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Everything posted by rastabillz

  1. Here is the latest from theBuffalo News. Ruff said the Sabres don't believe Briere's injury is as serious as Dumont's. "J.P.'s is in that sports hernia category, but Danny's isn't," the coach said. Even so, fears intensify the longer Briere watches from the other side of that glass. Briere hasn't been on the ice since making it through a light workout Saturday in Buffalo. He was too sore to even try skating before Sunday's 3-2 victory over the Washington Capitals. He still felt discomfort Monday. "He's stressing out about it. I'm stressing out about it," Ruff said. "It's trying to find the right answers for him. "We thought he'd be better. We're very concerned now. I thought a couple days rest would help. It didn't."
  2. One of my favorite PG tunes is Here Comes the Flood. I prefer the "accoustic" (piano only) versions on his greatest hits album and the version on Robert Fripps solo album Exposure.
  3. I'll feel even better when Daniel Briere gets back in the lineup.
  4. I agree but Ottawa may the deepest team talent wise and they have the wiley Hasek in net.
  5. Trust me if you are a film buff you won't be dissipointed. Considered by many crticis to be one of 10 or 20 best movies made. Jimmy Stewart is great in this movie.
  6. I thought Cealis(sp) was the official erectile disfunction drug of the NFL.
  7. I am a huge "old" Genesis fan too and wish I could go see the show. There are lots of strong rumours that Genesis with Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett will be reuniting for a tour this year.
  8. You didn't ask me but I would reccomend Alfred Hitchcocks Vertigo.
  9. Phil Specter. Legendary rock producer who is charged with murdering a B movie actress at his mansion last year. This is the photo from his arraignment I believe.
  10. Along those lines, Scotty Bowman won a Stanely Cup with every team he coached or maneged except the Sabres.
  11. No problem. I for one appreciate your positive outlook.
  12. Aj Where in any of my posts did I say I was even entertaining the thought of being a fan of another team? I just stated that the past 5 years have got to me and that my enthusiasm for this version of the team has waned late in this season. Maybe it's a case of the pre holiday blues. I've been a fan through back to back 2-14 years and 10 years in a row of not beating the Dolphins (basically my whole childhood). I was born in 1963 and have a been a diehard fan since I was old enough to understand the game and do not need lectures about circling the wagons. As you stated in your post, in this era teams are suppossed to be able to rebuild much quicker with the cap and free agency. After 5 years in which this team is treading water at best, it's hard not get dissapointed.
  13. I wept openly after reading this post! I agree your sentiment 100% (from a Bills fan of 35+ years).
  14. I think you are painting with too broad a brush. Losing ethusiasm for a team that has been mediocre at best the past 5 years is not being a bandwagon jumper. Back in the pre Super Bowl years when the Biulls sucked even worse than they do today, I was one of the 35,00 idiots sitting in the rain watching the Bills lose.
  15. Now we this to look forward to.
  16. I never understood why they signed him to a 5 year deal. It didn't make sense to me from day 1 why they would give an unproven commodity such a long term deal. Do you really think Ralph will fire MM with 3 years left on his contract? I think your going to be on anti MM train longer than you think...unless Ralph goes for a complete house cleaning and gets rid of TD.
  17. It's sad when you don't even get mad at a loss anymore. The intensity level is going way down for me as well. Today I watched the game and had little emotion or passion. I expected them to lose and they did.
  18. Happy Thanksgiving to all the TBD posters and their families from the rastafarians in NC.
  19. I have not seen this discussed here much but I have always wondered why TD signed Mularkey to a 5 year deal. I always felt that was too long especially considering this was MM first time as head coach.
  20. MM still has 3 years left on his contract It's not Ralphs style to fire someone with that much time left on his contract.
  21. How many chances do you get to pick a head coach? I say after 2 mistakes it's time to go in a different direction.
  22. I'd cast a vote for Lucinda Williams. I'm not a big country fan but I could listen to her music all day.
  23. I love his solo in Dogs too.
  24. Here are several of my favorites: Frank Zappa-Muffin Man and Fifty-fifty SRV-Little Wing Steve Vai-For the Love of God Robin Trower-Daydream Chicago (Terry Kath)- 25 or 6 to 4 David Bowie (Robert Fripp)-Fashion
  25. I remember when the Sabres goalie Roger Crozier lived in the apartment complex a block from my house way back when.
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