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Everything posted by SmokinES3

  1. Exactly. I kept waiting for the flags and they never came. It was a beautiful thing.
  2. It'll sell...
  3. IBM is effectively gone. 11,000 employees at its peak in the late 80's. Now there's about 150...maybe.Lockheed Martin employs about 2,500. Other than that, manufacturing is dead. All that is left is a few sales and retail jobs, and lots of crime. Binghamton University is the biggest employer in the county. It's sad...
  4. Agreed. The first ep was intriguing. After the second we were hooked.
  5. +1I thanked my parents for it. Once enough women share how they feel about it, you realize you're lucky. Then again, I'm speaking as one man from a limited sample size. Congrats on having a son btw!
  6. Binghamton is exactly the same... It's sad.
  7. Before you start a franchise you can edit and save your own rosters. Editing some attribute ratings was the first thing I did. Make Marqueis a TE, etc...
  8. I would generally agree, though a good one that knocks the starting QB out for 2+ months by a fringe talent is why it's a "thing".
  9. Fair enough. I'm not pretending to know how the process works. Without reading through all the policies, does anyone know off hand if smokeless tobacco is also against policy to have on your person? Fair enough I suppose. Thanks Jay.
  10. Not trying to be a wiseass... but if it comes up at every meeting you'd think that would send some kind of message to the powers that be? Anyway, thanks for asking about our concerns. It's appreciated.
  11. Kill the no tobacco nonsense so we can enjoy our last few years of the Ralph as it was intended. We only need one or two penned in areas and it doesn't interfere with no re-entry. The comfort of 20-25% of the guests is not insignificant IMO. I know not really a question but...
  12. Perhaps it's the Howard Stern effect. Those who hate spend more time reading his articles, waiting anxiously to be offended. It must sell, he still has a job.
  13. 110% agreed.His performance is my only concern. The rest is good for an occasional laugh or scowl. I'm sure he stays up at night worrying about my opinion. As far as the article? Same old Sullivan. God bless him because he seems like a miserable man.
  14. This was my first thought as well. The gasoline fuse technique seems like a no brainer here...
  15. To those of us who were 8-10ish years old those guys were gods. It's a tough transition when you're adult enough to realize one of the star players on "your" team is of VERY questionable character. Social media has also completely changed the game. I understand Mike, and feel very similarly. If he performs on the field, I'll quickly change my tune, as will you I'm sure.
  16. Excellent point about Iupati. I hope the Jet is en route to the Mathis residence.
  17. I know I don't... That being said, the argument is more than reasonable.
  18. That's the best I've heard. I wouldn't be able to part with my change fast enough.
  19. The fanbase has only existed since 2004... What can you expect.
  20. Gorgeous... Spectacular breasts.
  21. Agreed. I remember that over the pick 6. Long TD passes had been sparse up to that point. He's short on talent and his arm strength is poor, but we love his blue collar nature.
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