Howard Simon's basement is legendary. His story the other week where they are decorating the room his wife usually watches in (he called it the "family room") and there is no furniture in there so she asked if she could watch in the basement with him and he said no and put her on a single kitchen chair with a tv on top of a cardboard box in the part decorated family room was awesome
I do prefer watching by myself tbh. In the UK the thing I particularly despise is watching with people who don't understand. Occasionally around Xmas for example I might watch a game at my sister's and my brother in law will sit watching and commenting despite having only a basic rudimentary understanding of what is going on. That pisses me off and I have to bite my tongue. I have a couple of mates (one Jags fan, one Rams fan) who I can watch with who understand the game. But that is it really.
My other half prefers not even being in the house with me when I'm watching Arsenal or the Bills because of how tense and uptight I can get but does an alternative tv room, fully furnished with sofa and proper tv (sorry Howard) to retire to should being out of the house not be possible!