My problem with MM is that the 1 win Houston has scored more points than us. Isn't MM suppossed to be an offensive expert?
I will give him complete credit for last years 9-7 record. But that record also includes the last game of the year at home, for all the marbles, against 2nd and third stringers, and we got our a$$ handed to us. It also means he gets credit for this years debacle. How many points have we scored in the second half when the games on the line? Does this look at a team that is giving maximun effort game in and game out? What exactly is our identity after 2 years of MM? Has he handled the QB situation correctly? How about the game plans and game management?
When you add it all up imo, the negatives significantly outweigh the postives.
BTW, Fez you lost me with your logic defending MM regarding the QB situation. Was it not the coaching staff/brian trust who decided to hand JP the job without competition? Do you really think we could afford to keep Bledose on the roster with his high $ contarct? I would have preferred a competion between Holcomb and JP through the mini and training camps but that is water under the bridge now.