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Posts posted by GunnerBill

  1. I'm hoping for a Liverpool vs. Arsenal/Chelsea/Tottenham/Crystal Palace/West Ham Saturday game. Not thinking QPR will be up still. Knocking off a Bills game and Liverpool game in the same weekend would be fantastic!!!


    Same would apply to Chelsea, Spurs, QPR..... and whilst I don't think that West Ham or Palace would cause the same scale of problems given the georgraphical distance from Wembley and Twickenham I would still think it unlikely that they would allow home games for those teams on the Sunday.

  2. The atmospheres have been variable. The game this year Detroit and Atlanta was the best atmosphere I have witnessed - the game the year before San Fran and the Jags was a dull atmosphere and a dull game. The new Wembley isn't the most atmospheric at the best of times... I was at the FA Cup Final in May and it was a bit bland considering the game was excellent.

  3. I don't much care for the idea of the football czar idea myself. I think you can over complicate things with excessive layers of management myself. Hire the right people and trust them to do their jobs. To my mind we have the right General Manager and I hope we now have the right Head Coach. The new structure seems clear to me.....


    Setting aside the non-football operations for a second it looks relatively simple -


    Budgets are Brandon (so presumably Overdorf reports to him)

    Responsibility for the 53 is Whaley

    Responsibility for the 46, the coaching staff and ultimately the product on the field is the Head Coach.

  4. I understand your thought, but I reasoned that how many times do I get a chance to see the Buffalo Bills in London or both the Buffalo Bills and Arsenal live in the UK in my lifetime in the same weekend (hopefully).


    The good news for you is that if Arsenal are at home it would definitely be Saturday not Sunday. The Police will not allow Arsenal to play at home the same day as an event of this size at Wembley, especially as London police will be extra stretched that day with a Rugby WC semi final at Twickenham in south London.


    I hope we are at home for you. Fixtures are usually out first / second week in June.

  5. So Jim Overdorf's new job is tour guide. Weird to see our contract guy showing the head coach around.


    I presumed that was because Brandon and Whaley hadn't flown back from Florida at that point - were they still out there working on the Roman hire from the Pegula Palace? Now people can hate on Russ Brandon - and sometimes with good reason - but at least he strikes you as a professional administrator, even if that is just the salesman in him.


    Seeing Overdorf and the communications guy handling the Rex arrival is like watching the Chuckle brothers (probably a British reference that doesn't work over there but they are kids tv entertainers who play two hapless incompetents). Seriously we must be able to do better than these two clowns now?

  6. I just hope he can resolve the 3rd and forever syndrome they have on defense where if they don't get the sack, they get burned for the big play.


    Well Schwartz had solved that. We had the best 3rd down defense in the league last year. People's minds always go back to a few big 3rd and long conversions over the course of a season because those types of plays change games. However, I promise you - every team in the NFL gives a handful of those up. You have to accept that in the NFL the other guys are highly paid, talented athletes too and sometimes they are going to make plays. We had the best 3rd down defense in the National Football League.

  7. National media, or more appropriately, the 50 former player talking head panel shows are usually a trailing indicator. How many of those guys picked the Saints and Bears to compete for a SB this year? The flapping heads don't see the progress until its already happened and they don't see the weakness until its already manifested.


    Post of the year. Very few of the "experts" fall outside this bracket in my experience.

  8. Welcome to the 3rd annual offseason "move Glenn to OG" post...in disguise. No BRILLIANT...FOOLISH! Sign Boling and Iupati, regardless of price tag. Can't say it enough, the game is won at the line!


    Cut ties with Spiller, then go out and get whomever Dallas can't afford between Murray and Bryant. If it's Bryant, go after Ingram for RB. If it's Murray, go after the best available WR to put opposite of Sammy...you're looking at an awesome crop of UFA WR this year.


    Now, we don't have to sit around and wait for Spiller to "break out." Our OL if solid and you have another stud WR across from SW.


    I think Cutler will end up being available...I know, but still a good stop gap...and draft a mid level QB with some size and a chip on his shoulder.





    So you think we can afford Boling, Iupati, Bryant, Ingram and Cutler...... and that is before we get to re-signing our own (other than Spiller who you have said goes)..... nice thought.... but I am not sure we have that much cap space.

  9. A thought struck me yesterday about Rex and why he might have decided to jump at Buffalo rather than wait for Atlanta. On the face of it the Atlanta job was perfect.... they had an offense he could have let get on with it and he could do what he does - turn around the defense. Only what if he didn't? What if the Atlanta defense which is awfully talent deficient continued to be bad? What is worse for Rex Ryan failing 2nd time because he still hasn't been able to fix an offense or failing 2nd time because he failed at his specialty? I just wonder if he in a dark moment of self doubt thought "I know I can win with that defense in Buffalo and I don't know if I can make that Falcons defense great. Maybe that is why he ended up here?

  10. Ryan plays the same defense we did under Pettine.


    I think that is an interesting take but not exactly true. Rex's defenses are always good against the run, Pettine's less so. The lowest ranking against the run of a Jets defense in Rex's run there is 13th, except for 2012 when they were 27th. What is interesting about 2012? It was the one year he let someone else call defense - that someone being Mike Pettine (Rex still called 3rd down).


    What will be interesting is how flexible Rex is 3-4 or 4-3. He sas he will be flexible and when I watched the Jets this year there were plenty of 4 man fronts that I saw especially on early downs. When Pettine arrived he arrived with a reputation as a 3-4 guy but in his hybrid defense we actually had 4 down linemen on the field more often than 3 down linemen.


    I think Rex will fit the scheme to the talent and he will stop the run in a way Pettine has never managed to. Us continuing to be good on defense is pretty much a given I think when you mix Rex's defensive brain and his laser focus on that side of the ball with our talent.

  11. IMO Bowles was a bad hire for the jets. he was a little overrated. I know his defense dealt with injury and all, but it kinda fell apart. Quinn was the better choice, IMO.



    What would worry me about his defense is the Pettine factor - when they were playing from behind and teams wanted to run the ball they struggled to stop them. Playing from the front that aggressive high blitz % defense works... but when you are behind you have to go back to doing your fundamentals well and stopping the run.


    However, we don't know how much of the defense will be him and how much will be others. Dan Quinn is in a tough spot really. He is where Greg Roman was last year, quite a hot candidate but teams are scared to wait until the play-offs have ended to hire a Head Coach. They want to get started on the Senior Bowl etc. But when Seattle do have that down year, like San Fran this year, then people will say that counts against him for a HC job.

  12. Leave Glenn where he is. His 2014 did not hit the heights of his 2013 but he was still out best player on the O-Line and to be honest it wasn't really close. I think Iupati is going to get a huge deal on the open market. So many teams need help on the line and when a top ranked guy like that comes up there will be big competition to get him. I know we have decent cap space but I am really keen on trying to sign our own guys (Hughes, Searcy and extensions for Dareus and Glenn). I think we should target one of the best non-Iupati options and Boling definitely comes into that conversation. Then if a Willie Colon type wants to come and sign a reasonably priced 1 year deal then I take him too. Stick those guys either side of Eric Wood and hopefully his play improves as a result. Let Seantral continue to learn and come along at right tackle. I think we have something in him I really do. You thin probably keep Urbik for depth given his ability to play backup centre too, see if you can knock Richardson into shape in the offseason let Pears walk and cut Williams (because his back will never be right as much as anything). Then Hariston / Richardson are in competition with guys you draft or pickup as UDFAs.


    "[Ryan] manages the game like a defensive coordinator."


    "He doesn't look at the big picture; they [Jets] never established an identity on offense."


    "The head coach establishes the identity and the Jets never had one."


    It goes on and on....


    -Rich Cimini

    Some truth to this.
  14. Like I said in the other thread about him going to the Browns - he is a classy guy. His exit press statement was one of the classiest things I've ever witnessed in my years watching the NFL. In terms of Head Coaches who I have really rooted for in Buffalo Chan was top of the list. I always feared he was in above his head but I really, really wanted him to succeed.

  15. No, no, no, no. There are times when he goes whole halves not even being able to get a first down. His throws are pretty much all the same, 5/7 step drop and heave it. There really is little else to him. Wonky footwork, poor at reading defences and more inaccurate than EJ on those 5-20 yard routes that you need to complete to move the chains.


    He is a big arm with a decent deep ball and little else.

  16. So you don't believe that Rex Ryan is a better HC than Doug Maroon? And you don't think that Roman is more qualified as an NFL OC than Hackett? I see both as huge upgrades.


    From my perspective I think Roman is defintiely an upgrade. I still don't have enough on Marrone to know where he stacks vs Rex Ryan. Rex is a more experienced Head Coach he certainly has greater expertise in a specific discipline and he did go to two AFC Championship games his first two years - it has been a real mixed bag since then though.


    But focusing purely on whether someone is an upgrade is misguided. The question is not "are they better than the last lot" the question is "are they the right hires in our current position." I've given my view and I won't repeat it - the proof of the pudding will now be in the eating.

  17. If he comes out and says he plays another year (which I personally doubt) then Denver keep him. In the unlikely event that he plays on and is cut I am simply not prepared to sink that kind of money into a guy I think might be done. It isn't like you can ring him and say "hey Peyton - do you want to come and work out for us?" so that you can make a proper judgment on the arm strength and the injuries. You are taking a leap of faith and as great as the guy has been, the second half of this season is enough to put me off putting that much money on the line when I just don't know. I'd rather spend that money on keeping my guys, getting a couple of FA guards, maybe a tight end and taking a punt on a Sanchez or a Bradford or whoever back there. I can't find Manning's numbers week 9-17 not sure if anyone has the time to dig them out... but my perception is they would put him bang smack middle of the pack.... the risk is that if it is more fundamental than just an injury and you find that out after spending $19million and letting Hughes, Searcy etc walk and not addressing the Guard permission then you have sunk your own season.

  18. The switch in 2011 was they were giving up points and so whilst the defense was still decent in yardage terms you give up points, which means you are behind more often and that forces you to throw it more. Sanchez actually had his best career year in 2011 and it was then that I think they made an idological decision to get away from the run going forward. It didn't work in 2012 they were terrible.

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