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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. How many plans are successfull when the turnover battle is lost 3-0? I am not pointing with a microscope. I am pointing at the people making mistakes. And I have pointed at coaching plenty this year. It is totally inplausible to me that last night was coaching. It was unforced execution errors.
  2. I am afraid we watched completely different games. The reason we didn't win going away was 3 turnovers, Josh missing two easy 3rd down throws and the OL having one total brain fart drive. The Bills were well coached, had a good plan, and but for unforced errors by players would have won by miles.
  3. Take away last week and Johnson hasn't broken 20 yards a game or hit 4 ypc in any game. He is a JAG.
  4. So when Josh misses a wide open Davis and Kincaid on 3rd down throws we blame coaching? Is there anything we don't blame coaching for? EDIT: there has been LOTS to blame coaching for this year. Both coordinators and the Head Coach as the Head Coach. But it has got ridiculous now. The Bills were well coached last night. The issues yesterday were all about player execution and individual errors that let a bad team hang around.
  5. Yea that drive was almost a turnover given we went backwards ended under our own posts and Martin even getting to midfield was a triumph.
  6. After the first drive (on script) where the defense gave up 90 yards but stiffened it gave up 183 yards at an average of 16 per Chargers drive. The narrative that the defense was the problem last night is insane the issues were Allen, Harty and Cook needlessly giving the ball away. Did he? The Oline had one disaster drive and Cook but the ball on the ground. But the other three Bills drives that failed were two Josh Allen misses to wide open guys on 3rd down and then a stupid pick he didn't need to throw. Equally the play he makes for our first touchdown was incredible. So I am not ragging on Josh. But this was not, overall, a game where Josh was superman despite failure around him. This was a game where his receivers - Davis, Diggs and Shakir all made really good plays for Allen.
  7. Disagree, the defense was fine. The Chargers had 2 drives of any note. If the Bills don't turn it over 3 times and end up going backwards 20 yards on another drive giving them good field position the Chargers would have struggled to get double figures.
  8. He didn't try that many. Hence he had a pitiful 6.4 ypa. If you think the defense was the issue tonight I don't know what to tell you.
  9. Yep. Last week Chargers lost the turnover battle 0-5. This week they won it 3-0. That is a +8 swing. That is all there is to it. I thinke probably played with a bit more energy for the interim HC, but the difference is turnovers.
  10. The Bills would have blown them out too if dumb players hadn't committed dumb turnovers.
  11. I don't disagree. It has always been the case with Josh. He wants the ball in his hands and plays best when it is a lot. That is what the "Josh centric" crowd miss. Josh is at his best and most dialled in when it is Josh centric. The issue tonight though was just didn't have that many plays. We got dominated TOP because of the turnovers.
  12. Sean McDermott. The Chargers managed two drives over 35 yards all day. Their first where they drove the field and a 46 yarder in the second half. After their first drive and the script they averaged 16 yards per drive. The reason they were able to kick so many FGs out of that pathetic offensive production was because of Deonte Harty, Josh Allen and James Cook
  13. So when Josh throws a dumb pick or players fumble the ball that is on the head coach? Come on. That is nonsense. The players made dumb mistakes that let a bad team playing hard hang around.
  14. Definitely Martin. That punt under his own posts was a hell of a job.
  15. Sean McDermott was better than most of our players tonight.
  16. I will tell you something.... the Bills coaching was better than the Bills execution tonight. That game was close because too many players made DUMB mistakes.
  17. Now give it to Murray. Ill take 1 yard and hold onto the ball.
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