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Everything posted by Security

  1. I have seen the with one with Anne Coulter
  2. Go to bed early with the wife, watch some stupid TV, and the 2 dogs jump up for the some pats. Buy a real good bed. I have insomnia, but I am very comfortable, anyway.
  3. http://www.caintv.com/seven-ways-pot-legalization-ha 1. The majority of DUI drug arrests involve marijuana and 25 to 40 percent were marijuana alone. 2. In 2012, 10.47 percent of Colorado youth ages 12 to 17 were considered current marijuana users compared to 7.55 percent nationally. Colorado ranked fourth in the nation, and was 39 percent higher than the national average. 3. Drug-related student suspensions/expulsions increased 32 percent from school years 2008-09 through 2012-13, the vast majority were for marijuana violations. 4. In 2012, 26.81 percent of college age students were considered current marijuana users compared to 18.89 percent nationally, which ranks Colorado third in the nation and 42 percent above the national average. 5. In 2013, 48.4 percent of Denver adult arrestees tested positive for marijuana, which is a 16 percent increase from 2008. 6. From 2011 through 2013 there was a 57 percent increase in marijuana-related emergency room visits. 7. Hospitalizations related to marijuana has increased 82 percent since 2008. Legal marijuana means more people smoking marijuana (especially kids), which means more problems in the realms of crime, public health, driving hazards, school discipline. One of the most idiotic arguments in favor of pot legalization is that it "takes the crime out of it." It does no such thing. It creates so much undisciplined behavior on the part of people who are not the sharpest tools in the drawer to begin with, the result is far more overall criminal behavior, even if possession of pot itself is not something to be prosecuted. About that: If legalization is not supposed to lead to a rise in teens smoking pot, then how do you explain drug-related suspensions and expulsions up 32 percent in four years? Because it obviously does lead to more teens doing it. There is no way it could be otherwise. Any time you remove the sanction from a behavior, you get more of that behavior. More adults able to acquire pot legally means more people for teens to get it from. Come on. Don't be a moron. Use your brain for once, if you still have any of it left. And stop with the idiocy about how "the war on drugs failed" because it didn't result in fewer people doing drugs. Name one other criminal law that's judged in that way. Rapists are still at it. Anti-rape laws have failed! Are you really that stupid? The purpose of a criminal law is to impose a sanction on those who commit the crime, and to protect society from those same people. If more people are using drugs, the law hasn't failed. Those people have failed. And now we're seeing some of the social costs of changing the law to accommodate their failures.
  4. I would say yes to both. THey will still try and say he did not do his job right, and why did he shoot him 6 times. People like Michael Brown to me actually reinforce why you need to be in decent shape to be a cop, and of decent size too. No women should be cops.
  5. .001% --> same amount as times cops shoot people, it is even way less than that 99.9%--> Gives Holder and team a chance to continue to neglect policing themselves and take heat off of Obama too
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/heavy-pot-teen-years-may-predict-later-life-183940372.html heavy pot use means you are more likely to be on disability. I bet this is actually that you are just a lazy piece of crap. Study cannot prove pot, or anything really causes disabilities, but still, pot is not good for most people.
  7. Draw your name with urine in the snow challenge
  8. Bomb them with bacon fat.
  9. The ALS ice bucket is a great cause, not poo pooing. it, but like 30K people have ALS in the USA. There are over 1 million homeless children in high school. Over 16 million households struggle to put food on the table, The education system sucks. Sorry ALS. I hope I do not get it, but there are way more prevalent things than ALS.
  10. Alcohol and pot are NOT the same. I like both. Your rarely get a little high. I can have a few beers. 2-3, just like the taste with dinner. No buzz. You take one or 2 hits, you are stoned. There is no just a little, you are stoned.
  11. Maybe Bills can trade for Tarvaris Jackson......AGAIN was phenominal last year in preseason.
  12. I mostly see white people get into fights with each other. I have only been in one adult fight, this guy was trying to force this girl, mostly verbally, to go home with him, he was drunk, and she was scared of him and did not want to go. i was scared of him, he was 6'4" and like 250 pounds and obviously spenty lots of time at the gym. I told him to "please" just go home, and he did not like that and swung at me, and we fought, not a good fight, but at least I totally did not get my ass handed to me until lots of people broke it up (actually mini brawl with lots of drunk people ensued, and somehow no one was in the hospital). As far as black people, personally in my life: my mother's black boyfriend broke into our apartment (and I was not home and smacked my mom around) and went to jail I was attacked by 12 black people who beat the crap out of me as I walked from the downtown Buffalo bus station to the subway, they took all my possessions I had on me. THey called me whote boy, cracker, told me they were going to kill me, I had glasses on and they were knocked off, I was just about blind, I was never more scared in my life. They were animals. One thing they took was my college bookbag that had all my studies for the semester, this was thanksgiving break, I got no credits that semester, this was floppy disk time. I was in the hospital, not terribly beat up, but had my pride taken, and to this day groups of people actually still intimidate me, no matter what color. Cost me an extra 6 months of my life and another 10K I had to pay for that extra semester of college. About 12 years ago at the Boulevard mall on Christmas eve, a young black kid popped out the bushes and punshed me in the face and yelled I got you white boy. I never fell but it startled me, my friend immediately chased this kid, but he had a car waiting for him, and was in it and gone. This was basically the knockout game. I never saw him, I was holding Christmas presents in both hands and had no opportunity to defend myself. The black folks in downtown Atlanta constantly try to intimidate you into giving them money. I remember going out in Buffalo 20 years ago, that constantly happened, trying to strongarm people into giving them money to "watch" your car. Went to music Midtown in Atlanta. Granted this were likely homeless guys, but they were following me and my wife and saying white people don't belong here and then walkd in front of us only to stop and make us walk into the back of them. just last week a group of young, black 20 somethings broke into my car. I saw them, it was overnight. I have insomnia. Turns out they actually got 10 other cars in my neighborhood too and the neighborhood next door. They have not caught these guys yet, but I had a nice paver brick through my driver side back window. It was 4:30 AM, I am usually drunk and passed out but I was down for a snack and heard them. It was dark out, but they were young black men. Now I will use the I have lots of black friends card, because I do. I know it was only THOSE turds that are bad, but just like I say about Muslims, there is crappy leadership, and no one steps up to condem that actions, OF MANY, so it gives ALL a bad name. Most all of my worst moments in my life were because of random black men.
  13. WTF is on the mind of these women? Seems to be way more women doing this.
  14. Stuel should be his name.
  15. I would just go get Kyle Orton to start,
  16. Vegas has him as the #2 highest in odds to be fired right now.
  17. Hahaha, CBS News, Obama will be talking about Ferguson, Iraq
  18. Poor people are always taken advantage of. I lean more to the right, somewhat Libertarian/Republican, but the price gauging is just plain wrong. Young people are poor people get way higher interest rates on things. I understand there is more risk, but the concept of credit scoring kills poor people. Gas prices are crazy higher, I mean 40 cents higher in poor neighborhoods. I can drive 6 miles from my house and be in a really poor and run down area, I doubt one white person lives there, and they charge 40 cents more per a gallon of gas. These buy your title back and cash checking places really do more harm then good. Some people just are not that smart, and like Kareem stated, some are just money desperate, and it is brutal that they are taken advantage. I understand that personal responsibility is what I would preach in most everything, and people often put themselves, and their children in these positions, but there can be some systematic changes to help people.
  19. I would have taken a piss on her car
  20. Waiting to get the name so Spike Lee can tweet it.
  21. WTF is wrong with these teachers.
  22. Haha. Forced motor boating. Love it.
  23. This should not offend anyone. Unless they are suffering from being a turd too. Depression can come at any time in life. It can be brought on my envioronmental factors, has to be, at least for how it is being discussed today. Prolonged stress can beat a person up. You need to find some ways to reduce your stress before you find yourself in some sort of vicious cycle or you begin to take to take your stress out on others you love. This is actually something everyone does, depressed or not. Everyone needs ways to cope with stress. Fear of anything (failure mostly), isolationism, lack of confidence, there are so many things that lead to depression. I think people being told they are a victim about everything allows people to feel sorry for themselves, and this is a terrible thing, and it is why manty like yourself might even ask this question, am I actually suffering from depression? Most people need to look in the mirror and say today I will do better than yesterday and find a way to give life better purpose and move on.
  24. Haven't had time to read all through, but heard a sports talk guy talk about that if Stewert were trying to do a Maverick type of drive by like Cruise did in Top Gun, then it was premeditated, and even if it was an accident at that point, his choice to come that close on purpose caused the death here and there should be charges. Stewert could have been trying to only throw some dirt on this kid and it just went bad.
  25. Hey, it is how I dealt with it. I would say booze is better than killing yourself, wouldn't you? I understand it is a sickness, I have seen Psychologists first when I was like 8 years old and it was not long after that I was pushed to drug side and saw Psychiatrists. I never slept a lick through my single digits, and with parents divocing young and being pretty smart and quirkey ans not answering their personality tests to how they liked, I had some traits of what school shrinks and then some outside of school thought was mental illnes. I think I would have been better off never taking the crap they gave me when I was young, but as a young adult when I was lost and had no idea what I wanted to do, the medication I was on kept the sadness away, but also eliminated the happiness I could attain. I think the meds helped me get through my early work career. One thing that made me lose the self pity and do desctructive things that depressed do, was to try and find small goals. Exercising a lot, trying to be the best I could at work, traveling, talking to friends a lot, being as busy as I could. I weened off the pills and I was able to actually attain the highs I was missing while on meds, but was better capable to deal with the lows. One other thing I realized that I wanted was to not have to struggle financially, so I busted my ass too. Alcohol without a doubt has been a crutch for me. I have chronic insomnia, and every doctor tried to tell me because of that I must be depressed and wanted me to take more pills. Alcohol by far is the best sleeping medication I ever used, part because I can have 10 beers and 5 shots and have no hangover. Certain medication I was given made me see cross eyed at a computer screen until 1 PM everyday and made me struggle to drive to work in the morning, gave me wicked after affects. I have been told by some shrinks that the drinking is OK if I can keep it in check too, and some that I should go to rehab yesterday even though I perfectly functional everyday at work. I have grown out the drinking too as I go older and have gained more confidence throughout my life. What is funny as I have reduced my exercise, I actually sleep a little now in my early 40s. I slept less than 20 hours a week in my 20s. If I see a shrink today, and I did 1 year ago, they still want me to go to alcohol rehab. I likely am a functional alcoholic at this point, but it evolved from severe depression, or at least being told I was bipolar and manic depressive when I was 8. In any event, I think people have a chance to influence their life, being depressed is not a death sentence. The victimization of certain things is promoted too, calling everything a disease and a disorder, telling people they are constantly being bullied, life is about being a victim and nothing is your fault. I refuse to fully accept it. I lived it, and I do live it. I live my life being on the phone between 2 and 5 am talking to friends who have went off the deep end now still to this day. Suicide is not an adult thing to do in my opinion. Does not make me have less feeling for Williams' famly, make me a jerk, make me look like I must not have known anyone who committed suicide, it is my opinion.
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