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Everything posted by Security

  1. She was high? Forgot the direction to Colorado? Obviously does not have a job?
  2. http://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/exchange/daily-converter/ Summary: On 30 July 2014, 1,300,000,000.00 Canadian Dollar(s) = 1,191,676,597.30 U.S. dollar(s), at an exchange rate of 0.9167 (using nominal rate).
  3. I think at one point cigarettes were considered cool too, and that has to be health benefit!! haha. Just like pot is being considered cool now.
  4. Drugs are bad. Ask Philip Seymour Hoffman. As long as you don't have spoiled brat kids, you can justify leaving your children no money and getting wasted still. Turns out that guy was a complete F'ing douche,, beiing a spoiled brat little kid getting wasted and leaving his kids nothing.
  5. Smoked in front of cops in San Fran before about a year ago, they just said go around the corner in the alley.
  6. Second one on the left might be a dude!!!
  7. If they were kidnapped first, that is the straw that breaks the vagina. #bringbackourgirlsvaginas
  8. Inequality of pay is just a lie, the work done is not the same, and if you can hire women and pay them less, why in the world would you just not hire women? They smell better, they look better, they are easy to take advantage of, and you can pay them less.
  9. Haha, Just because you cannot accept that pot makes dumb? It most certainly does. I have smoked enough of it to know. I also know that almost everyone who smokes pot thinks it is OK to drive too. Most everyone I know even as an adult will drive high and regularly do. It is dangerous to add even more drivers in altered states in the road. There are documented studies where teenagers think absolutely nothing at all about driving stoned as well.
  10. Bills beat the LA Raiders 51-3 in the AFC Championship game. They think they are invincible. Everyone does. They go out partying and do not take the Super Bowl time as serious as they should and they have a pushover crap coach who cannot keep them in check either. That pure domination of a game contributed to the reckless behavior that was displayed. Maybe if they grinded out a win, the Bills would have beat the Giants? This is a bad, bad turnout for this game.
  11. I only go as far as saving a french fry in my flavor saver beard.
  12. Reason number 19827373 to not legalize pot. http://news.yahoo.com/legalizing-pot-not-spurred-among-u-teens-study-140618382.html Like 40 percent of teens can get pot. Umm, I thought it was illegal?!?!? Seriously, this is a way to "weed" out the idiots.
  13. Decided how I will change my life in a few years.
  14. This is the biggest farce in this discussion. Pot is not even a harsh crime by any measure, and only dumb dumbs get arrested for weed. It is part of natural selection. It is an absolute lie to say the cartels would be hurt. Anyone who says that has absolutely no understanding at all of the brutality that goes on there. You cut a lifeline of theirs, and they will become even more brutal. The violence will increase as they look to alternate ways to make money. Weed is harmless. Then think about all the pot that cycles through gangs in the USA. You think these people will get normal jobs now that they can't sell weed? They will be selling weed still on the black market, anyone who says otherwise is clueless. Also, they will be selling other drugs, drugs that we would prefer kids not to have. You will see an increase in other crimes when you legalize drugs.
  15. Need to go down on some Italian chick with an 80's haircut to top it all off (if you are not married, if you are awful lap dance at bad Buffalo strip club)
  16. Well, I still have no problem with arresting people for weed. They don't walk around asking people if they are high. People smell like weed, they are smoking it in public, I still don't get how people get arrested for it, buying it, smoking it, it is not hard to do and smoke at your house. I don't go the woods to drink and I don't go the woods to smoke weed either. I would get arrested if I smoked cigarettes in certain places too. This breakdown is still not honest in describing what actually happened, how and where, and no one, I mean no one, unless you have a been arrested many times before, goes to jail for possession of pot, it just does not happen.
  17. There are issues in the management of public safety and underage drinking and health issues with drinking alcohol, and health issues, same with tobacco. Opening the door for it to be legalized because alcohol and tobacco are? The opening statement says it is far less dangerous and then says later on that there is an honest discussion about it. Which is it?. Also another reason in that article states that it hurts the adolescent brain, so that is why they will make the legal age 21.....HAHAHAHAHAHA, yep, that makes it better. Making it legal makes it even easier for EVERYONE to get, including all those under 21. This has to be worst article I have ever seen to try and defend it. Not to mention mention any article that states marijuana arrests without stating those arrested for marijuana ONLY is just bunk. Of those 650K arrests, I bet 5% or less are just for weed only, there is sales, driving under the influence, many other crimes in addition to having weed. Second article says let states decide. That is what is happening, even though the feds say it is illegal. But I do like Bob In Mich, he is a very thoughtful fellow, and I hope you had a nice weekend.
  18. Like I said earlier, trade Spiller if the Bills are 2-5, and the team is actually healthy and losing. I would trade any player on this team if the Bills are 2-5 and healthy and losing, Whaley would be gone, and we would need the draft picks.
  19. I agree, but if we are out of it, trade him if there is time. If the Bills are healthy, and 2-5, trade him.
  20. Don't they alll trades up until like game 8?
  21. Draft picks. Maybe a DL if they had someone we wanted.
  22. Can't wait. Watched the first one 3 times. DVR is set. Might even make popcorn. I might invent a drinking game it, first meeting is not until 11:30! Drink for every shark killed? Drink for every hammerhead?
  23. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/tyson-foods-shut-three-factories-cut-950-jobs-163651985--finance.html Looks like Tyson is closing 3 plants, 1 is in Buffalo. 300 people. Looks like this plant was cited by OSHA recently. Best wishes for these people and their families.
  24. Wow, legalize drugs and they will come, who knew? http://news.yahoo.com/pot-seen-reason-rise-denver-homeless-175115981.html Rise on homelessness of young people in Colorado. Horrible idea to legalize weed.
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