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Everything posted by GunnerBill

  1. If they get the first the time is irrelevant. That was the only way to assure that they didnt get a kick at it.
  2. I don't think three runs would have taken 12 seconds. The Bills couldn't risk anything lateral because of the safety risk so they had to be hard fast downhill runs. I think generously maybe 3 seconds per play.
  3. Not true. It was 1st - :32 to :27 - 5 seconds 2nd - :27 to :21 - 6 seconds 3rd - :21 to :16 - 5 seconds If you could have got them to 11 seconds I agree it isn't enough. You need 12. But I'm not sure, save from the Bills getting a first down OR them failing to complete a play, you could stop them being in kicking range. They were always likely to have about 15 seconds to play with.
  4. That is cos backed up Martin has to line drive it and that means the coverage team doesn't have the necessary time to get down the field. I'd kind of factored that in to my thinking before the series even started. You are gonna be giving up some yardage on the return.
  5. Yea its not black and white. I'd have run too. But it only makes their decision at the end slightly more difficult. Say the Bills ran 3 times for 5 yards and the put goes and is returned the same distance. The Texans then need 10 yards to get to where they kicked but throwing 10 yards and getting up to spike it is pretty doable with 15 seconds or so. Romo always say as long as you are throwing within 10 yards 12 seconds is the cut off for the complete pass in the middle and spike.
  6. Our three long developing pass plays took 16 seconds off the clock. Three runs and three time outs take maybe half that. So those extra 8 seconds mean they still have time for a play plus a kick. The only way to avoid it was a first down IMO.
  7. Jesus. Our passing game is truly terrible.
  8. That was there as well. Hollins stinks.
  9. Ugh. Don't wanna throw deep from there. Gotta get out from under the posts.
  10. Wow. Houston gave us a shot there by throwing to the sideline and then throwing incomplete. Wow. Wow. Wow. Houston blew it.
  11. That Im afraid is the ball game. Hope all those "bring the blitz" fans are happy. ***** call.
  12. If Houston gets a first down its all but done. Gotta have a play here.
  13. The game comes down to these two downs then.
  14. Josh told them it wasn't head. He was trying to avoid it. So it took the call coming down from above.
  15. The lack of an outside vertical receiver is glaring. That is why Brady is using his running backs downfield on crunch downs.
  16. Did Josh have to scramble there?
  17. When we are in pure dropback everyone knows we gotta pass scenarios our protection struggles and our receivers can't get open quickly enough.
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