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Everything posted by Security

  1. They will have RG3 next year.
  2. Knew from day 1 the Bills would not miss Pettine on defense. This is a huge upgrade thus far, and what I know I bark about and have been for over 10 years, the number one worst thing the Bills have been, besides weak at QB, is a terrible run defense team, which to me, is even worse than the QB play.
  3. RG3, Houston Texans
  4. Not sure what to say. I enjoy all the fine beers, I am on those beers I iisted mostly because it is summer, and I am reminded of Buffalo. I have 100 different beers in my 2 beer fridges at home, I wouldn't say she failed me. I just don't need to spend 8 bucks a beer at a bar, I get Molson and Labatt when I order a bar because I have an abundance of options of high gravity, IPA, Kolsh, Hefes, whatever else I want at home. I will say I have been going through these much slower than I thought. I tend to start out with a few beers but move into Whiskey.
  5. Don't turn the ball over Must get better converting 3rd downs, onlu 33%, that is 25th, we will not win continue to win unless his goes up Must have more even numbers in first downs, we are losing 52-28 in first downs. We will not continue to win with numbers like that
  6. They could just give away don't beat your wife and kids PSAs during the Super Bowl, which will undoubtedly happen now.
  7. I have tried a ridiculous amount of beers, my wife was a craft beer sales person for a distributership for 11 years. When all is said and done, and the hops have settled, I still like Molson Canadian and Labatt the best. Summer beers I like are freaking Mike's Hard Lemonade, Leiny Summer Shandy, and standard Blue Moon. Sweetwater IPA is my IPA of choice. Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome is best winter beer.
  8. Murph also called callers crazy for not thinking Fitzpatrick was not the man too, no credibility at all, he works for the Bills. Pure company man, and he sucks at it too.
  9. Power went out at the Ralph last time the Chargers came to town!!! I remember that awful day, the polybutylene pipes burst in this townhome that owned that I was renting out (which ironically I am now renovating and moving into with me and my wife downsizing homes)!!! I was occupied that day, had to leave the bar to take of that stuff! Bills did win though!
  10. The 2 step drop and throw passes look like Losman, he is not accurate on those short slants, he will get those down though. It is a quick, rushed play to begin with, but somehow rushes it even more. I am extremely happy with his play thus far this year all in all though.
  11. Well, my wife was 30 when I proposed, and even though I am a Yankee, they liked me. I really did not spend a ton of time with them, but they were happy I had a good job, good appearance, good manners, and they met some of my family, and everyone was nice. That made them happy. They could tell I loved my now wife. If they could not tell how much I loved and cared for her, they could tell when my wife was very ill just 3 weeks before our wedding, and even slightly kind of tried to push me away saying I don't have to marry her, and was at the hospital with her for several weeks until she got better. They did not know what was wrong, but we really knew. My wife's mom and 3 aunts all have MS. My now wife was tested for everything, they really do not like diagnosing MS, they need to rule out a stroke, Lyme disease, many other things, all of which drove me crazy because I wanted to get started on the steroids she needed. At one point before the treatment she was slightly paralyzed, and could not walk. Anyway, I kept my strength for her, and she was at home for 1 week and after the 2 weeks at the hospital and we got married as planned. Her parents think I am alright.
  12. Peter King has Bills at 10.
  13. http://www.inquisitr.com/1469483/isis-plans-to-invade-united-states-through-mexico-but-drug-cartels-could-fight-back/ Mexican Drug Cartels will save us!!!!
  14. I have watched my own directTV sunday ticket online before on a plane. Get a friend's Sunday Ticket login and watch.
  15. If the shoe does not fit, you must acquit...
  16. I know, I am just trying to convince myself the Bills will dominate again.
  17. Miami had 103 yards of offense last time they played in Buffalo (week 16 last year). Both teams have only played 2 real games since that game!!
  18. Hipster host is a annoying too. I guess I will watch for a little bit more. Ugh.
  19. I wanted to draft him. He has some skills.
  20. OK, so he is cut. There should really only be a period of a suspension, in reality. He was not arrested. This is his livelihood. It is bad PR for him to be hired by someone, but seriously, it bothers me that some people think he should be cut off from working.
  21. 2015 MLB schedule came out today, that is why, NFL cannot stand to be one upped.
  22. Dude may move to Russia with Edward Snowden.
  23. Defend this global warming people..... http://dailycaller.com/2014/09/08/report-no-global-warming-for-215-months/ The numbers are in and the verdict is that there has been no global warming for 17 years and 11 months, according to satellite data. Satellite data prepared by Lord Christopher Monckton shows there has been no warming trend from October of 1996 to August of 2014 — 215 months. To put this in perspective, kids graduating from high school this year have not lived through any global warming in their lifetimes. Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/09/08/report-no-global-warming-for-215-months/#ixzz3CkbcBzNo
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