CJ seems to be an impressive, charismatic young man. Hard not to root for him. Schoop is a bit of a D bag, I must agree. The adding of 2 wins to his total was a puss move if that is indeed the case.
I hadn't heard that he wasn't a football fan. Anyone care to fill me in on the story there? How the hell did he land that job? Have to say I've only heard the show a handful of times (usually when they get a decent interview). They both tend to be fairly realistic in my limited listening time. Realistic obviously tending toward the negative side of things.
I tend to listen to John Murphy almost every night on the WGR app, mostly due to the multitude of interviews. Granted, the questions are soft and he's really more of a cheerleader than anything. Though I understand that's part of his job considering he works out of OBD. He helps take the edge off things.
Schoop and the Bulldog at least are a bit more unbiased, if not especially entertaining. I'll have to listen more to form a solid opinion but I understand they're not exactly well liked around these parts.
I have to say Capacchio is my favorite on the station. He seems to have some knowledge on the X's and O's, which is otherwise sorely lacking.