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Posts posted by GunnerBill

  1. i think if there is a chance to get Cutler then we have to do it. he's a bonehead but i think Rex and the other captains will keep him in line. he's just as talented as a Matt Stafford or Phillip Rivers imo if he plays at his potential and doesn't get into a rut and start pouting. if we had him we are in the playoffs so why not take a shot on him?



    People say tha but Cutler has played on good teams with top 5 defenses before both under Shanahan in Denver and Lovie in Chicago and he has made the playoffs once in his whole career. This idea that he guarantees play-offs for this team is a fallacy.

  2. Cassel was who I wanted last year to essentially back up EJ and be a bit of an example in terms of preparation. It is well known that Cassel who learnt under Brady is a professional when it comes to preperation etc.


    However, I think this off season we are looking for someone who will beat EJ out in camp. I'm not sure Cassel is that guy.... he might but I think some of the alternatives have a better chance.

  3. This is a good topic and a very interesting analysis.... albeit the usual qualifiers about PFF grades being part of the story on a player's performance but by no means authoritative do apply.


    I think whilst it is obvious that the Bills could use an upgrade in performance at right tackle I think there were enough positives in Henderson's play (and frankly having been back myself and watched all the snaps I think the extremely low PFF grade is unfair) to suggest that he can still develop into a solid starter with better coaching, better scheming and more support on his inside. So whilst I would consider a cheap veteran option to come in and maybe start this year I don't think there is any justification for the Bills to give up on Henderson long term.


    At guard I have been banging the Boling > Iupati drum for some time. I just think he is a more well rounded player and whilst the PFF grades might not suggest this I actually think even in run blocking there was a slight regression in Iupati's game in 2014 when he wasn't quite the all dominant monster he was in 2013 & 2013. I also like James Carpenter as well.... again his grade being a minus doesn't support what I saw on the film. The Seahawks had some uncertainty on that line with injuries and players coming in and out and Carpenter was pretty consistent throughout. What I like about him in particular (and his fit for what Roman wants to do) is that he really completes his blocks in the passing game on the play action and boot out stuff. He has also started at both right guard and right tackle in the league too and so gives you real versatility. I have been and looked at Sims' film as well thinking he might be a cheap veteran option as the second new guard (this before we signed Incognito when I was thinking I wanted 1 top tier guy and a cheaper filler option) and I have to say I'd have graded him lower than PFF have. I think that grade is kind. His agility has fallen off a bit and his struggles to get out in front in the screen game really limited the impact that Joique Bell and Reggie Bush had on screen passes compared to a year ago.


    I also agree with those whohave begun to question Eric Wood. I would not prioritise a new centre this off-season but if the right upgrades are in place around him and Wood can't have something of a bounce back next year then it may be time to look elsewhere for the answer in that position. It is his lack of push in the run game that worries me the most and is a real problem in goalline and 3rd and short situations.

  4. Jay Cutler would be more talented than any Quarterback we have had in a long, long time. However...... my worry is this - Jay Cutler has not played on bad football teams during his career and yet he is only 61-58 as a starter with a TD-INT ratio worse than 1.5. That worries me because it demonstrates that he is just as liable to lose you a game as he is to win you one.


    The question then becomes in what circumstances would you want him and my answer is I do not want that contract. I do not think he even comes close to being worth it. So I sign him only in one of two circumstances.....


    1. He becomes a free agent and I can negotiate a reasonable $10-12million a year deal for 2/3 years.

    2. He becomes available via trade where he is willing to renegotiate him deal but Chicago still wants him out because they just want to cut ties. If Chicago would take a 3rd round draft pick or maybe next year's 2nd and he is willing to renegotiate his deal to the kind of parameters above then I'd be ok with it given the horrible free agent options.


    I think a different outcome that might suit the Bills is Tennessee trading for Cutler..... thereby removing their need for a Quarterback in the draft and increasing Chip Kelly's chances of getting Mariota which leads to Foles requesting a trade. The problem with this is I don't (as some do) believe the Bills can stand pat until after the draft and bank on that playing out. I think they have to bring a veteran in to compete. If they go for a 2nd tier of the already horrible FA class kind of guy hoping that someone better shakes lose and they don't..... then we are settling in for another year where our Quarterback play doesn't even get to average unless EJ has a major turnaround.

  5. Ok so I voted "no". I felt and still feel that if picking a Quarterback in the first round in 2013 with a gun to my head I would have picked EJ Manuel. I know some on here love Glennon because he chucks it uo a lot but I feel EJ was and is the best option in that class.


    This time last season I might have been a yes but I just did not seen enough in year 2 and whilst I don't totally dismiss the possibility that he is I think the odds are now against EJ. However, if McCown is the best option available as an alternative then EJ might win this job and give himself 1 more big chance.


    Nobody has rooted for the kid more than me. He is a talented guy and a hard worker. I hate the premise that all QBs have to be idiots to succeed ane I reject it. Some nice guys win. I really hope EJ is one of them.

  6. Rodgers is the answer to this question. If Aaron Rodgers had played year 1 in Green Bay he would have been a bust. His pre-season outings and the few live bullets he did take in proper games demonstrated an uprepared Quarterback having footwork and release issues. Mike McCarthy was patient and drilled him for 3 years. Took his game apart and rebuilt it. From the same draft but to a lesser extent Alex Smith took 5 years to "get it". He was another whose game went under something of a transformation, albeit he learnt by being allowed to fail in real games time and time and time again.


    The reason so many Quarterbacks fail and people say "ahh those are the failings we knew he had" is because most teams draft one because they don't have one and therefore the pressure for them to start is such that you cannot sit them for 3 years whilst you do intensive work like Green Bay did and teams don't have the patience to allow their guy to fail before moving on as the 49ers (more by luck than judgment did).


    One other thing on the chances for a QB to be worked with and developed I really think the current restrictive CBA prevents a lot of that. I am not against the CBA in general but I kind of feel there should should be a slight relaxing of the rules for Quarterbacks. They value of proper development has been lost I am afraid.

  7. If people have been pulling strings to tout his football IQ, then it's been going on since before his senior year of high school.





    Or it is just the hyperbole that goes along with young, talented Quarterbacks. Y'know like when Johnny Football was Fran Tarkenton and Steve Young morphed into one?


    Winston is a great prospect in my mind, I think Mariota is too - the next coming of Peyton Manning? That is going a little far I'd say.

  8. I read on here a lot that the Buffalo Bills undervalue the Quarterback position. As a bald statement I think it is one we pretty much all agree with. We have picked very few mid and late round prospects in recent years - I think it is just Levi Brown with a 7th since Trent Edwards. However, there was a comment some weeks back on the Bills not doing as much as the Patriots to find good Quarterbacks since the 2001 season which ended with the first Superbowl of the Brady era. The accusation, of course, being that they do more than us despite having "their guy."


    And that got me thinking.... we have spent essentially 4 first round picks on Quarterbacks since 2002 and only Washington in the whole NFL has, that I can see, spent more. The problem is we spent them badly.


    1 on a trade for Drew Bledsoe who had one good year before his play declined.

    2 on trading back into the first for JP Losman in 2004 (our 2004 and 2005 picks)

    1 on EJ Manuel in 2013.


    But what about other teams?


    5 first round picks on QBs since 2002

    Washington (3 on RGIII and 1 each one Patrick Ramsey and Jason Campbell)


    4 first round picks on QBs since 2002

    Cleveland (2 on Quinn, 1 each on Weedon and Manziel)

    Buffalo (2 on Losman, 1 on Manuel and 1 in trade for Bledsoe)


    3 first round QBs since 2002

    Jacksonville (Leftwich, Gabbert and Bortles)

    Baltimore (2 on Boller and 1 on Flacco).


    2 first round picks on QBs since 2002

    Detroit (Harrington and Stafford)

    Oakland (Russell and trade for Palmer)

    Tennessee (Young and Locker)

    Chicago (Grossman and trade for Cutler)

    Denver (Cutler and Tebow)

    NY Giants (Rivers and trade for Manning)

    Minnesota (Ponder and Bridgewater)


    A further 14 teams have used 1 first rounder on a Quarterback since 2002. Since 2002 there are, however, 6 teams that have not spent a first round pick on a quarterback. They are:


    New England (obviously have had Brady)

    New Orelans (signed Brees in FA)

    Philadelphia (had McNabb for some of that period who was a 1st rounder and have spent 2 2nd rounders on Kolb and then Foles)

    Dallas (found a starter as an UFA)

    Seattle (found a starter in the 3rd round)

    Kansas City (had spent a 1st round pick the previous year in a trade for Trent Green and then also traded high 2nd round picks for Matt Cassel and Alex Smith)


  9. Petty is my pick too. Strong arm quick release and athletic enough. I think he is the best QB prospect in this draft, although that isnt saying much. 2nd rounder I would be happy with him, I can also see teams taking him in the first, maybe the top 10-15 picks even (if Blane Gabbert can go top 10 then anyone can)


    He may be a project but, we really dont know with his system. He has great natural accuracy, a very fast release, makes quick decisions, and is quite mobile. I think he could beat out EJ in camp.

    People forget how good RG3 was and even Dalton in their rookie years. I dont see why Petty couldnt be Dalton in year 1. And Dalton would get this team to the playoffs

    One of those few improvements, and I would say the MOST IMPORTANT of those improvements, its QB. So I dont think we should rule the position out.


    I don't disagree that Quarterback is the most important area for improvement. Where I disagree is that Petty would be an upgrade as a week 1 starter. I am with Mayock I think the learning curve for him is potentially very steep indeed. I think I read he took less than 5 snaps under centre last season and he plays in an obvious one read system. Dalton, your comparison, is a lower ceiling guy but played in a pro-style offense in college so the learning curve wasn't as steep and with the best will in the world I don't think Petty has RGIII's physical gifts.


    I was also clear, I am not ruling Quarterback out in the 2nd, but I doubt Petty is in the BPA category at #50 and if we are going to reach for a Quarterback in round 2 I'd prefer to trade back a few spots pick up an extra 3rd or a high 4th and and then take Petty towards the bottom end of the 2nd. If he is gone by then that's a shame but if you pick Petty at #50 I think you are realistically leaving yourself with one pick (your 3rd) to try and find a guy who could genuinely have an impact in his rookie year.

  10. I think he was referring to a tall, physical WR. A "throw it up to" guy. I believe the Bills will target that kind of guy in the draft, early. Possibly Jaelen Strong or DGB. Don't sleep Austin Hill from Arizona. May slip in draft because of ACL tear.


    Yep maybe he was, but regardless, Rex often only kept 5 receivers on the roster at the Jets to keep extra DBs and LBs.... if they bring a 4th guy in and want to keep Easley for his special teams prowess then it leaves Goodwin vulnerable.

  11. He is my outisde candidate for shock cut. Whaley did an interview a few weeks ago where he was talking about our young receiving talent and said "we have Sammy and Robert Woods and Chris Hogan who has come on really well but we maybe need one more guy there." I thought the lack of a mention for Goodwin was interesting. If he has any kind of injury niggle during camp and can't establish himself on the team as the premier return guy then I don't think it is beyond the realms of possibility that he isn't back.

  12. I actually see Petty as not all that different a project coming out to where EJ was. There is then the question of whether actually the "coaching" that EJ has received to this point has actually undone some of the potential that existed there in him by over complicating it and coaching him into being overly cautious.


    I'm not against taking him but I don't think he is worth the pick at 50 for a team that has no first rounder and is just a few improvements away from the play-offs. I agree with many others in thinkling the learning curve would be so steep for him if he was to be brought in and asked to start day 1 of his rookie year that you would probably not be getting an upgrade on the EJ / Orton level of porduction and therefore you have missed one of your best chances to add an immediate impact player. If we had a first and could take an impact guy there then I'd say go ahead roll the dice on Petty at 50.


    What I can actually see the Bills trying to do is shop their 2nd round pick to move back about 10 spots and pick up an extra late 3rd rounder or a 4th rounder unless someone they have a very high grade on is still sitting there at 50. If they do move back then Petty at 60, knowing we have 2 chances to land a 3rd round guy who can immediately contribute (maybe o-line, maybe RB, maybe safety)? I might be a little more comfortable with that.

  13. Fitzpatrick wasnt that bad, I thought. The run game was bad considering they were using a fairly old running back. I could see the Bills making the playoffs with Fitz...


    I wasn't criticisimg Fitzpatrick. I was criticising their strategy. I was suggesting that they should have taken a Quarterback last year given that they were not a team devoid of talent and weren't likely to be drafting that high every year and that there were 4 who were considered reaches as #1 picks but who were all seen at one point or another as top 10 guys. As it is they went with Clowney and at Quarterback they still have Fitz and then Mallet who they don't really know about.


    Hey Gunner, I agree with you that the Texans should have invested in a QB. It is possible, though, that they think Mallet could be the guy in which case it's a bit puzzling that they haven't signed him yet.


    That said, I think if you check the numbers, the Texans got something like 5, arguably 6 years of top-10 QB play out of Schaub. No, seriously - the whole deal. Low INTs, AY/A well over 7, pushing 8 yds, completion percentage in the high-60s, three seasons of >4000 yds passing. It's not just #s either, he really played very well for them. Then the wheels fell off in 2013. I don't know what the deal was - yips, undisclosed repetitive use nerve damage, whatever, it seems his arm is gone.


    I think it unfortunately colored their thinking as a franchise, that since they had so much success making a modest trade (2 2nd round picks) for an unheralded QB who gave them a good run, they can make a trade or pick up any QB who has shown a hint and make good with him.



    Yep, I was probably a little harsh on Schaub. However, even in that run I'm not sure he was ever a guy who went out and "won" you games. He was I suppose similar to what Alex Smith is now with the Chiefs.

  14. These are the type of players if you can get them to accept a realistic contract then its great to have them back......but there will always be a player behind them that can step in and you wont see a drop off in production.....


    this is say....as opposed to a player like Hughes.....where you wonder where his 20 sacks in 2 years is going to come from.


    100% agree. I'd have loved to keep Seacry too and keep the whole D together but you could tell just from what Whaley has said that they were hoping a reasonable contract would be enough and it isn't. He thinks he can get Aaron Williams like money and I personally don't think the Bills should pay that. I've liked Searcy a lot the past 2 years. He was good as the dime in Marrone's first year too before becoming the starting safety.

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