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Posts posted by UBBullsfan

  1. Let's say for the sake of argument, America is being wussified. In some cases, I would agree with you. But do you really think sharing studies on brain injuries and making parents aware of the risks of letting their kids play football is a good example of that? You are aware that seven kids have died playing high school football in the United States this year, right? I guess I'm just a wuss for mentioning that.

    7 kids probably died playing football per year since football was invented. People die playing other sports too. What's your point and what does that have to do with CTE?

  2. That can't be true. Can you please provide some numbers to support this? Did you watch the game yesterday and see the very ordinary/happens almost every play hit that McCoy took to the head? Can you please tell me what sport you believe someone is more likely to a sustain a concussion in than American football? You mentioned cycling earlier? I have rode my bike all summer along, almost every day for years. And I've never worn a helmet once (except for when I go mountain biking). Still not a single concussion if you can believe that. Every non punter and kicker (and now I would start to include QB's in that group) that's ever played professional football for a substantial amount of time has sustained a concussion.


    Of course there were bound to be a handful of geniuses on here that would equate making parents and football players aware of the risks of playing football to the "wussification of America."

    If you think America isn't being wussified, you aren't paying attention. The PC police, safe spaces, etc

  3. No I just want people to be aware. When Roddy White says he totally understands the risks inherent with playing but has made a conscious decision to play anyway, then I'm fine with it. This has nothing to do with my love for football. And I already said I would let my kid play high school football with the assumption that he wouldn't make it any farther. I would not be thrilled if my son turned out to be a guy like Jason Witten.

    Well, Jason Witten is likely set for life if he has invested his money wisely and also players that were in the league at least 5 years or something like that get a 60k per year pension

    Every time a helmet gets hit, the brain shakes inside the skull. Every time. No hemet can prevent that.


    Your brain is not supposed to rattle in its skull over and over.


    Sure you can get contact in soccer (headers are a really bad thing for kids to do and smarter coaches discourage tons of header practice), basketball (head to elbow, head to floor), volleyball (head to ball, floor), hockey (puck, ice, board, helmet)... but football is the only one of these sports (maybe soccer headers to a lesser extent) where you're intentionally getting your head banged, even with smaller hits.


    There are plenty of other sports for kids to play where brain trauma is not built in.

    If brain shaking was the problem, why isn't gymnastics filled with concussions?

    It is a respectable decision to not let your kid play, but by supporting the game you are just screwing over someone else's kid.

  5. Yeah and when is the last time you saw a hockey player knocked as woozy as McCoy was yesterday? Maybe happens a handful of times a year. I watch a s**t ton of hockey. Football has done everything they can to make the game as safe as possible, I agree with you. But the nature of the game dictates that this is an issue that isn't going anywhere.

    You are underestimating technology. In the future they will have virtually concussion-free helmets that utilize nano-technological materials

  6. Dude people have been playing hockey for a long time now. Has there ever been one hockey player ever- not including goons who all they did was fight- to sustain brain trauma after their career was over? Do you really think Maxim Afinogenov is at risk for CTE? Do you have any idea how many football players have brain issues from one extent to another? You're way out of your element on this one. Furthermore, do you really think Richie Incognito's helmet didn't make contact with other guys' helmets yesterday?


    Steve Montador was not a goon. I don't know exactly how many players have CTE, and neither do you. But helmets switched to a gel technology about 10 years ago, and now is transitioning to a micro-air bag technology like Lesean McCoy uses.

  7. No it's not, stop saying that. You clearly have not read anything about this issue. It's not about the one big hit that the safety lays on the receiver going across the middle- which can occur in hockey, even though it doesn't nearly as often and is rarely as violent. What it is about is the constant, repetitive, dull hits that the players in the trenches and the running backs sustain on every play. That doesn't exist in hockey or any other sport outside of boxing.


    I mean seven American kids have DIED playing football this year alone. How many high school hockey players have died playing hockey so far this year?

    You know it's illegal for a lineman to contact another lineman in the head now right? The helmets in football are also 30 times more effective than hockey helmets.

  8. The head injuries' argument in football is pretty baffling. On one of the HBO/ESPN type documentaries, they covered girls tackle football in Utah. They interviewed a doctor against the idea. I'm paraphrasing that he said, helmet contact only hurts you're brain. You're not going to get healthier playing football.


    Argument over, guys. Any kind of head contact is not good for you...whether it's soccer or whatever. Football is a seriously bad sport to play and the damn thing should be illegal for very obvious health reasons.

    There are a multitude of solutions to the health effects. The technology hasn't caught up yet. Also, there is a lag because many of the players that are afflicted with CTE disease played when the equipment and the rules did not even know the disease existed

  9. I agree that Mario is probably gone (as he should be). But I would take an OT in the first round and a DE in the 4th. The future of the NFL is get-the-ball-outta-there quick passing I think, so DE will be less important.

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