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Everything posted by SmokinES3

  1. https://www.change.org/p/espn-remove-espn-com-writer-for-the-buffalo-bills-mike-rodak 2100 signatures isn't terribly shabby thus far... We can only hope they are en route.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if wine is available at the stadium now...
  3. I'm glad I'm not alone. Citi field does it right. It's a heck of a nice stadium to boot. Another win tonight! Let's go Mets!
  4. Probably not, just inconvenient to the Democratic agenda. Why make 20%+ of the paying customers comfortable when you can discriminate. Oddly enough, they never seem to complain when the tax dollars roll in... Thanks for the explanation OP, you just sounded really enthusiastic about it in the initial post and I guess the trend of outdoor gated smoking areas disappearing is a personal pet peeve. I don't want anyone to have to be exposed to my unhealthy habits, but outdoors should be fair game.
  5. Bigger priorities unfortunately... like getting rid of the big bad tobacco. God forbid a designated smoking area or two remain. People do it in the stands? toss em, just like standing all game...
  6. Hating on Rex as an SNY personality, and he's a Syracuse alum who wants to jerk Marrone. F*** him. More like now that we don't suck we're not so lovable.
  7. Plus about 30 million in cap space.
  8. They better retain Irbe.
  9. My brother is in aeronautical engineering there. Excellent school. Congrats to you and especially your son. Ivy league is quite an achievement.
  10. Never was sleeping on EJ... More like hibernating. I sincerely hope you do. That crow would taste fantastic.
  11. To the rest of the country he represents every Polack from WNY... He's an embarrassment IMO.
  12. Narrow entrance that widens into 3 or 4 separate atm lines. They sit there and block the entrance waiting for whichever line opens up first. Amen to that. Match revs perfectly, no need for a clutch unless you're completely stopped.
  13. People who still use checks for anything other than rent, mortgage, large down payments, or gifts. Such as in a grocery store line... Also, businesses that don't accept credit cards but have a fee charging ATM. Hell, if you don't accept credit cards period. Cost of doing business. While we're on the subject, !@#$s who take up 3 ATM lines waiting for the first to open while others are behind them. Then they tend to cash every $5.00 check granny ever gave them for 10 minutes at a drive up. Money on my mind today...
  14. Amen brother. I'm in a very similar situation. It'll come together, just keep working hard and moving forward. I repeat it to myself daily.
  15. Zero upside is a little hyperbolic no?
  16. All i can say, despite injury, if anyone in this league needs a change of scenery worse than RGIII I can't come up with their name.
  17. Was he "not caring about winning" when he went out there with a knee held together with duct tape and dreams and insisted on staying in the game and playing hurt?
  18. I think I'll stick to DD. I prefer it anyway. Starbucks hot has too much caffeine for me. Once in a great while I feel like one of their iced coffee's. Drive thru only though, went in once or twice and way too pretentious for me. I felt they could see right thru me and know I didn't vote for Barry. Awkward...
  19. A disabled spot at that! That 350 needs some bigger wheels and tires like no other. Nice F150 by the OP. Awesome! In Doug we trust!
  20. We are talking about the same Raiders and their sterling record of talent assessment right? That being said, he's done I'm sure. I'd still kick those tires any day based on past performance alone and our distinct lack of talent though.
  21. I think the small town stuff is a great sign as well.
  22. I now want the Bills to sign Clay just to spite this D-bag Kelly.
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