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Everything posted by Security

  1. Bills, always thinking doing the same thing will somehow provide you different results. I don't care anymore what people say about Kyle Williams, no one can convince me the Bills would not better replacing him. Kyle Williams is a like a .300 hitter in baseball that drives in 50 runs a year and plays in a power hitting position. He is easily replaceable. Kyle WIlliams is the classic hard to play against, but in reality easy to defend player. Baseball has a stat called WAR, Wins above Replacement, Kyle Williams would be 0. He has no impact and never has.
  2. Hate to say it, but with Kyle Williams in the middle, the Bills will never be able to stop the run. He is too small. Year - rank 2013 - 28 2012-31 2011 - 28 2010- 32 2009 - 30 2008 -22 --> most successful recent year, was 7-9 with a good start, no offense at all, Trent got walloped and the season was over 2007 - 25 2006 - 28 --> Kyle Williams first year, and a continued inability to stop the run 2005 - 31 2004 - 7 --> Bills were 9-7. and coincidentally, not stopping the run against the Steelers cost the most recently successful Bills team a playoff spot I don't care that people think it is a passing league. It is not all that. This is still a stop the run, get a key turnover, and play well on third down league as far as defense goes. There are always some differences, like when your QB throws for almost 60 TDs, that overcomes a lot, but what I say still holds true.
  3. I have posted stuff like this too, and people don't get it. They also played over half their games against all the teams that were deadful running the ball, the absolute worst in the NFL, and the Bills STILL FINISHED 28th AGAINST THE RUN!!! LOOK AT THE RANKINGS OF RUSHING THE BALL WHO WE PLAYED AND WE STILL SUCKED!!!! Don't let the door hit you in he rear, Pettine... Atlanta - 32 Jags - 31 Ravens- 30 Browns- 28 Steelers- 27 Dolphins - 26 Dolphins - 26 Saints -25 Cardinals- 22
  4. Sister is getting on July 12, might have to see if I can somehow score tix and come in an extra day earlier from Atlanta!
  5. Ryan Fitzpatrick is the single worst player for this franchise in their history. No other player has proved to have such a negative effect.
  6. If Sammy Watkins is there you have to take him,
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/nyc-mayor-39-suv-caught-breaking-traffic-laws-234802778.html?vp=1 BUSTED!!!!!! When will the politicians be held accountable at some point? Bill de Blasio just talked about cracking down on this crap.
  8. She's cute enough. I'd have a little fun with her and her girlfriend!
  9. Wow. This is insane to think that way. I am pretty sure you are not married, and likely lean towards like men. A physically powerful man should have no problem limiting the damage on an assault from a woman. You do realize that even a standard fight between two men, if one man is a highly trained MMA type of guy, and he pounds the other guy, even if the other guy starts it, the MMA training guy gets arrested for assault still.
  10. Supposedly she has been arrested too for domestic battery in the Yahoo article. Ummm, yeah..........how is that even possible? http://sports.yahoo.com/news/police-rice-knocked-fiancee-214322042--nfl.html;_ylt=A0LEVysyRAZTwgcAX1FXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0dGVsaGcxBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1NNRTMzOV8x Rice, 27, and Janay Palmer, 26, were spotted on security cameras engaging in a physical struggle. Both were charged with simple assault-domestic violence, and they were released with a summons to appear in court. Rice allegedly is seen on the footage removing Palmer from the elevator while she remained unconscious.
  11. Hahaha. I know. I read up on stuff and already know what is going to happen, but I don't feel bad, I still want to see how it all plays out.
  12. He was decent his rookie season. Not sure how he can be that big of a breakout at this point though. For as good as people thought he was his rookie season he led the entire NFL in committing penalties and led the NFL in Pass Interference penalties.
  13. By no means is it funny, but it is not that easy to listen to. I applaud his effort and passion, but I prefer not to watch. With all the options to get NFL pre game information, it made it easy to change the channel. This is in the Life is not fair category. It was for him to make tons of money playing, but not with his impediment. Imagine how hard it is for regular people without his football ability. Not everybody is meant to do everything.
  14. Cherish the memories. You are needed still now as much as any time when she was alive to help guide your family. You can do it. You can do both. So sorry for your loss.
  15. I am sure I have had a beer within 5 minutes of no matter what time it is in a day.
  16. Pretty substantial Bills backers club in the ATL, billsbackersatl.com
  17. Murderer..........well, somewhat accidental and benficial of Florida law DUI Murderer.
  18. Why not closer to the city? It gets country quick in some places. You would still not be very from a mall or strip mall and stuff, but what is in Tyrone and Fayetteville area?
  19. You mean like he has already done before, at the farm?
  20. I would most certainly do that. I like that option.
  21. Ummm, here we go again........Most of the whole state is on alert, every school district in eery country around Atlanta is already closed on Tuesday and Wednesday! Oh well, maybe this will prove once and for all we need a real work at home policy where I am. Everything could very well be still closed on Thursday too!!
  22. Michonne must have Carl's shoe.
  23. These are the people Islam has to look up to: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/06/taliban-kidnap-military-dog_n_4742786.html The Taliban have released a hostage video, they captured a British military dog. Poor dog.
  24. Friday night and Saturday night games soon to come........ugh. THey must really want us all to get divorced.
  25. Thad Lewis should be a practice squad QB, there is no way he should be a #2 QB on any team in the NFL, he is a turnover machine who cannot hold onto the ball. He has 7 fumbles in 6 games, and he did not even play all of those games. Stafford had the most int he NFL with 12. If Lewis played every game he would have had 20 fumbles,, 75% more than the guy who fumbled the most. He is awful. Get a grip, people. You can't fumble that much and he considered remotely dependable.
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