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Everything posted by LB3

  1. Sarah McGonagall @sarahmcgbeauty I saw this news article about Brad Pitt and now I can't stop thinking about it. 10:14 AM · Jul 26, 2018
  2. A push to normalize this sickness was predicted. I think this article may have been posted months back in another thread but it fits here. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2018/03/05/facebook-asked-users-if-pedophiles-should-able-ask-kids-sexual-pictures/395535002/
  3. Said while eating one of your own for having rational independent thoughts.
  4. Many generations from now, this will be seen as the beginning of the march towards world peace. Soon random half naked Goldblum statues will pop up all over the world. I've always believed it would be the Wyld Stallyn's that united everyone, but I guess The Fly will do.
  5. "Policy differences don't matter right now." Ummm...wut?
  6. Trump address today: "I think the summit with Putin went very well. He's a very strong leader. Maybe I'll golf with him sometime at beautiful Mar a Lago. Our goal is to strive for peace. This does not mean that we do not take interference in our election process seriously, despite what the haters and losers tell you. By the way. Anyone see Melania catch the ball. Great hands. I should know. I have great big hands too."
  7. Yesterday was bad optics for Trump. There was bipartisan condemnation. The left was given a layup and they bricked it by going batshit. They couldn't just let him screw up. They had to exaggerate so much that sane people end up annoyed at them too. This is how they get more Trump.
  8. I wonder if it has to do with Page. The outrage by the left is so high right now, I could see rioting if RR got canned.
  9. Stephen Miller @redsteeze That's how you know this is hyperbole and hysterics. Because they will all tell you this is Peral Harbor and 9/11 but then ask them how to respond and they say "sanctions" We didn't respond to Pearl Harbor with sanctions. So either advocate bombing the **** out of Moscow or STFU 10:35 AM · Jul 17, 2018
  10. It's scary how many people outsource their thinking. Then again, it might be even scarier to see the result of them thinking for themselves.
  11. You don't have to be offended to point out that the jokes are just tired. Comedy is supposed to be funny.
  12. That's the sad part about the hysteria over the border issue. This is one of the most noble things this administration could do and it's being labeled as child abuse by people who don't know better. Which is pretty much anyone who watches the news.
  13. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5946471/amp/DOJ-adults-separated-kids-border-murderers-child-abusers-kidnappers.html?__twitter_impression=true
  14. That happened in December 2016. Aholes existed before Trump, and they'll exist after.
  15. Kneeling is a lifetime ban? I didn't know that. Someone needs to show this picture to Goodell. The division is ours with a large chunk of the Patriots banned.
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