I watched on XBMC, and got a good free feed of it....
1. Undertaker was 21-0.............Brock Lesner won, the crowd was stunned, and silent, no one could really believe Lesner won --> did not think this would happen
2. Daniel Bryan defeats HHH, then makes Batista tap out as Orton was not in the rung to become the new champ! --> thought Batista would win
3. Cena defeats Bray Wyatt in a really good match --> Thought Wyatt would win, he looked good though
4. Cesaro wins the Battle Royal, he is like 230 pounds and he body slammed the Big Show who is like 450 over the top rope, man he is strong! ALso had a spot where he threw Kofi Kingston over the top to a perfect landing where his feet hit on top of the stairs and he could remain in the match, well done!
5. AJ Lee wins a decent 20 chick match
Overall, I wish I bought it to watch on TV.