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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. I mean he is the obvious leader in the clubhouse. Might lead to the misspeaking. But Beane is a pretty straight shooter. He is telling you there that his expectations was Joe is the OC. I haven't watched Brandon's presser yet. Seen Sean's but it's been a busy week. And Brandon's is always an hour to savour because he pretty much tells you what is coming next in terms of moves. I'll settle down with a coffee tomorrow and enjoy it.
  2. Demeco Ryans became a coordinator after 3 years as a position coach and then a Head Coach after two years as a coordinator. Sean McVay had three years as a position coach before getting his OC gig too. Bryon Leftwich had one and a half seasons as a position coach before he became an OC. I don't think it is that rare now. Especially on the offensive side because the pool depletes so quickly.
  3. To be clear I am not arguing for them hire Thad. I think, as you do, thst the Bills should be looking for playcalling experience. But there will be first time OCs hired in this cycle without playcalling experience. And of the names in that hat Thad is a credible name.
  4. I'd pick Brady because he has called plays for us and done okay. But if we had fired Dorsey just, as in this week after the season, and I was comparing like for like in terms of who, as a QB coach, had got their QB playing with the best fundamentals of their career and maximised their talents then I think there would be a legit case for taking Thad over Joe.
  5. Sure. But then how does any coach ever step up through the ranks? You look at QB coaches who have got the most out of their Quarterback. I tend to think Thad did better at that than Joe Brady this year.
  6. Fair. But then his work with Baker is impressive. And we know former NFL QBs (even mediocre ones) tend to get a leg up when it comes to QB and OC coaching. Witness Ken Dorsey for instance.
  7. He does have zero OC experience. But he has been successful coaching WRs and QBs. As far as candidates to be a first time OC in the NFL go Thad is totally legit.
  8. The most? No. But he is a legit OC candidate this cycle. It is not like they just picked a black guy and interviewed him.
  9. I mean I wouldn't go with a first time OC myself but tell me what Duce Staley has done that gives you more confidence that he'd make a good NFL OC than Thad? Neither have ever been a coordinator. Thad has coached receivers and Quarterbacks. Duce has only ever coached running backs. For this offense with this QB I know which I'd consider a better fit. EB is a different case. He is qualified to do the job. As always the questions with EB have been about things off the field.
  10. I am not neglecting what we saw. What we saw was a guy who struggled to line up properly.
  11. Elam is a scheme fit issue. Williams is not that. He is at a more basic level struggling to adjust to the league
  12. Yes. He is expected to get interviewed for that job too.
  13. Norv Turner's son is another. I suppose Bobby Babich here too. You are right nepotism is still a real force in the NFL. I hate that any black coach who gets an interview gets "Rooney Rule" shouted at them. Thad has revived the career of a QB kicked off three teams in 15 months. I think him getting OC looks on the back of that work is very much earned.
  14. The return of the original Dolphin Slayer! Thad and Josh. The Dolphins would be lucky to only lose by 30.
  15. It wasn't about scheme. It was about knowing where to line up in the formation. That is absolute basics. And has been a problem for Williams.
  16. I don't agree that our oline got outplayed. Even second half. I think both offensive lines neutralised both defensive lines. I don't buy that the whole team underperformed on Sunday and yet was 1 or max 2 plays from beating the Chiefs. Unless of course you believe on paper we are just a lot better than them and I don't think that. I think they are two very evenly matched teams. The last 4 matchups have gone right to the wire. We are 2-2 in those games. Sadly they won the 2 most important ones. We had chances in both but couldn't make a play. They had chances in both the regular season games too and couldn't make the play they needed.
  17. It's a supporting talent problem. No. I just don't think the better the devil you know argument is a credible argument for keeping him. That isn't my argument for keeping him.
  18. But that team that they had on the field is old, expensive and based a lot on reputation and not recent performance. I think they are a bit where the Bills were a year ago..... they need some young guys to hit and become key players. But with a terrible roster, no guarantee of hitting the right QB, and in a difficult division with two of the most talented teams in football.
  19. That's true but the salary cap situation in LA is going to make short term success tricky. And he is in a division with some fella name Mahomes.
  20. Tee is a legit OC candidate. But I am not sold on him here given where we are. Too big of a gamble to roll with a guy who has never called plays.
  21. Mario Williams was the last truly elite game changer we had up front. I think Ed was pretty close this past year. Yes Sunday was not a good game for him, but I have confidence he will build again next season.
  22. If they stay the course he has a shot. But man that is a tough gig.
  23. Agree - safety in FA and then some cheap vet depth at DT and WR. But their big swings on DL and WR should come in the first two rounds of the draft.
  24. As you know I agree totally that the Bills need an outside receiver who can get vertical and gives them a more explosive element. That said their YAC numbers were much better this year. I think @Shaw66 said they were 6th in the league. That has been a problem other seasons, but actually by design when you are so small ball the YAC comes. I was very critical of Brady in Carolina. He was in over his head IMO and he did not do a great job. That said, here Dorsey was the predictable one and Brady DID incorporate a bunch of motions, stack formations, pre-snap movement and rub routes. He ran the same plays broadly but dressed them up with better eye candy and misdirection. So that element of the criticism from the Panthers has not, to this point, carried across to the Bills. He also use leverage really cleverly and used the middle of the field which were Dorsey weaknessed. Again, not me saying they "must" hire Joe Brady. I don't think that. But I do think he is a credible candidate for the job and will be an OC somewhere in the NFL next year. Let's see who else they bring in for interview.
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