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Everything posted by Security

  1. I moved from Buffalo after I graduated college, lived in Fort Lauderdale, Atlanta, Hilton Head, no matter where, I fly back to Buffalo for at least 1 home every year now for 19 years. I am pretty sure I am a bigger Bills fan than most, I am willing to spend close to a $1000 to go to one game after it is all said and done. I go to other Bills games too, and have Sunday Ticket. The highest the Bills have been against the run with Kyle Williams is 22nd. THis is not made up. You looked at something wrong, in 2009, the Bills were 3rd...........3rd last in the NFL against the run. The Bills have never been remotely close to dominant with Kyle Williams, they have been well below average to borderline pathetic, and mostly just pathetic at stopping the run. http://sports.yahoo....d_group=Defense
  2. I will have to find that post, I will take a look. I do think most players are clueless though and I think a lot coaches play games with what they say.
  3. I bet some NFL players can't read. They vote on what they hear, and they hear Kyle Williams plays hard, and coaches like him. The true education level of NFL players has a mean average that is in high school. Lots of dumb dumbs. You know Belichek likes Kyle Williams? Because he is very easy to beat. Hard to play against, but easy to beat, they love having Kyle Williams on the field, a completely undersized DT. Belichek is smart, he likes a lot of guys like Kyle Williams, he wants teams to keep those massively overrated players, they easy to beat. To say the players vote him means very little to me. Be logical. Why is Kyle Williams good? Without him would the Bills be 0-16 every year? THey suck whether he plays or not, and he has no impact at all.
  4. Northern team that needs to stop the run to win, and they never have been since he has been here, he is too small and he has held the Bills back. Best they ever finished with him is 22nd, and they are between 28-32 in the other years, they would do about the same with any other NFL player on the field.
  5. Kyle WIlliams is the most overrated player in the NFL. He has been a part of a crap defense that cannot stop the run since he has been here and he adds no additional value whether he play or not. He has had no impact at all in his 8 years.
  6. No such facebook page as Help Bring Baxter Home as the article states. If it is true , she is a See you next tuesday
  7. Have just about caught up, so funny. He acts his own part so well. Loved the beginning new parts about the storm. Everyone is dead from here to here (well not in those exact words). Fire is hot.
  8. Worst decision in Bills franchise history, and it is a long history. Fitz is a terrible, dreadful NFL player. It is gross that people think he is worthy of starting.
  9. Ha, that was actually my first thought when I saw when the next one was.
  10. ERs will be busy! My lovely wife told me this, this morning. I believed her, just wanted a link! Friday the 13th and a full moon on the same day! Watch out! Last time this happened was October, 2000, and the next time will be in 35 years, August, 2049!! http://news.yahoo.com/spooky-honey-moon-casts-glow-friday-13th-photos-150941816.html;_ylt=A0LEVzEZPptTSlAAhQJXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--
  11. Who else is getting a tramp stamp USA flag if USA wins the World Cup? ha
  12. A little boring, their gear does not match their sound.
  13. Then take the Maid of the Mist and then jump.
  14. Thad is a turnover machine, even more than Fitz, would have ran away with the league lead in fumbles and fumbles lost if he played more.
  15. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
  16. Golisano marries Monica Seles! he is 72, she is 40! She is a orginal ball striking grunter! I actually had a crush on her a long time ago!
  17. Seriously, if I was not married....
  18. Dude will drop 50K easy on a bar tab being a big shot one night!!
  19. Heck, I would give him a shot. He is better than Thad Lewis and Tuel.
  20. Maybe Dareus was driving so fast so he could be on time since he was benched last year for being late?
  21. http://news.yahoo.com/shinseki-resigns-amid-veterans-health-care-uproar-154032308--politics.html Shinseki resigns! Obama accepts with considerable regret!
  22. Would have to be Caddyshack, if there was one to pick.
  23. Hanging with the Seahawks, Cooperstown, and makin money makin money!!!
  24. Try to lick your balls everytime you want to take a drag of a smoke. You will not reach, and eventually be bored with that and likely would have quit smoking.
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