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Everything posted by SmokinES3

  1. We at least determined Conlan is not a Major league pitcher starting pitcher IMO. That 84 mph weak **** isn't going to cut it, lefty or not... I don't blame him, and I know Oswalt had just pitched, but why is Conlan the best we have to bring up? This team kills me inside a little more every day... Don't even say that please...
  2. Can't see the chest either. Could be a nice bonus
  3. It's true. The catcher especially. You can't have a bottom third of a lineup that is 3 automatic outs...
  4. Alderson said "It was a long time coming." ...No ****
  5. He was my favorite too. I always liked his style even if it rubbed others the wrong way...
  6. Degrom is ok thank god. May not even miss a start.
  7. Why does god hate the Mets... Word on the twittersphere is it was during the AB. Hopefully not serious...
  8. Great touch and placement on that endzone throw.
  9. You sound triggered Joe. Get a grip.
  10. Rosens reaction to the Allen pick and his interview confirmed every negative thing we've heard. The butthurt was palpable.
  11. Great kid. He will develop quickly. Glad we dodged Rosen and his BS.
  12. Just praying for Darnold at this point...
  13. Jeremy loves Rosen's politics also... Wishful thinking hopefully.
  14. I know you are, but what am I! (Am I doing this right?) I can't recall elementary school level insults very vividly...
  15. Sub 2% GDP growth is the "new norm" right? God you just watch #fakenews and believe it... It's fascinating actually. BTW, it was no mistake that prevented 5 counties from determining the outcome of a Presidential election. It's the precise reason we have the electoral college.
  16. No, I don't wish to get into Obama.
  17. So this is the one place in the world where that's actually the case? @Boyst62 You are a Patriot bro.
  18. I truly admire the fact you can still find it within yourself to believe they are capable of something better. I'm not at that juncture yet...
  19. You guys are really light on the memes around here. Let me help...
  20. There are plenty of millenials and gen Z to take their place. They are not vocal, but they are there. I'm one of them. Calling everyone who disagrees with you and has data to prove it a racist is so over done isn't it?
  21. Red pills are a B word.
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