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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. Hmm. Maybe. But only Ron and Marty Hurney were folks Beane had prior relationships with particularly. I thought it was a veiled dig a them.
  2. He is coming back this year. No doubt about it.
  3. Yep, very true. Interestingly Brady's history is as a spread guy really. If anyone had more background in under centre / traditional pro-style concepts it was Dorsey. Yet Brady has used a bit more under centre than Dorsey did. I feel like he has also used more empty backfield than Dorsey though and when Josh was humming with Dabes back in 2020 I always felt like he really revelled in that empty backfield, 5 wide type set. The Bills were forced to go away from that in 2021 and 2022 because their oline was sooo bad. Now they are back to a 2020 like, pretty steady, offensive line I would think there is more scope for the empty stuff to come back in.
  4. Huh. Mixed bag. I think my non-Bills ones were pretty good. I was slightly too punchy on Green Bay, but was much higher on them than the consensus and IMO them winning a playoff game isn't out of the realm of possibility. I was too punchy on the Saints but that is mainly because I was wrong on the Buccaneers who I had as a top 5 pick team, credit to them for getting to 9 wins. I didn't foresee that. Nailed the other two, AFC North all winning records and Wilson benched. Davis only trailed Diggs by 1 frustratingly..... and Phillips is not on the Bills ACTIVE roster (but that wasn't really what I meant). The other two were miles off.
  5. We will get them at home the next 3 years subject to us finishing in the same position in our divisions next year. Otherwise it will be home 2 of the next 3 and no game vs them the middle year.
  6. Hasn't always been. Romeo Crennel and Matt Patricia definitely called plays in the New England heyday. Not sure on Dean Pees. Seem to remember he resigned to move sideways to the Ravens because Belichick had taken over play calling. Easier to cycle in and out of calling the D when you have the hardware on the shelf to show for it though. McDermott giving it up at this stage would be a strange move IMO. Even though mid-season I'd have said it needs to happen!
  7. How much bad blood was caused over the pass catching back... forget his name? Brandon Beane was definitely pissed and talked about it having "damaged some long term relationships with people in Washington." And even distinct from that, Sean McDermott isn't giving up play calling. If the Bills have a DC next year it will be an internal promotion and a non-playcalling role.
  8. Davis actively wants a powerful leader who he can just hand the keys too. That was his plan with Gruden. Give him all the power, let him pick his own personnel team and then step away and leave them to it. I can see that appealing to Harbaugh.
  9. No I don't think there is a rule. It is one of those things where I just think officials are pretty live to it. But it has to be the specific circumstance you set out right, it only works is a team commits an intentional foul right after a team has converted a first down. If you are trying to stop a 1st down (i.e. in the play) then you don't want to commit a foul because your preference is stop the conversion from a clock perspective. And after 2nd or 3rd down it gives the offense an extra down. So it really has to be an after the play penalty on a first down conversion and I think the reality is a ref would only throw a flag if it was a potential ejection type offence. And not sure a player is going to risk a suspension and/or being hit in the pocket in these circumstances. If a team really tried to abuse it that might trigger a rule change, that is usually how these things work.
  10. Theoretically, yes. But equally officials are pretty dialled in to teams intentionally trying to manipulate the clock.
  11. Inside the final five minutes the clock stops on a penalty. Even if it is declined.
  12. I think the final 5 or 6 games the offense had collapsed under Dorsey. His "keep it simple and out execute them" approach had left us predictable and easily stoppable. While I accept the offense hasn't been perfect under Brady, and some of the issues that plagued Dorsey at the end remain (execution errors) Brady has done a better job at at creating plays with formation, motion and leverage. So taken from where they ended with Dorsey the offense is better and it has helped the D too by giving them more of a break. You go to some of those mid-season games and we were 3 and outting at an alarming rate. However, you are right the defense is the key. The middle of the season post the 3 big injuries the Bills were really struggling to work stuff out. McDermott looked out of ideas short of send the house every play and our execution was sloppy. They have turned it around. Even pre-bye in Philly I thought the defense was very good. They ultimately got beat by some really talented individuals making some high level plays late on. But schematically and playcalling the Bills won that battle even in defeat. Since the bye the defensive plans have been really good. Even on Sunday when they struggled early to get a beat on the pitch motion they adjusted 2nd half and shut the game down. In terms of future investment they definitely need to keep adding to the offense and I have long argued that the area where they need to make savings is the defensive line. They can't sustain an 8 or 9 man rotation where everyone is either a vet on a nice contract or a day 1 or 2 pick. Justin Zimmer is the only time I can remember them really living with a guy who gave them cheap production (suppose Shaq might qualify but he is very much the 9th guy of 9) and they need to be able to find another of those types.... draft a couple of DL prospects with all those 6th and 7th round picks we have... and divert that extra money to offense. That said they will need to bring in at least one premium DL and one premium safety somewhere this offseason. Whether that is through FA or an early pick. But they must also address wide receiver in that way. My strong view remains that should be their priority in round 1 (as I have thought it should have been the last two years) their issue in a really strong class is going to be how late are they drafting and who gets to them. What I really think they need is a guy who can be a #2 in 2024 but eventually has #1 upside. I slightly worry that the guys who fit that profile might be gone and you might be left with picking a proper #2 receiver type, which still is a need and particularly if we are picking later 20s might still represent some value. My ideal approach to this offseason is that they find a starting safety in free agency (I have my eye on Kamren Curl he would be absolutely perfect for this scheme and like Poyer and Hyde can play both center field and in the box) and that allows them to go WR and DL with their first two picks and then gives them the flexibility to target an offensive tackle in the 3rd / 4th because while Dawkins has had a very good year, and Brown his best year as a pro my long term concerns about Dion's viability as a tackle into his 30s with weight issues and the fact that Brown is a pending FA after 2024 means that is a position they would be well served to have some stock in the cupboard.
  13. They did two things. Poyer came down into the box more. And they made a conscious decision to call the pass rush off. First half the Bills front 4 was penetrating upfield only to find a ball that was either gone laterally on the toss or a quick strike out of Tua's hand. Second half they were noticeably holding their ground at the line more. I think they basically said "we are not winning this game based on whether we get to Tua or not, we are winning it based on whether we can control the line." That combination definitely spooked McDaniel out of running the ball more (mistake IMO) and got McDermott what he wanted. The game in Tua's hands having to make tight window throws. Interfering, don't like spending money, operate a patchwork infrastructure behind the scenes. Since firing Marty they have gone for coaches they can control to an extent. That isn't Jim Harbaugh.
  14. If it is his only option, yes. I think he is attracted to the Chargers but I wonder if he will still be once he meets ownership. Because they are a nightmare.
  15. We would. In next year's draft. Problem is the calendar is too tight for that. It puts hiring teams waaay behind the 8 ball for free agency and to a lesser extent for the draft too. This new rule that you can't interview coaches before 21 Jan is as far as they can afford to go.
  16. Dan isn't a GM yet. But yes, would be a 3rd guy from Brandon's GM tree. The first staff he hired here was a complete all star staff. Pegs must of got the cheque book out. I am not totally sold on TG as a GM. He seems a nervous and uncomfortable communicator a bit in the Whaley mode. And I think communication is a big part of the job. But if he gets it I will root for him to succeed.
  17. As a Dolphins fan I am not surprised you are rooting for them next week. Nice of you to pop by and tell us about it though. Your own forum a bit too depressing today?
  18. That is a fair way of looking at it. Some of the people who end up getting these jobs are just patently unsuitable. But there may well be very suitable people who never get the break to be in that position.
  19. He did. But when I look over the course of the season he has struggled with kickoff depth too. It is possible he is a bit healthier now, but he has been struggling with distance most of the year.
  20. Yes, but the turnover rate has gone up and what I think we are seeing more now is bad Head Coach Candidates. I'm sure that has always existed to an extent but there are guys getting jobs now who are not even good candidates. Forget whether they become good HCs or not.
  21. Exclude the GDT though, that isn't an opinion thread it is just cataloguing emotions in real time... where are the over the top attacks on Josh? Maybe they are in threads I am not seeing and I confess if a thread has a stupid title I just don't open it. But I don't really see over the top attacks on him. I see people sometimes criticising him for mistakes he makes. He should not be above that. Even for his greatness. No player or coach should.
  22. Again, tongue in cheek. Danny Crossman sucked here, and his STs always seem to suck. I was being sarcastic blaming him for last night.
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