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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I have been critical of some of the DC work Sean has put out there this year... but the past 2 weeks he has done a really nice job, both in terms of scheme and playcalling.
  2. If Mike McCarthy uses his timeouts here he is a loser.
  3. I want to go to bed so I am fine with Dallas running the clock.
  4. I was thinking the same when I saw Lamb come up gimpy.
  5. If Murray is running it will be a couple of three and outs. I'd like to move the ball a bit in the next drive.
  6. You can sit Cook, Josh and Stef now. Let Kyle hand off to Ty Johnson.
  7. Worthless is harsh because he was done fine as a returner. Not worth the contract though. Not even close. He is an easy cut.
  8. Floyd made that play. Big Phil with the clean up.
  9. Got away with a hold on that Johnson run for sure.
  10. It is disingenuous to suggest all his turnovers are from forcing it though. If he plays clean here we win.
  11. Keep your discipline Buffalo. Let them ne the ones getting chippy.
  12. Memo to Josh - DO NOT TURN IT OVER! No back breaking momentum changers here.
  13. Milk the clock and score. Take the double dip out of play.
  14. These officials love an appeal. Ask and ye shall receive.
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