Morris wasn't open. If he was trying to hit Morris it was a crap decision as well as a crap throw. Hollins underneath was coming open.... but that would be an even bigger overthrow if that is who he was targetting.
I think he will be on the PS. But will be interesting to see who comes in with the 2nd team D. Him and Williams with the 1s.... if Spector and Jones are the 2s that suggests Andreeson is in the mix.
I think the sack was on a play that was supposed to go downfield. It looked to me like he was looking at an in breaker off the left side and came off it. Will be one to look at on the all22.
Agree. Ed is a stud. Groot looks good. They can sit down. Looks like they are taking no risks at linebacker with Bernard not in. Andreeson was with the 3rd/4th string last week and is out with the 1s!!