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Everything posted by Security

  1. Most overrated player in football. He has little to no impact at all. The best the Bills have finished against the run with him is 22nd, and they have finished 28-32 the other 7 years. He guesses a lot (hence he led the league in encroachment penalties 2 years ago) and is out of position on more plays then you think. Should only have ever been a situational and rotational player, he is easily replaceable.
  2. I would do it, it they threw Kyle Williams in the trade up to do it.
  3. I swear Maggie goes of into a British country voice, can't believe they don't edit that better some of the time.
  4. I heard the father said he will jump off a bridge if he loses the lawsuit.
  5. http://mmqb.si.com/2014/03/26/ralph-wilson-buffalo-bills-dies/?eref=sihp Very kind words for Ralph.
  6. All in all you are picking decent areas. At the intersection of 285 and 75 on the north side is where the new Atlanta Braves stadium will be built. I live West of there in Mableton, and I work east of there, I work east of there, in Sandy SPrings/Dunwoody area. My commute blows. It is only less than 15 miles but it can take a long, long time. Part of my problem is I actually live on a road with 2 schools, and it is only 1 lane each way, and it is a cut through road in between 2 highway exits. When the Braves stadium is built, I hope that I no longer live west of the stadium......assuming I still work east of there. I have basically worked in the area I am working in 10 years (3 different companies). You living East, and working East of the new Braves stadium at that point would be a very good thing IMO. Sounds like you would.
  7. I have seen you say this a few times. I think the cost of disposing of this perceived waste separately supersedes whatever it is you are talking in meat not burning well. It is one large bucket.
  8. Alpharetta is one giant intersection of the busiest roads with malls and restaurants and stores and then there are good schools with reasonably priced VERY large homes. Reasonable to the now Atlanta, 175K -mostly 400K, but well above that. It is off of a highway called GA 400. You will fight traffic everywhere in metro Atlanta, aside from Gwinnett where 85 connects with 285, the worst traffic comes in the morning from Alpharetta south into the city, where it passes by Dunwoody, then to Buckhead, then to the downtown area. One good thing is that the MARTA runs this whole route, so if you want you can take the train to any of these areas if you do not want to drive. Me and the wife have no kids, so people like us stay away from Alpharetta, no reason for us to be there. More single people in ROswell, GA just nearby if you have no kids.
  9. http://www.thedailymeal.com/10-countries-where-alcohol-illegal-slideshow 10 countries where alcohol is illegal, take a wild guess where they are and what they subscribe to?
  10. #‎KeepFightingLacey‬ @adorableLacey
  11. OK, cool, compendium likely it will be!!!!
  12. Looking like Islam took the Malaysian plane down to the bottom of the ocean thus far.
  13. Would someone describe the difference in all Walking Dead books and comics? I am confused what the difference is between them. I guess there are comics, and books/novels? There is also a compendium? I am leaning towards getting the compendium, it is like $32 for over 1000 pages and tons of comics, but they are not in color. I do not think I want a whole story, like a novel. THANK YOU!!!! This is the compendium I guess it is a bunch of comics altogether in one book? I read the thing on Amazon and it insinuates it is books 1-8, and perhaps covers comics 1-48? http://www.amazon.com/Walking-Dead-Compendium-One/dp/1607060760/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1395836687&sr=1-4&keywords=walking+dead+books Then, this is Book 1: http://www.amazon.com/Walking-Dead-Book-One/dp/1582406197/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1395836687&sr=1-1&keywords=walking+dead+books Then this is a Book called Rise of the Governor: http://www.amazon.com/Walking-Dead-Rise-Governor/dp/1250008395/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1395836687&sr=1-3&keywords=walking+dead+books Then, this is called Volume 20 --> Perhaps, those called Volumes are the actual Comic books????? it seems that this might be a shorter consolidated list of comics numbered 115-120 http://www.amazon.com/Walking-Dead-20-All-Part/dp/1607068826/ref=sr_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1395836687&sr=1-11&keywords=walking+dead+books
  14. Mike and Mike already did a nice segment on Ralph Wilson and touched upon Kelly as well while I watched this morning before 7 for a bit.
  15. I have plenty of time to grab another beer, take a leak, get more snacks, football is wonderful on TV!!!!
  16. Better to honor by continuing on IMO...
  17. Bills are just joking, they take HaHa and think the joke is on everyone else!
  18. I would live to compare the amount of money spent, I am certain Obama will have spent 100 times that of Bush. Again, dude went to his own house.
  19. I would think they burn what is left of a miscarriage too. Medical safety, I would think the same too. If you are told your baby would have severe birth defects, would you have a funeral for that, whatever you call it? I doubt it. If you are told that the baby will kill you if you have it, that is up to the woman and family. Some still go through with it and they die, and the baby is fine. I would not that think that type of abortion has a funeral either for the fetus. If a woman actually delivers a small baby you have a funeral, that is what the people would want. I personally think we should burn all the dead and you can still have a funeral.
  20. NBA will have corporate logos within 3-5 years on the jerseys
  21. They would make more money if they just opened up a Duff's temp stand outside the stadium at 9 am and let people buy them to tailgate with.
  22. Gotcha......that is better
  23. Not sure I will ever get them there, I think it is a bad idea. We tailgate, I never get any food in the stadium, and I bet most everyone else does too. Plus they are too hard to eat, especially if the weather is bad, a slice of pizza, a hot dog, a pretzel, anything else other than wings. There is no way they will taste any good, like they do when eating them there. Maybe in the suites, that is it. Plus, I don't want to bump into drunk people eating wings and get stuff on me, people will drop chicken bones everywhere.... This is a Mark Cuban thing, too much of a good thing. The Ralph has no additional seating areas to eat like some other stadiums do, where you can actually sit down away from people and eat something like wings.
  24. This is why I said Capitalism meeting abortion earlier. If you did do this, the cost would be passed along to the "consumer", in some way. It would most certainly increase the cost of the "service" you want provided. You could feed them to tigers and lions. Maybe a hindu burial, little wooden floating vessel held together by strings that you set on fire? What do you think about euthanized dogs and cats?
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