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Posts posted by GunnerBill

  1. No thanks. I think Manning has reached the end of the road as a player.


    GO BILLS!!!


    I do too. However, if he was cut he would still be in huge demand and therefore it would be a bidding war for his services. Re-sign Jerry Hughes and D'Norris Searcy, extend Dareus and then see what is left in the pot. Throwing a huge chunk of our cash at a guy who looked done the final weeks of the season is not wise in my opinion. If he turned up and wanted to play for $5million on a 1 year deal then of course.... but I am not paying him like I thikn he will want to be paid.

  2. Didn't you know... everyone else's QBs are awesome, because ours has only played 14 games.


    I think it is exactly this. If you swapped the two Quarterbacks fans here would be saying "Glennon is a bum let's trade for EJ" and showing highlight videos of some of his better plays and saying "I've never seen Glennon make that throw."


    There is spinning wheels and then spinning wheels. This would be spinning wheels whilst stuck in quick sand.

  3. I am extremely disappointed that the Bills signed Incognito. I read the whole report. the findings were, in my opinion, conclusive. There is a pattern of bullying behaviour from this individual towards his teammates. There will always be those who downplay it... who believe football should be a macho game and anyone who differs from that norm deserves the persecution that comes with it. I don't believe that and hence I don't want a guy like Incognito whose pattern of behaviour suggests he does anywhere near my locker room.


    I hope if he gets on the field he plays well and hopes the Bills win. But he will be a Bills player that I can never root for and that makes me sad.


    For the same reason men can't be raped by women.


    I can't undo years of liberal, women's rights brain washing that modern-day America has indoctrinated you with without getting banned from this board though, so I will leave you with vague platitudes and funny pictures of Boston sluts.


    I am not an expert in your law over there but the reason women can't rape men over here comes down to the legal definitions of rape and penetration. It has zero to do with women's rights or "liberal" attitudes, indeed it has existed in UK common law for hundreds of centuries and long pre-dates the women's rights movement.

  5. for what its worth, the year Seattle felt they needed to upgrade the QB position they went in various ways to find their QB. In the same off season they....


    Signed Matt Flynn to FA contract

    Traded for T Jax

    Drafted Russell Wilson


    Can we see the Bills doing something similar??

    They didn't actually.... TJax was there the year before as the starter. They did trade for Flynn and draft Wilson the same year though.

  6. I'm sorry I don't agree. Out of timeouts (if he'd used them on defense), against a great defense and one that they hadn't hit any big plays on.... there wasn't time to dink and dunk their way down there. Brady played a sensational game but it was death by a thousand cuts.... you can't do that inside a minute to go with no time outs... okay maybe "knew" it was over is a stretch.... but I figured watching they had to make a stop on defense and I suspect Belichick figured the same... that struck me as by far their best chance to win. So keeping their timeouts incase they saw an alignment where they really didn't like the matchups was not a crazy strategy. It was risky, but worth the risk in my opinion - and it played out for them.

  7. It wasn't a mistake just because you wouldn't have done the same thing.


    He decided the odds were poor even if they had 30 seconds left on offense and put it all on their defense. Which had been pretty good at stopping Seattle most of the day, and which was also a bit of a surprise and caused them to take a long time to call the play.


    By no means a mistake. A calculated risk that put all the pressure on the Seahawks. He had confidence in the defense, and there's nothing wrong with that.


    I 100% agree. I think Belichick knew their chances of going to down the field to respond were minimal however long was left. He put it on his defense. He also said himself yesterday exactly what I expected - he was holding the time outs incase he saw a personnel grouping he didn't like. He had goalline in and he saw them trot out the 3 WR set, he was able to make a late sub Butler in for Ayres and so was happy they were matched up. He tried the "as long as we have the ball last" in their latest Superbowl defeat against a team with a good defense and it didn't work for him. I think he knew that if Seattle scored it was game over regardless of whether there was 1:00, 30 seconds or 10 seconds left. They had to make a play on defense.

  8. I think Belichick didn't call a time out because he remembers the Giants game. In that Superbowl (the 2nd Giants one) they let Bradshaw walk in thinking it would give them time to go down and score and they couldn't. And that Giants defense whilst good is not as good as this Seattle one. New England hadn't been able to make any throws deep all day. They had dinked and dunked their way to all their points. I was sitting there thinking "New England's best chance of winning is their defense making a stand" and I presume Belichick felt the same way... so you don't help Seattle by calling time outs... you keep your time outs incase you see a formation with match ups that you don't think you can defend. New England actually made a late swtich to get Ayres out and Butler in on the interception.

  9. Agreed. Why are some of you so eager to cut Urbik?


    Even if he is not a starter, he's a veteran and is good depth.


    Do you really think Cyril Richardson is going to turn his game around that quickly?



    Because Urbik has not played well for the last season and a half. My take on it is this - you have to keep one of Urbik or Chris Williams for depth even if you bring in two guards. Williams can potentially be a swing guy that could play tackle in a pinch (as your 4th option) and Urbik can play as a backup guard.


    I know a lot of people here hate Chris Williams, they hated him as soon as we signed him before he played a snap. I know that they also shout about his poor PFF grades... but what they probably don't know is the guy who runs PFF (a British guy) is a huge Bears fan who hates Chris Williams as a famous Bears 1st round bust, so I do question the objectivity of some of those grades. The truth is he is a slightly below average guard who played pretty well those two games he played for us before the back injury... the run game was certainly not as productive once he went down.


    I don't think there is much between him and Urbik. They have similar cap numbers as well. If I do not think there is any chance of Williams getting over the back issue then I cut him. If I think he is going to be healthy I cut whichever one of them makes more sense based on freeing up cap space and dead money etc.


    Cut Rivers, cut Urbik OR Williams, let Spiller walk add that to the Orton saving and Mike Williams saving and then re-sign Hughes and Searcy and extend Dareus. I would then make sure I am carrying a little space because I want to extend Glenn and Gilmore next year.


    That should still leave room for at least one FA guard (maybe not Iupati because I think he will get a mega contract) and a TE.


    Carpenter and Jordan Cameron would be nice.

  10. Vastly overrated...neither of the teams that played in the Superbowl can protect their QB very well.


    I agree. The Seahawks line actually isn't very good. The left side is serviceable but the right side is inconsistent and often more bad than good.


    The New England line is hard to judge because Brady gets it out so quick in that short passing offense.

  11. If we want to be the Patriots - ie. a team that wins consistently and is a Superbowl contender every single year we will need an elite Quarterback, no question about it. There is not way to build a consistent winner without them.


    However, with someone who is a franchise QB but short of elite you can, putting the right pieces around him, have a run of 2-4 years as contenders a little like Harbaugh had in San Francisco. That should be the aim for the Bills.... and to do that we need better play from the Quarterback positon, a more consistent running back (I love Fred but he can't be our bell cow now at his age), and a serious upgrade to the interior offensive line.

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