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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I mean some of us always said it was a matter of time. His underlying data was always ahead of his box score stats. When that happens eventually things catch up. He was unlucky more than bad in previous years. Stud. Kinda the opposite of when we signed Addison and I said bad move because his box score stats were outperforming the underlying data. And that never lasts long term.
  2. Agree. This Sunday is massive. Win it and I think we win the division.
  3. Yea I don't think their roster build has been good. Thibadeaux has underperformed and Neal has been dreadful. That was two top 10 picks last year. Missing on one is bad. Having two and missing both is criminal. That is Cleveland Browns bad.
  4. If the Giants can win another game or two this season they will have overachieved again. Not to the extent of last season, for sure, but that roster is a 5 or 6 win roster. It was last year when they won 9 and a playoff game. It is this year too.
  5. And on the critical 4th down he showed blitz and backed out. He definitely called a better drive at the end of the game than he has done other times this year but the problem with his play calling so far this season as DC has definitively NOT been a lack of aggression, whatever Tyler Dunne says. It has been too much aggression. In late game scenarios I always think the play is blitz early, simulate late - i.e. get it into the QBs head early in the drive that you are coming, but on the critical downs play coverage. Now obviously you can't be predictable but as a general rule that is the approach I think is most effective. McDermott has often been guilty of doing it the other way, simulating early and so the QB gets two or three looks at where you might come from and then actually blitzing late in drives. And it has hurt us. The defensive playcalling all season hasn't been good enough as far as I am concerned. Just not sure I think Sunday was a sign more aggression is the answer.
  6. 'cept he only knows folks in Buffalo and Green Bay.... Is yours $8 a pop too?
  7. Whether Toney would, or wouldn't have made the play if he had remained onside is an absolute irrelevance. He was lined up in the neutral zone. Really obviously. I called it before the snap, the refs threw the flag immediately, everything that happened thereafter was a nullity. It didn't happen. We live history through reality not through alternative facts.
  8. In some ways Miami are a bit like the Bills. If you let them they can bludgeon you. But if you can play keep away and drag them into a tight ball game they can find a way to give it to you.
  9. In the event we both win our division the game next year would be in Buffalo. But if the Dolphins win the division they would benefit from the home game against the Chiefs, we wouldn't play the Chiefs at all and would get a divisional home game vs the AFCW runner up. It's just the way the positional couplets work in the NFL scheduling. If the Bills and Chiefs match finishing positions this year and next year the Chiefs would then have a three year run of visiting Buffalo in 2024, 2025 and 2026. 2020 - AFCE v AFCW cycle - Chiefs @ Bills 2021 - AFCE @ AFCW in positional matchups 2022 - AFE @ AFCW in positional matchups 2023 - AFC v AFCW cycle - Bills @ Chiefs 2024 - AFCW @ AFCE in positional matchups 2025 - AFCW @ AFCE in positional matchups. 2026 - AFCE v AFCW cycle - Chiefs @ Bills
  10. This isn't true. He is a bottom end of an NFL roster / PS level player. And that is the role he serves.
  11. I'm baking Denver in as a wildcard that goes one and done in the playoffs. There are two spots left. Of course the route for the Bills now is win out. If we win out we will win the division.
  12. I mean he called an aggressive game at the end vs Denver as well and it cost us the game. He called an aggressive defense all day vs Mac Jones and it allowed him to dink and dunk his way to a win. The games that McDermott as defensive coordinator has blown this year haven't been because he hasn't been aggressive enough. Quite the opposite. They are because he has been too aggressive.
  13. Arsenal fans sing a song that goes along the lines of "it's happened again, it's happened agaaaaaiiinnnn Tottenham Hotspur, it's happened again" because of Tottenham's ability to collapse down the stretch when all the marbles are on the line time after time. And I kinda feel the same about the Dolphins - it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they blow it from here. It would be very Dolphiny.
  14. Thanks! I nearly tagged you in my post because I thought if anyone would remember who it was it would be you. Not sure if that is a compliment but feel free to take it as one
  15. It reminded me a bit of a prime Big Ben play. Guys hanging off him, anyone else woulda given it up and he throws back inside and finds a guy.
  16. 100%. If anything at times he takes too much on his shoulders and wears it. But his personal accountability is beyond question IMO. Great teammate.
  17. The Bills have had an issue for years with hot routes. Combination of them not built effectively into design and Josh not getting to them quickly enough. Definitely felt like yesterday there had to have been some hot route adjustments to punish the blitzes but they never came for whatever reason.
  18. Yep, he did. Good question on the brace. Didn't look that closely.
  19. I mean it wouldn't be the first time under this regime a player never turned up on the injury report then we found out after the year was working through an issue. There was definitely a case where that happened with wrist ligaments. I forget which player now. They never appeared on the injury report then had surgery after the season and said they had played with it most of the year.
  20. How could they have been screwed it was very clearly a penalty. Andy saying it is embarrassing for the league.... I think it embarrassing for him and Brett Veach who persist with Toney because they gave up an asset for him when it is absolutely abundantly clear he is a knuckle head who costs them football games. He is a less likeable Isaiah McKenzie. It's on them for him still being out there.
  21. I actually think Von probably played his best game yesterday since returning. that isn't a high bar but there were a couple of flashes, which is a couple more than any other game. I think he is toast but I am going to try really hard for the next week to believe there might be some juice left for the run.... because with AJE down we need him.
  22. Spags has always been kryptonite for our pass protection. It was said elsewhere, and it is true, that the Chiefs and Bills know each other about as well as divisional rivals at this point. But I go back to 2020, the empty stadium year, when olines held sway and ours was decent... except it got brutalised twice by the Chiefs (regular and post season). Spags is a master breaking down protection schemes and he seems to eat ours. Multiple OCs and OL coaches throughout that time too. The OL does have to play better to make a run, but for the most part this year it has played better. Not outstanding, but league average. If it can get to that the rest of the way we will be fine.
  23. There is that too, but you still have faster guys out there than you do when you are trying to stop a FG return.
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