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Everything posted by timekills17

  1. He wasn't a rookie. He'd played with professionals - NFL level - in the USFL for two years. I don't think playing a QB with a bad team is going to ruin a QB either - there are plenty of examples of good to great QBs that did well. But you really can't use Jimbo's "rookie" experience in the NFL as an example.
  2. Why do you think they don't see it? Have you not noticed the overall quality of offensive linemen across the NFL is bad? Why do you think two of the o-line that DIDN'T make the Bills roster were immediately snatched from waivers? There just aren't good o-line players that aren't signed. There are a lot of mediocre to poor players, which we have enough of.
  3. I'd be more inclined to agree if you said he was the guy that crushed it on the putting practice but has a 42 handicap.
  4. That's not bold, that's all caps. You can't have it both ways.
  5. Lot of extremes here. As I recall "most" (as defined as the posters on message boards) felt: -Goodwin was similar to Roscoe Parrish - a fun to watch but one-trick pony who couldn't be relied on to stay healthy. I.E. not losing any sleep over him leaving. Some definitely chastised him for his perceived attention to long jumping over the NFL after he initially claimed he was only interested in football. -Woods was someone we wanted to keep as a reliable receiver; good hands, great blocking, and rarely hurt. However - he wasn't seen as worth the #1 money some felt he got from the Rams. I don't recall anyone who wanted him gone, or wouldn't rather have kept him, but rationally (or rationalized) the thinking was the money was needed more elsewhere. -Hogan was probably between the two. More angst because he went to the Patriots, and for a few he was their semi-annual late round chosen one. For most he was another good, but replaceable, receiver. I'd argue that 7-11 and Woods may have received a better contract offer from the current regime if they had still been here (Hogan) or the Watkins situation was better known at the time. Woods wanted to go back home though, so that was probably just not going to happen, especially after the limited use he got here.
  6. Why would I compare myself to a professional football player? They get paid to entertain. I get paid to kill bad guys. I have a limited window, and am one of the best in the world at what I do, which is why I'm offered higher paying jobs. But I understand commitment, and honoring an agreement that I entered, as well as respect for the people I work with who depend on me. "We all make less than what we bring to the table, otherwise every business would be losing money." But yet, you think everyone should hold out on doing their jobs to make more money. Perhaps rather than insulting someone about "rambling on" you could try reading and considering the point being made. If you can't understand my point, then we'll just have to agree to disagree.
  7. The "he did it well" portion is subjective. You must accept that, or the discussion is moot. No issues with his being upset that he lost his position, or even that he was passionate about it. He said so, and those are his feelings, so I have no choice but to concur. However, I do not have to agree with him or you that he was an outstanding, or even better than average writer, In my opinion - MY OPINION - he should have recognized that the Bills were a critical portion of Buffalo's sense of self worth in a difficult time during those three decades, and taken the more difficult path of keeping the Bills' ownership accountable while not constantly crapping on fans' hopes. I can tell my kids they're dumb as rocks or I can show them where they've done well and where they can improve. Neither is giving them a star for participation. But with one technique they don't feel like shite when I'm done and may actually get better. It's harder to do - but if I'm doing my job "well" as a parent for almost 2 decades, its expected.
  8. At least you admit that you don't understand why Darby would absolutely not have locked down the CB position for us in the scheme we play.
  9. I did. Let's see...did the Bills make the playoffs? Yes. Hmm. Seems pretty legit. Reminder that the Bills have also been 9-7 twice before during the drought and didn't make the playoffs - because they weren't a legitimate playoff team that year, Now - if you want to argue there were better teams than the Bills that didn't make the playoffs - I'l agree. Just as I'll argue when the Bills went 9-7 and lost to the Steelers to miss the the playoffs their defense was good enough to make them a "better" team head to head than some that did make the playoffs. But they legitimately had a worse record.
  10. Why do you persist in regurgitating this concept, that If you're "worth 2x or 3x would you take x?" First - there IS a difference between taking $20/hr verse $60/hr and taking $14 MILLION vs $29 million, To act like they're both the same discussion is akin to the "if your friend jumped off a bridge would you?" or "That's what the Nazis said too" arguments. This is the real world we live in, where amounts do impact the relevance and outcome of a discussion. I can tell you I'm worth a lot more to my employer than the $150K or so I earn. But guess what. I signed a CONTRACT. I can't even get out of mine without going to jail. And yeah - I've been offered about three times my current salary to work for other companies, but they're not guaranteed. The company could fail, or might not make their bid. So I chose the lesser, but safer salary. JUST LIKE HE COULD. He's an entertainer. He can walk if he wants to, but to say the team/owner/whomever should pay up - that's BS. Not exactly. Feel free to look at the details of the contract they offered him. They could run him into the ground for 400+ carries, pay him $10 mil, then kick him to the curb. or He could take $14.5 mil this year on franchise, and then see where that leads him. I'd go with option B every day. You're telling me I'm wrong about the $14 million, and then telling me I'm right. I do "feel free" to look at the details as much as anyone in the public. What has been publicly released (whether accurate or not) is ~$14 Million from the tag this year, That's guaranteed. That's how it works. Feel free to look at the details of the NFL tag requirements.
  11. I'm just sitting here trying to figure out how the worst team in football is supposed to get to 6.5 wins. If that's the WORST...talk about a season of mediocrity. Or as the NFL calls it, "parity".
  12. Exactly. $14 million this year. For a running back. Granted, a running back that catches as well as most and better than some receivers but still. Why do people think they have to defend players when even their own teammates don't think he should be holding out?
  13. I don't know if we'll ever realize how lucky we got when this guy joined our team. Great player, and clearly has his head in a good place, especially for someone as young as he.
  14. Unfortunately it was ex-C.I.A. director John Brennan. He wasn't nearly as interesting to watch, surprisingly. Adds walnuts to his banana bread and chocolate chip cookies too. Yuck. Or, umm, that's what I heard.
  15. Oh yeah? Next you're going to tell me it was pepperoni because the sausage ones were on sale, but they were sold out. That was after you bought a bunch of bananas that you noticed were just on the cusp of ripeness, but figured if you didn't get to them all in the next couple of days it was okay, because on 2 DEC 1998 at 11:37 you were baking banana bread.
  16. from SBNation's "Big Cat Country" site As always, some fans are more realistic than others.
  17. "doesn't suck" = compliment I suppose. Especially when talking about first ballot future HoF'ers.
  18. Bull$h1t. Pizza Hut stopped selling personal pizzas for two years between 1997-1999. Busted..
  19. Josh "MegaMan" Allen. To make it even better, his name translates to RocketMan in Japanese.
  20. Three years for $99 is pretty good for a VPN that has never limited my speed, has hundreds of exit points in countries all over the world, and doesn't log anything. https://nordvpn.com/special/deal/
  21. Hmm. Same type of hit, took out Patrick Chung after a forearm to the back of Chung's head. Not just one play. I found others as well, including others against the Pats. The Sporting News - made up of all homerific Bills fans, apparently - on 23 OCT 2016 "Jarvis Landry on Aaron Williams: Dirtiest Hit of the Year?" Sports Illustrated (also known to be written entirely by biased Bills fans) on 27 OCT 2016 "Blanket Coverage: The Jarvis Landry hit was a gigantic whiff for the NFL" USA Today (dang - I never noticed how many national publications are made up of Bills fans and their ilk) on 23 OCT 2016 "There's no room in football for this cheap shot by Jarvis Landry" So, yeah - we and the national media will have to agree to disagree with you on both that it was just one time, and that only Bills fans think it was dirty.
  22. This is a very localized and/or self-absorbed opinion. Not on this board, but I'd be interested to see where you draw your conclusions from. The marijuana industry is not "blowing up"; even in states where it has been legalized it is having financial problems. And voting in those states and border states has been fairly high in discussion about the legalization. Not that it's likely to be overturned, but to say "no one cares" is an overstatement. I personally couldn't care less if a person who depends on being at peak physical capacity in a sport that includes the top .00000002% of the world's population (to be fair, the top .00004% of the US) wants to take a depressant. But the NFL can't afford to do as you are and assume that your perspective is every one else's view, including advertisers. Why do you think the kneeling for the anthem is such a big deal to the NFL? Same concerns.
  23. "I didn't read it"... Then you go on to comment on what you agreed with and facts vs assumptions list the "4th or 5th thing" was wrong. Either this is top level trolling/humor, or our definitions of reading and then commenting are different.
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