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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Josh doesn't make excuses for himself. It is a big part of what makes him great. It isn't about taking blame for others it is about being really honest with himself.
  2. Against that misdirection heavy offense Dorian Williams would have been a major liability. He is a rookie. The game will slow down for him. His head will stop spinning. And when it does he has the physical talent to be a player. But at the moment mentally he isn't at the level.
  3. Just watched his presser. In answer to "what was the feeling at half time?" Josh said: "We were beating ourselves. I was beating us." Josh Allen must be a Josh Allen hater!
  4. He is 25-8 regular season in December and January as the Bills HC.
  5. If I had a game manager Quarterback and wanted to be a team that ran the ball and relied on play action I would hire Arthur Smith as my OC tomorrow. There are a lot of teams for whom he would be absolutely perfect. Even the Jets where he would be a major upgrade on Hackett and is what a 40 year old Rodgers needs. But if I have an alien like Josh Allen or Mahomes or even a Burrow or a Herbert? Nah. I'd pass.
  6. Spector too. I was worried when Dodson (himself a backup who has way outplayed expectations) went out but Braylon was really good. And Jackson made a critical pass breakup too on a 3rd down. Both teams had injuries last night and coming in for the Dolphins. It was clear which team's backups had been coached up and were ready to play.
  7. Yea our run game with Cook kind of needs the stretch plays to create the cut back lanes as well. It is designed so that every run looks like it could be a perimeter run at the exchange but then sometimes he attacks upfield. The problem last night was the Dolphins speed getting outside meant our pulling linemen never had time to get to their landmarks and as such we probably had more negative runs than any other game this year. And it meant they could continue to play tight fronts inside because they weren't as worried as most teams about being gashed on the edge. I'd have gone to more playoff Lenny and a cloud of dust sooner.
  8. Tyler Bass is hurt. I promise you all. We will find out after the season there has been something lingering with Bass. They have been way more conservative with him all year on longer kicks. There is a reason. I agree with you. You go for it on 4th down there.
  9. Yea. Although on the other side of the pond that is not my favourite thing.... I am VERY happy with next week's scheduling for the Wild Card round. Yea I slightly recant my criticism of him on that shot. I know stills are not always the best way to judge but based on that picture I understand why he threw it. I think that is a chance you can take.
  10. Realistically I think going 7-1 at home (I mean proper home) again is well in our power. The road slate has some tricky opponents but we have matched up well with Baltimore in the past, we do with Miami as we have seen and I just feel like vs the Lions if it becomes Josh vs Jared then the Bills have the advantage (and I have always liked Goff more than the average man on the street, took pelters after their rookie years for saying he would be a better NFL QB than Wentz).
  11. Yep. And he totally took over the game in the 4th Quarter. He does owe some thanks to his teammates though - especially on D where we are down to about our 7th linebacker - and Harty for keeping the game there for him to influence late. Josh Allen is always the most talented guy on the football field. Collinsworth said it early last night.... most of the time the opposition can't beat Josh Allen but sometimes Josh Allen beats Josh Allen.
  12. I prefer it to this year's.
  13. His 84 yards last night makes it the TENTH best rookie Tight End season of all time.
  14. I was being slightly tongue in cheek....
  15. Agree. I liked the go for it calls. But the playcalling from Brady was too conservative. You attempt your safe pass plays on 1st or 2nd down and run on 3rd. Not the other way round. Teams always sell out to play the run on 1st down and Miami was no different. That is your best down to complete a pass.
  16. No. He has struggled second half of the year that is true. But I think they have to let him work through it. And the one egrigous 3rd down free rusher play today looked like a protection call mistake to me rather than a mental mistake by O'Cyrus. Josh tried to set a blitz protection but the OL all played the down as if they were protecting 4 man rush, wasn't just Torrence, although the guy ends up coming through the right guard channel. Some communication went array there somewhere IMO. Not saying that was his only bad snap. He struggled generally. But on that one it is likely an Allen / Morse communication miscue.
  17. Fire Danny Crossman is always the right answer in fairness. I didn't realise he was their ST coach, although Harty's touchdown makes more sense now that I know he is.
  18. There will almost certainly be a worse coach than Leslie hired in this round by somebody is the irony.
  19. But he stared down a pass for a first to his left before he started running out to his right and heaved it.
  20. Yes. I know the numbers. It is the dumb turnovers and the dumb play before half. They are unnecessary dumb mistakes. They are the thing stopping the Bills from winning these game more comfortably and frankly they are the reason he isn't about to win the MVP. Because his talent is off the charts. I just wish not every game was the Josh Allen Experience. It doesn't need to be. He is too good for that.
  21. Game day threads are not real threads. People are responding in the moment on emotion. You have to divorce that slightly from the rest of the board.
  22. He doesn't deserve the job until he hangs them up. But for me any thought of him deserving to be fired was contingent on missing the playoffs (not that he would have been anyway but there would have been a legitimate argument that he should). He deserves to coach the team next year. And every season is a new season. You have to earn the right all over again.
  23. I don't think there are any haters. Maybe 1 or 2. But there are people who are very sensitive to any criticism of him even when warranted. It is fine to day he did a lot wrong tonight and yet turned up when the Bills needed him too and willed them to a win in that 4th Quarter. That is just the truth.
  24. I think both INTs today were on Josh. I give him a bit of a break on the first one in that he couldn't see but Apple kept outside leverage so Gabe had broken off the route and headed for the post but Josh made a bad decision to throw it. Take the sack or throw away. The 2nd one was a totally needless throw. He came off the route he should have thrown. And the DB undercut where Gabe was running so even if he doesn't trip that it is a pick.
  25. The turnovers were on him. The 2nd one he looks right at a first down throw then comes off it. The mistake at end of the half is on him. And then he fumbles in scoring range. That was 12 points minimum left on the field.
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