels was done the moment he replaced Derek Carr with Jimmy G.
  18. I hope you are right. But I saw him last year and thought he still sucked. Josh shares my view
  19. He may have. But GB are bad at evaluating DBs. I trust him starting there less than him starting in almost any other team.
  20. I don't think he is an upgrade on our starters. Admittedly haven't seen a lot of Green Bay this season, but have seen a lot of Douglas since he came out of that good 2017 draft class. The Eagles ended up cutting him, 3 years after spending a 3rd on him because teams CONSTANTLY targeted him then he bounced around practice squads before sticking in Green Bay. No team in the NFL has misevaluated DBs as consistently as Green Bay in the past decade. For a 3rd with a 5th coming back I really do not like this. I think he is a better fit in our scheme than Elam but he is a lateral move from Jackson and Benford for me. Maybe he has suddenly improved a ton and will prove me wrong but man I hate this deal.
  21. Because he has already decided that is the answer. So he will twist any fault to lay it at coaching. And those of us that don't do that he accuses of being excuse makers. Despite the fact that we often do say "that's on coaching." Unless you say everything is on coaching then to @Billsfan1972 you are an excuse maker. Because what he is looking for is confirmation bias. That is also why he creates a classic strawman about his 2-14 team. I have never seen anybody on here make the argument that the Bills 2017 roster was a 2 win roster.
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