I cannot say I have. I had a drunk white dude try to start a fight with me at the bar, like we all likely have had at some point, but the things I am describing above are completely and intentionally race selective engagement. Have been in some heavy hispanic areas and never been presented with the situations I described.
I am just saying my personal experiences. I am not adding the countless times where black dudes force you into pay for parking protection near bars that used to happen in Buffalo when I grew up. If you did not give them 5 bucks you might have a broken windshield when you come back out to your car. I guess they did not care about race as much as money, but they attempted to intimidate people into paying. The people in downtown Atlanta used to try to strongarm you into gving them a few bucks, but not as much anymore, especially after Hurricane Katrina. It is actually against the law to pan handle here.