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Everything posted by Security

  1. They still have a double murderer statue out front of the stadium they moved to by screwing Cleveland over, questionable franchise.
  2. McKelvin had 13 solo tackles. He was on an island and played well.
  3. Just young, naive, from a not so smart family, she is not so smart, has a drinking problem, and thinks there should be no money, power or religion. She basically called the first official booze party of the this fake "new" world, and in essence caused the one dude to be douchy after he drank too much (although he was douchy before, now he was drunk and douchy which "scared" the women, hahahaha). Turns out she cannot hold her booze, she was puking so bad the next day that EMTs from "outside" world had to take her away and give her an IV. She should have booted off the show.
  4. The rush defense was the key. Pettine never figured out the run. Heck, Pittsburgh had 127 and averaged 4.5 a carry yesterday.
  5. It was disappointing. "Huntress Hex" and "Preacher John" and "Excon Dave", "Survivalist Cathy" or whatever her name was (no way that blond lady is married, she is a nut job), they should not even have told the viewers what the prior life story was for any of the people. They are doing a poor job of "playing house". There is no way you can pull this show off when there is just a gate to walk out of. There are no real repercussions, I mean, really, they will ban you? In real life there would be some physical beat downs, and the need for weapons. I will give it a little bit more. Not sure how they vetted these people, There are some crazy people here. Anyone agreeing to do this is crazy.
  6. These are good choices. Carpenter is clutch, and Schmidt had a solid effort. EJ was, well, EJ, solid enough to not kill us, and maybe he can build on this. Dumb penalty by Spikes, hope he does not do that often. However, I liked what I saw of him on the field, heck, I already want the Bills to sign him for next year. He should be up in the running. Not sure how Leodis McKelvin is not in the running. 13 solo tackles? Eric Berry had 14 solo, no one else had more solo tackles in week 1 thus far.
  7. My question to those who were loosely defending Rice before, WTF did you expect? This was exactly what I thought happened from the start.
  8. I like they have the Browns having a tie. Blah. 10-6 would be great.
  9. EJ can look great against 2nd stringers again.
  10. Am I really the one person who voted Not Fout? Geesh.
  11. If you time your nail clippings with loud chewing of ice then no one would even know.
  12. Whatever, GOP has and always has been the driving force behind equality, and it has to do with ecomics. Democrats like to say all our racists joined your racists. This is absolute hogwash.
  13. Matt Damon used toilet water for his ALS challenge because 800 million people do not have clean water. I understand the point, but kind of dumb, it's not like he did not go take a shower after that. He used even more water then.
  14. No, I think the laws need to change to adversely affect companies trying to do this.......not saying they should. Something, has to happen. Lower the crap here!
  15. Haha. Whose idea is this crap? The same people that want no ID for voting?
  16. Has to be virually everyone. You smoke weed to be high. That is it. I have the same view of beer, really. Although I can have 2 or 3 on occasion, most of the time I have 10-12 and a few shots and just hammered. I view alcohol as when I am drinking it, there is a purpose with it, to get a buzz.
  17. I would sign Orton or Freemand and let them start,
  18. He fumbled at near twice the rate of the league leader in fumbles, turnovers are the most important part of playing QB, this is without a doubt a drop off.
  19. Just trying to save the corporate tax money,.
  20. Thad was dreadful last year, anyone who thought he played well is a nut case. Thad played in 6 games, started 5. He had 7 fumbles. League leader was 12. If Thad started every game he would have been over 20 fubles, he woudl have been close to doubling the league leader in fumbles last year.
  21. Basically this is what Bill O'Reilly says and gets slammed for it. He had Andrew Young on one time, and he said some interesting things. Blacks used to married at a higher rate than whites. When the housing units all went in, there was discouraging policies put in place that actually drove black families apart. Here is some of that interview: "The government and the welfare state," Young theorized, "stopped young mothers from living with their mothers, which separated children from their grandparents by government policy. Also, you couldn't get any benefits for children if you had a man in the house. This is also the effect of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of segregation." Young actually praised some aspects of the rap culture. "These kids express their violence harmonically and make money on it. They're migrating into starting businesses and making their own films." The Factor agreed with Young's point about family disintegration, saying, "There's a culture among African Americans that is accepting of the fact that fathers abandon their children."
  22. 20 something NFL player has no idea that you can get a pot DUI?!?!? https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/steelers--le-veon-bell-didn-t-know-he-could-get-dui--for-being-high-160013403.html So, I imagine that kids do not know, care or think much of it too.
  23. Just had good friends of mone call me a Debbie Downer because I said although I did do the ice bucket and I did donate, that I think it is better to donate to Feed the hungry, or some organization like that, there is 1 million homeless high school students, there are 16 million hungry kids, who knows maybe one of those kids will cure ALS and never get a chance to, we are not taking advanatage of human capital. I also said that it is my belief that if all these people donate to one charity, that it cannibalizes funds for others, there is a fixed amount of money most people donate. Basically got poo pooed, and like I said, called a Debbie Downer tried to put words in my mouth, like saying you should only donate to one place, and that I did not care about ALS. This social phenomenon and things like this make smart people act dumb.
  24. Is there really a war on young black men, perpetuated by non black people? Black leaders like to talk about the number of people in prison, and who are shot by the police, but refuse to talk about the fact that they actually do commit half the crimes and are 13% of the population.
  25. They picked a good guy to waste their lives for. THey will be on drugs soon enough if they already are not.
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